
Aug 01, 2006 12:19

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Settling Down' / Tuesday, November 22 / 9:25 AM
Location: Gryffindor Common Room
Open To: Rory.. I mean Lexi
Currently Involving: Isaac

It was especially quiet in the common room today, yet it was perfect for Isaac to draw and think. The only thing he could end up thinking about was Astrid and the incident between them, so ( Read more... )

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lexi_winchester August 1 2006, 22:57:50 UTC
It had been a fairly quiet week so far for Lexi, and it was a nice change. Although the Ministry trip last week in itself was quite interesting, the entire thing was spoiled with Emmy getting captured and all. She didn't trust Preston's father -- for that main reason, he was Preston's father! Lexi trusted him as much as she did Malfoy. Things around the castle gladly returned to normal (for Hogwarts, which is rare) as Emmy has been back for a few days.

Heading to her morning study hall, Lexi soon realized that her bookbag was lacking her notebook. Lot of good that will do her! Sighing, she ran softly back to the common room to zoom in and out quickly. Or so was the initial plan.

At first she didn't see anyone as she stepped through the portrait hole and made her way in. Absentmindedly humming a muggle song under her breath, Lexi jogged over to the fireplace and swooped down over one of the arm chairs, snatching up her missing notebook. In a rather ungraceful move, she swerved her body quickly and turned back the opposite way, only to be face to face with Isaac Williamsworth. She bumped into his legs softly, cringing at almost falling directly over them. Bugger. Lexi was glad with her most current plan of mostly avoiding Isaac... but this situation made it a bit more difficult to just say a quick hello then run off.

Turning to look at the seventh year, she gave him a slightly uncomfortable smile. "Hi."


isaac_w August 2 2006, 16:33:21 UTC
His gaze and thought process of concentration had now been broken after the whole commotion. Isaac lifted his eyes up and found Lexi Winchester to be there. How rather awkward this very moment was, and uncomfortable indeed. He quickly closed his portfolio out of reaction, because he never wanted anyone to see what he had inside, though Astrid being the main exception, especially Lexi Winchester because it held all his thoughts and feelings within it, and then he tucked it away safely as she spoke to him and looked up at him with a smile.

Isaac moved his legs so she could get up, and extending his hand to help her up gentlemanly, as he smiled but not so much as uncomfortable as the one Lexi was giving him "You alright? That was a beautiful fall." No matter what history had lay between the two of them, Isaac wanted to make it his duty to be kind. The past was past now as they had agreed in the previous year, so why all the awkwardness now? Isaac still did secretly find her wonderfully attractive, but now he was moving on, and as he had said, remain a friend..

Just a simple.. dear.. friend.


lexi_winchester August 2 2006, 21:23:41 UTC
Lexi sure had a real knack for meeting up with the exact people she didn't want to see, and what's better - to be a clutz directly in front of them. Tossing her hair out of her face, she straightened up, deciding to take Isaac's extended hand for help. He was nice enough to in the first place. Especially after what happened last year...

And ah, yes, last year. Lexi had pretty much forced her mind to shut out that horrifingly embarrassing moment between them, and she had yet to tell a soul about it. Not even her best friends! Was she ashamed of almost being kissed? No, in truth she was flattered that any boy would want to in the first place. The embarrassment was relating more to her reaction; her naiive, juvenile, clutzy attempt to dodge the kiss and in turn falling to the floor. Not exactly Lexi's most shining Gryffindor moment.

Looking back to Isaac as she stood up completely, Lexi gave him more of a friendly smile, although still weary. She felt horrible about what happened and that they never really spoke about it since; the past year was spent avoiding the topic all-together for the most part. But really, she was a whole year older now and knew it was stupid to continue acting like that towards him. "So sorry about that, Isaac." Lexi stated finally, tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ear nervously. "Thank you." She added in, realizing that she still had her hand in his, and quickly brought it back.


isaac_w August 3 2006, 18:00:55 UTC
Feeling her hand withdraw from his, Isaac pulled his back as well, and began to shake his head as he replied "It's alright. It was an accident. And your very welcome, always a pleasure to help a friend up from a fall; it being literal or not." He couldn't help but stare at her face with concentration. She was probably the one person who could always capture his attention, and make it hers. Secretly, he still thought she was completely irresistable, especially in her clumsiest moments, which made her so much more appealing. He knew she wasn't just like any other girl at Hogwarts. She was her own person. That is what he liked about her so.

He quickly broke his stare and looked downward, "So.. how've you been?" He asked with polite curiousity, having not seen her in such a while though they had agreed to be friends. Isaac scooted over on the couch and again made eye contact with her hypnotic blue eyes, "Did you want to have a seat?" he offered but then he thought aloud "But then, of course, you're probably busy and just leaving." He was inferring that she was going to just continue to avoid him anyway, and leave, as usual. He did very much miss the pleasure of her company. Pulling his portfolio out from it's hiding place and laid it firmly in his lap, as if just waiting for his assumptions were made correct.

He should have never told her how he had felt towards her. It just made everything between them so awkward, especially the already awkwarded silences were made even more so awkward. Isaac had just been trying to find a happiness, and had thought that she was the one he could possibly share it all with. Obviously though, she didn't feel the same way.


lexi_winchester August 4 2006, 23:03:47 UTC
Completely forgetting about the book which she first came in for, Lexi tucked both hands into her robes, standing a bit awkwardly. She looked at Isaac once more, and although her face had a smile, it was true that she would like to make an excuse and run off. Anything to avoid an event like that last one... ugh. She decided, however, to stay for once.

