
Jul 06, 2006 01:54

Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Minister Is Elected'/Wednesday, 9th November/7:30 PM
Location: 5th year Hufflepuff Boys Dorm
Open To: Dustin
Currently Involving: Matt
How could Quidditch make anyone sleep? )


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dustin_alden July 6 2006, 16:09:17 UTC
Dustin was taking any time he could get out on the pitch. Rainy, windy, freezing, it didn't matter! After apologizing to Jesse for tracking in mud, Dustin sort of squished his way into the Common Room and up to his dorm. Setting his broom down carefully, arms sore from being pelted by hail, Dustin heard a -thud!- somewhere behind him.

Turning around, he noticed Matt already lounging on his bed and sighed.

"Scared me, mate. Thought I'd accidentally shot my wand off again," Dustin stated as he pulled said wand from the pocket of his robes. There had been a time in fourth year when he'd been putting a few things away and muttered something his wand must have thought was a spell. Sent pillow feathers flying everywhere, and he'd apologized to Daisy at least a hundred times!

"What are you up to, anyway?" Dustin asked a moment later, eyeing the boy with curiosity. Dustin always seemed to be getting yelled at for eating in bed at home. At Hogwarts? Not so much.


matt_drozd July 6 2006, 21:43:53 UTC
Looking up to see where the voice was coming from Matt just laughed for it was only Dustin. Repeating what Dustin had just said Matt replied, "Again? How do you set off your wand accidentally in the first place?" Quirking an eyebrow, Matt looked down at his drawing board. Nothing major wrong now, except for a few scratches here and there with bits of the chalk missing in spots.

Hastily drawing back in what had wiped off onto his bed-spread, Matt turned it to Dustin. "These, my friend, are some of the Quidditch plays I was working on. Got bored so I thought I'd do something useful with my time. Doing homework would have been the smart thing to do, but Quidditch is much more exciting."


dustin_alden July 7 2006, 01:36:39 UTC
"If I knew the answer, it wouldn't have been an accident. I could have avoided it!" Dustin replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Amusing, really, as he was not always the brightest crayon in the box! Not that he even knew what crayons were...

"Glad to know you find Quidditch a good use of your time," Dustin said with a chuckle, though he felt a bit uneasy.

Wasn't it the Captain's job to make plays? Isn't that what he'd been working on for weeks? Dustin was sadly starting to get the feeling that the other fifth years were trying to take advantage of him, and that wasn't a pleasant feeling at all.

"Er... I don't understand what you've marked here. Do you expect Kat or Sean to be doing this back here?" Dustin questioned, indicating a spot on the board with his hand.


matt_drozd July 7 2006, 16:10:45 UTC
Shrugging it off, Matt turned his drawing board back around and started adding some different plays to the board as they came to him.

"Quidditch is a good use of anyone's time, mate!" That was true; except for muggles. Hadn't even a clue what the game was. Sad, really.

Looking at a play that was numbered 16, Matt questioned it slightly himself. "Well -- that's what practice is for, ay?" Yeah, that sounded a bit right. The play was a bit confusing, but Matt just drew a line through it, as if saying it couldn't be used. A bit foolish of himself to think that they could get that done before the team had its first game.

"Oy, when's our first game then? Sometime this month, or are they being delayed this year?" Matt sure couldn't wait to get out on the pitches some more, but this weather was delaying him extremely. So instead of attempting to get his speed up and trying to practice finding the snitch faster, Matt stayed in on days like today when hail was being pelted at those outside, and made impossible bizarre plays.


dustin_alden July 8 2006, 02:56:56 UTC
Of course Quidditch was a good use of time! That's what Dustin had been saying, obviously. Although muggles weren't aware of the game, that had other fun sports! Dustin had always wanted to try football, kick a ball around a field and not be able to use his hands!? What a challenge! Though, he didn't plan on doing that professionally like he did with being a chaser.

"That.... doesn't exactly answer my question?" Dustin stated in a question-like manner and pursed his lips together in confusion.

"They haven't given an exact date yet, but it should be soon. If it's Slytherin, I think we can expect an easier victory. Their team's not been doing much of anything," Dustin informed him and smiled just slightly.

He'd been out in all sorts of weather, but he was a bit obsessed when it came to Quidditch and flying!


matt_drozd July 8 2006, 23:43:05 UTC
“Well lets just forget that play. It’s not like we’re ever going to be using these, I just wanted to get them out of my head finally. That’s all, it’s nothing more than a bit of rubbish.” With that said, Matt took the board and shoved it back in his trunk. Somewhere deep in his trunk, so that as it was shoved down further and further, some of the plays would hopefully be rubbed off and that matter would be taken care of.

“Maybe they haven’t been doing much of anything, but that doesn’t mean they still don’t have strong players.” Look at who had made the team already: Wesley, Iago, Ophelia, Adrien, Jonathon, and Rhett. That was enough to scare anyone right off their broom. They were a very lazy, but strong team. Not to mention the fact that Matt was quite a bit intimidated to go up against Iago for the whole game.


dustin_alden July 10 2006, 17:09:40 UTC
Dustin didn't mean to make Matt feel as though his plays were rubbish! Dustin was merely confused, as he always was. It was easier for him to figure out what a play was supposed to be like if he'd written it down and created it himself. That's why he felt even more lucky to be the Captain of the team. Not to mention, after his encounter with Tyra, he was beginning to worry that others didn't want him to have that position. It was all enough to make him just a bit uneasy ( ... )


matt_drozd July 11 2006, 05:11:45 UTC
Yes, getting the low-down on every part of the team was actually very helpful. It showed Matt where he might actually need to help out a bit, but it seemed he wasn't going to really need to do whole lot of helping in other positions ( ... )


dustin_alden July 11 2006, 21:27:58 UTC
"It wasn't hailing when I went out there, it surprised me a bit. I only played for about ten minutes in it, before realising it might damage my broom," Dustin explained, trying to make Matt feel a bit better about his practise time. To be honest, Dustin was a bit obsessed. No one really needed to be out on the pitch as much as he was.

"Yeah, mate! I'll say that'll help you out a bit, 's a nice looking broom! But I hear you, loud and clear. Emmy's going to put up a fight, she's a hard one to beat," Dustin replied, nodding rather solemnly and taking a seat on his own bed.

Dustin didn't think Tyra was the weakest player on the team or anything. In fact, he didn't really think any of them were weak, he just assumed Wes would have the advantage of more years experience and bigger build.

"Ravenclaw's interesting, no question, but what about Gryffindor? They seem strong, but it might just be their spirit. You know how rowdy they are about things like Quidditch," Dustin said, almost as if asking himself.


matt_drozd July 12 2006, 19:52:26 UTC
"What kind of broom do you have again?" Trying to get a look at Dustin's broom, Matt couldn't tell which kind it was. "I plan on going outside Friday from around 10 to lunch, and then after I eat something back out till around 3. I need to practice accelerating if I plan to beat Emmy and Trefor ( ... )


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