Week Name/Date/Time: ‘Picking Up the Pieces’ / Monday, 13th February 2006 / 7:49AM
Location: Entrance Hall, moving towards the Hospital Wing
Open To: Dorian
Currently Involving: Adriana
"--And you're also a bloody nutter if you assume that RUBBISH!" was what Adriana was hollering towards the Hufflepuff table as Dorian was finally able to push her from the Great Hall. She honestly had no idea why he was being so bloody persistent about leaving now, she was perfectly fine and having breakfast!
Wait, why did she have to leave the Great Hall again? Something about...
"Really, Mr. Grace, I do not need to go to the hospital wing!" she insisted for the third time, frankly starting to get a little annoyed. Taking a few steps to the side, Adriana spun back around (totally not helping with her dizzyness) to face Dorian. Scrunching her nose up slightly, she narrowed her eyes and reached out with her index finger, poking him in the shoulder. "I feel quite fine; in fact, rather well-rested."