
Jul 04, 2006 23:26

Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Minister is Elected'/ Tuesday November 8 / 7:00 PM.
Location: Corridors outside Great Hall
Open To: Kieran Donovan (Awwwwwww *cutesy face preparation*)
Currently Involving: Avis

If there was one thing Avis loved more than sleeping, it was food. She loved meals, perhaps a bit too much. She sometimes worried she was getting a ( Read more... )


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kieran_donovan July 8 2006, 01:26:57 UTC
He looked slightly frightened as she grinned like a madwoman and made some sort of odd expression. It made her look rather demented. "Is there something wrong with your face?" he asked her slowly, tilting his head to one side to survey the older girl. "You look rather..." He paused, trying to find the right word. "Stupid." Well, when in doubt, be blunt.

Of course, had he knew that she was thinking that hhe was positively adorable, he would have had a very different reaction. Said reaction would involve far more glaring and violence. Kier did not appreciate being called- or thought of as- cute. He was 13! He wasn’t supposed to be cute. Well, he wasn’t supposed to look ten or be short either. Woe was him!

But lookie, she was talking to him about Jabberknolls! His expression brightened and he shook his head vigorously. "Nuh uh. Someone told me about 'em after Care of Magical Creatures. I dun think I'd want to see one cause I heard they're SUPER LOUD"- his voice grew louder as if to make a point as he announced that they were loud- "as they're dying." He finished by making a face to demonstrate just how unappealing listening to a jabberknoll would be.

"How come you didn't know that?" he asked curiously. "You're old." 15 really wasn't that old but she was still older than him. "You're supposed to know these things." Cue nodding. "Dontcha feel bad not knowing something that a third year did?" He spoke seriously but his green eyes were dancing. And the whole bouncing thing pretty much killed his serious act.


avis_abernathy July 8 2006, 03:00:48 UTC
Avis laughed out loud at this kid. "Stup. . .Oh wow, kid. Um, yeah, I suppose I do look stupid." She looked around, not expecting this at all from this bouncy child.

All she could really do at this point was laugh. He caught her completely off guard. "Wow, um. . .yeah, me neither." His face made her laugh even harder, and she looked like a mad hatter.

Avis was absolutely speechless at his next question, and especially at how he bounced up and down. She made a fake stern face, just to pacify him. "Well, when you get older, you don't pay attention to class so much. You have grown-up things to worry about, rather than. . .class."

"WAIT. You're a third year?!" the serious face broke. "No you're not." She gave a 'psh' and said, "Your little 'I'm older' act is cute, but you don't fool me." She folded her arms and got that condescending fifth-year mannerism that got to her at times like this. "You're certainly. . .hyper for a first year."


kieran_donovan July 8 2006, 15:36:09 UTC
While her constant laughter did make her seem rather insane, Kier couldn't help but grin in response. He didn't really care if she was laughing at him or with him; he was just pleased that she was amused by him. Most upperclassmen tended to find him annoying- with good reason, really.

Not pay attention during class? Blasphemy! Well, if it was herbology then he could understand but Care of Magical Creatures? "But but but... It's a brilliant class! How can you not pay attention?" He seemed genuinely shocked by her words. He didn't really understand how she couldn't share his enthusiasm. And something more important than classes? What was more important than classes? Well, a lot of things but he was a firm believe in paying attention during classes. How else would you learn? And if you didn't, you'd fail and not be able to come back the next year and that would be horrible.

And dear god, she called him a firstie. The boy stopped bouncing to glare at her. "I. Am. Not. A. First. Year." He said slowly, pausing between each word for effect. "I think I would know what year I'm in, thanks, and I can promise you that I'm a third year." Nyarg, why did she have to say that? He might have liked her if she had believed him.


avis_abernathy July 9 2006, 00:52:50 UTC

((OOC: I feel bad for Avis bugging him because he's so awesome!! Oh well.))

Oh, he got all stern when she said that, which amused Avis even more. Well, let's mess with him just a little bit more. After all, he is younger.

She crouched down to his level. "Okay, well, we're going to do one of the tests we use for age. A Gryffindor top secret."

RIGHT, Avis. This kid isn't going to believe THAT!, she thought to herself.

Avis pretended to inspect his face like a doctor, just to egg him on, and then said, "Hmm, all looks about right. But you can only tell here. . ."

Being condescending toward anybody shorter than her, Avis grabbed his cheeks with both hands, of course not anticipating what would come next.


kieran_donovan July 9 2006, 01:32:38 UTC
((pfft, no worries. I find it horribly amusing))

He stared at her like she had grown a second head. While he may be young, he certainly wasn't gullible and there was very little he believed without proof. "I don't see how that will help," he told her, looking rather skeptical. The whole idea of a Gryffindor secret plan for telling age was rather odd.