"No, I can stay for a bit." She responded with a soft tone. She glanced down to the couch and with a small nod, she took a sit on the couch beside him but not too close. "I have been alright, thank you." She spoke again once seated, pulling her hands out from her robes and setting them onto her knees. Lexi then took a pause to exhale, surprised at the level of comfort between them now. It was much better than it had been; you could have easily sliced the tension with a sword. Maybe the past year had done them both some good, and they were able to move past what happened and be more mature.

"And yourself?" Lexi then asked Isaac, smiling softly. Thinking back to the friendship they had, she too missed how close they were. Isaac was one of the first male friends which she was extremely close with; someone you could tell absolutely anything to. It was wonderful -- while it lasted. Shaking that last part of thought from her crowded mind, she focused back onto the current situation. Tucking some hair behind her ear, Lexi moved slightly on the couch and crossed one leg over the other.


isaac_w August 5 2006, 00:37:58 UTC
What? She was really going to stay and have an actual full conversation with him? Was this really happening or was he imagining it? Whatever it was, it was nice. He had not talked to her for quite some time. He was glad that he could now actually have contact with his long lost friend.

Isaac watched her as she sat down and began to talk, not being able to help smiling as she did at him. He missed her. He really did. As a friend, of course. When she asked him how he was himself, he had to think on it for a minute. He looked to her again, with a small closed-mouthed smile "Confusing. There have been some things happening between me and.." he paused, not knowing if she knew her or if he was ready to tell her, "someone else. I have to see on where it goes."


lexi_winchester August 8 2006, 23:40:13 UTC
She looked over to process Isaac's face, and she couldn't help but inwardly cringe at the look. Alright, so she had been doing everything to avoid him. She knew she shouldn't have, and it was about time she used some of that inner Gryffindor!

Taking a deep breath, waiting for his response to her question. It had been quite a while since she actually talked -- not just a quick hello and an exit. How was his final year going? Did he decide what he wanted to do after graduation? He surely must have a girlfriend now?

And as soon as she thought it -- it was partly answered. She smiled at first but it lessened as he explained that he was in a bit of a rut. "Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that, Isaac." She said sincerely. Lexi really had no idea who he was speaking of. "I do hope it all works itself out."


isaac_w August 9 2006, 01:45:02 UTC
"Well, actually it did," he added, "we're going out now but she's having problems and I just want to try and help her." He smiled a bit because he thought about Astrid as he spoke. Isaac shaking off his thoughts about her and brought his concentration back to Lexi, then raised the question "What about you? Are you seeing anyone now?"

Isaac had no idea how he would respond to her answer if she said she was. Would he be jealous? Or would he be calm? It shouldn't bother him. He was over her now. She was just a friend and it would stay that way from now on, he promised himself. Nothing in the world could make him feel jealous now that he had Astrid.


lexi_winchester August 11 2006, 14:11:34 UTC
She smiled a bit more as Isaac explained that things were getting better now. Lexi wasn't the type to feel jealous that often; so she didn't think much of him having a girlfriend. It anything, it was a weight lifted off her about telling him that she was with someone. Julian, wonderful Julian!

And as if he had read the thoughts right from her mind, he asked if she was seeing anyone. It made her eyes widen slightly for a moment, in surprise of his timing. She blushed lightly, looking down at her lap. Clearing her throat, she glanced back up with a soft smile. "Actually, yes, I am," She started to say, "His name is Julian, he's in Hufflepuff. We've been dating for 3 weeks now." Lexi couldn't believe it had been that long already! She really missed him...


isaac_w August 12 2006, 01:48:56 UTC
A bit of shock came over him. Well at least now he knew how he would react. It wasn't the fact that maybe she was dating, but more of that she was dating outside the house, a Hufflepuff no less. Well, of course, it was better than her dating a Slytherin, if any of them would even give her a chance being a half blood Gryffindor and all. He supposed being a half blood wasn't all bad for a Slytherin, a lot more chance than being a muggleborn, that was for sure, not that she would want to date a Slytherin.

Anyways, Isaac having a suprised look on his face, "Wow. I don't know what I was expecting to hear. At least you have one now. I didn't think you would be single for too much longer.. I mean look at.." he stopped there, ending of his sentence, and looked down. It's like no matter what he said around her, it was like he still had his feelings for her. Maybe he did. Pushing them aside, and looking back up again at her, he spoke calmly again, "So a Hufflepuff? That must be hard. I'm sure you don't get to see each other much."


lexi_winchester August 13 2006, 22:00:19 UTC
It was then that the blushing took over Lexi's face. Oh lord, not the compliments! She tilted her head to the side, staring across towards the fireplace.

"Well, it was just pure luck." She finally blurted out. "I mean, I still don't know what's wrong with him to want to be with me!" She laughed, in a quite nervous tone. Glancing back to Isaac, she gave a soft smile. "It is a bit hard with being in a different House and all, but I can manage." Lexi felt extremely horrible for speaking about this, when Isaac himself had been the one that wanted to date her... and they were in the same House. Was she rubbing it in? She surely didn't mean to...

Deciding to change the subject, she cleared her throat and looked at him again with a friendly smile. "So, tell me about you and... well, for starters, what's her name?"


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