(no subject)

Feb 10, 2007 10:59

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Traitors in the Mist' / Wednesday, 8th March 2006 / 8:17 PM.
Location: Hufflepuff Common Room
Open To: Hanna
Currently Involving: Charlie

He had made his decision!

After days of thinking, Charlie realized there was absolutely nothing stopping him and Hanna from… giving something else a try. Charlie thought Hanna was perfect- smart, brave, pretty, funny, and she was willing to yell at him.

Of course, that quick kiss in the hospital wing sped this whole process along. Charlie had always been the type of bloke to think the kiss would tell him all he needed to know about a girl. Even though Hanna only brushed her lips over his for a second, it was enough.

Some of the best relationships started from friendships. And hey, if this didn’t work out? Charlie was confident he and Hanna would still be friends. He already loved her, after all, it was just a matter of allowing himself to do so in a different way. He knew Hanna had struggled with that, fancying him and all, but it gave Charlie hope. They’d be… awkward, he knew that, but… Merlin, he wanted another kiss.

Plus, after days without seeing her that often? Charlie had realized he missed Hanna far more than he would a normal friend. He wanted her to climb back onto his bed and run her fingers like she had a few days before, he wanted to steal candy from her pocket while resting his head on her shoulder. He wanted to ask for that date, this time seriously. And again, he wanted to kiss her. Badly.

Now, Charles Kerrigan was a man on a mission.

He’d been released from the hospital wing just minutes before. He tried running to find her, but that… didn’t work. Charlie’s head still pounded when he moved too quickly, and he was still a bit worried his brain was going to slip out his nose, or something.

Finally, he was at the door to the common room.

Charlie smoothed his jeans down nervously and unzipped his burgundy sweater to pull his t-shirt down a bit. One hand went through his hair nervously, and he said the password.

He was in.

After looking around for a few moments, he spotted Hanna on the couch. At least, it looked like Hanna. It was a very blonde head, from his point of view, but he assumed that very blonde head was her. He could do this!

Charlie crossed to the other side of the couch, squatting down in front of her. Carefully, he pulled Hanna’s glasses off, face expressionless. Inside, of course, his stomach was jumping into places it shouldn’t be, and his heartbeat was a bit too rapid for his liking. It only got worse when he plucked her quill from his hand, reaching up to tuck Hanna’s hair behind her ear.

And then, Charlie kissed her. Moving onto the couch beside her, Charlie held Hanna’s face in his hands, tilting her head towards him a little.

Yeah, the kiss told everything.


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