He felt like some show dog as she inspected him and he stuck out his chin defiantly as he stared back at her. Looks about right? How did she get that? As much as he hated to admit it, he was well aware of the fact that he looked far younger than he actually was. You wouldn't guess his age just by looking at him so he wasn't really sure what Avis was playing at.

He was curious, though, but he never could have predicted her next move. She was touching him! She was pinching his cheeks. He yelped before he twisted his head to try and get away. That, obviously, didn't work seeing as she was using both hands. "Nyaaarg." He shook his head roughly to try and force her to lose her grip before resorting to desperate measures. He bit her hand. Hard


avis_abernathy July 9 2006, 04:45:46 UTC
Avis screamed in pain, as loud as she could. "MERLIN, KID!!" She snatched her hand back and looked at little red teeth marks showed, indented in her skin. "Are you kidding me?! I got bit by a KID?!" she said to herself, still shocked.

"Wh. . ." Avis was speechless, her hand still hurting. She stared down at the kid, and noticed his House tie. "You're in Ravenclaw?" she asked incredulously. "Do Ravenclaws bite?"

This was just too odd, she thought. She got bitten by a third year.


kieran_donovan July 10 2006, 04:04:36 UTC
He hadn't bitten her that hard, had he? Well, she deserved it. You couldn't just go around pinching the cheeks of poor, innocent underclassman. He had been minding his own business and he had been mercilessly attacked! She had it coming, really.

He ignored the fact that that wasn't at all how it had played out. He had bounded over to her and proceeded to act like a 7 year old so really, he had brought it on himself.

He scoffed at her comment. "Obviously they do. I just did, didn't I?" He crossed his arms over his chest and made what was supposed to be an intimidating glare. It ended up as more of a pout and it looked more cute than threatening. Oh well. A for effort. "I don't appreciate these house stereotypes," he told her, uncrossing his arms for a moment to waggle at finger at her. "I don't go around saying that Gryffindors are idiots and bullies so you shouldn't go about thinking that Claws don't bite."

That seemed to be odd logic but he overlooked that too. Besides, was it really a bad thing for people to assume that his house didn't bite? It certainly made sense and it was rather flattering. Still. Come to think of it, this really wasn't his week. First he had been tortured by Grady and now Avis was picking on him to. It just wasn't fair.

Again with the exaggeration! Well, it was fun.


avis_abernathy July 10 2006, 06:04:52 UTC
She gave a very teenager-ish "psh!" and felt taken aback. "So you ARE a Ravenclaw, clever and smart-aleck as ever, eh?"

Avis, don't get in a fight with a kid. You already got BITTEN, she told herself.

She raised her eyebrows at his next bold statement, "Ay yeah?" She inched closer to him, just to provoke him. "Well, kid, you called me stupid, didn't ye? Or are Ravenclaws so 'above stereotypes?'" She tensed up, as ready to jump back if he pounced to bite her again. "Oh, look at you all pouty! Did I hurt your feelings?"

I can't BELIEVE you're bugging a THIRD year, Avis, she told herself. Oh bother. It was rather entertaining for the time being.


kieran_donovan July 10 2006, 18:18:19 UTC
"Well, yes. The robes give it away, yeah?" Obviously he was a claw. He didn't wear these robes because they were stylish. Though come to think about it, he would wear robes from another house if it helped with some plan or prank. Hurm.

"Actually, I said you looked stupid. There is a difference, you know," he informed her, nodding knowingly. "I haven't said or implied anything about your intelligence." Save for his last crack, really. "And don't call me kid," he snapped. "I, erm, object to its implications! I have a name, you know."

That was a horrible reason. He was a kid- proud of it, too- but he just didn't like her going around talking to him in such a condescending way. And really, what else could she call him? It wasn't like he had given her a name. He had been too busy babbling about jabberknolls and biting her to make time for silly things like introduction.


avis_abernathy July 10 2006, 18:30:53 UTC
Avis laughed, "Oh! Big words! And now talking semantics with me? You must be grown-up, then, eh?"

Just to provoke him more, she folded her arms and gave a thinking look. "I think you're far too interesting to be called by your given name. What's a good name for me to call you?" She tried to think of the other names she had for the younger kids around the school. She called that breakdancing boy "Ghetto-Claw". . .

"All right. Tell you what. Pick your nickname for me to call you. Because now. . .I'm leaning towards calling you 'Jaws' for the rest of my time here."


kieran_donovan July 10 2006, 18:47:24 UTC
Well, he DID have to correct her. She had claimed that he had called her an idiot and he had only set the matter straight. "I did tell you that I wasn't 11," he responded, overlooking the fact that she had been teasing him.

And he was interesting! Interesting was a wonderful thing to be, and Kier wasn't immune to a compliment. And his given name was far from interesting. Kieran. Little dark one? What a boring meaning.

His annoyance subsided a bit as she suggested a new name and he couldn't help but laugh. "Jaws? I like that. It makes me sound intimidating and I am rather scary. See?" Here he attempted to give a ferocious growl but he failed. Horribly. Fine, he wasn't scary. At all.

"Well I need something to call you," he said quickly, trying to change the subject before she commented on his attempt to appear to be anything other than scrawny and weak.


avis_abernathy July 10 2006, 18:56:39 UTC
"Right, Jaws it is. You'll get the reputation around here, I can tell you that. But I'll call you that now," she laughed, looking at the little teeth marks now swelling up on her hand. "Like the big shark in the movie. It's a muggle thing."

Avis nodded and gave an impressed look at his 'growl.' "Nice! That's the way, Jaws!"

"Oh, you need something to call me? Well, you can think of something."

She looked at him with an impatient expression. What did he have to call her? Without saying a word, she turned her hair jet-black, just to confuse him, wondering if he would pick up on her being a metamorphmagus. Avis never used her "skill" usefully. Most of the time, she only used her power to confuse people, or as a fun party trick.
She did inherit it from her mother's side of the family, whom she never met, and didn't intend to anytime soon. After all, they were all Slytherins and her grandfather was an alleged Death Eater, and they had disowned her mother for being the only Gryffindor in the family.


kieran_donovan July 11 2006, 01:37:33 UTC
Ooooh, a reputation! That could be fun. Or annoying. But he was leaning more towards the former at the moment. "Pfft, I know what you're talking about." Actually, he had absolutely no idea what she was going on about. He knew about a bit about movies but he had never heard of this 'Jaws' character. There was no harm in pretending that he was knowledgeable though.

He looked pleased as she hadn't laughed at his rather laugh inducing attempt at a growl. He felt sort of foolish growling now that he knew the name came from a shark- last he checked, sharks couldn't growl- but he got over it quickly enough.

"Hurm..." He looked thoughtful, trying to think up a good name for her. He was rather fond of 'evil-torturer-of-children' but that was a mouthful, not to mention false. He was distracted though as her hair changed color. His eyes lit up and he looked up at her with an expression of awe, the remainder of his anger disappearing completely."

"Whoa. That was SO COOL." He was bouncing again, as he usually did when he was excited. "I wish I could do something like that." Sadly, he had no super special abilities. Ah well. He could live vicariously through her! "Can you do it again? Please please please?" He really did sound far younger than 13 but he let that slide.


avis_abernathy July 11 2006, 05:05:46 UTC
Ah! Distraction, the best way to change a conversation. And with little kids, it was so much fun! Avis laughed and pretended it was nothing, "Do what? What are you talking about?"

She looked up and her hair turned blue and gold. "I don't know what you're so excited about." Quickly, she changed it back to her normal color - a streaky reddish-brown.

She really had to find a better social life, she thought to herself, or just stop messing with third years.

"I have NO idea what you're so excited over!"

Well, at least she wasn't getting bitten or called stupid.


kieran_donovan July 13 2006, 01:10:39 UTC
"Pfft, you know what I'm talking about," Kier responded, waving a hand dismissively. He immediately grinned broadly as she did it again. "But... your hair! It's CHANGING! Like, erm, a thing that changes color!" That was Kier, ever the eloquent one but he was too excited to think up a synonym for 'a thing that changes color.'

"Well, maybe it's not exciting to you because you can do it any ol' time." She was a lucky one, that whatever-her-name-is. This not-having-a-name-for-her thing was really more trouble that it was worth; he really needed to get to thinking up a nickname for her. That could come later though because he wasn't finished being a fanboy yet.

"Can you do anything else? Or just your hair? When did you realize that you could do it? HOW did you figure it out?" Questions, questions, questions. The boy didn't even give her time to reply before he jumped in with yet another question.

He finally stopped with the interrogation as her hair resumed it's normal color. "Aw. You're so BORING. If I could do that, I'd pick a more interesting color to use as my default. Everyone and their MOTHER has brown hair. You should do something COOL. Like, like..." He had to think about that one for a minute. "Iono, neon green or somefin." Actually, that would be horribly unattractive but she was bound to get what he meant.


avis_abernathy July 13 2006, 07:41:47 UTC
Avis acted surprised and couldn't help but smirk. "Oh, that, it's nothing. I was born with it. My mum says I inherited it from her father. When I was around. . .five or six, it used to change and I didn't even know it. When I would get angry, it would turn red. When I learned I was a witch, it made sense."

She laughed, "Oh no, I won't try anything else. I once tried to make my freckles go away and. . .it didn't work."

Avis chuckled at his idea for her. "Hmm, neon-coloured hair? I don't think that would go well on me. But I can compromise. Whenever I see you, I'll change it a crazy color. . .just for you, Jaws."


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