
Jul 02, 2006 15:32

Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Minister is Elected'/ Monday, November 7th, 2005/ 12:54pm
Location: Great Hall
Open to: Kier
Currently Involving: Grady and Kier

Lately, he had been seeing less and less of Charlie. Before they had become whatever they were, he was barely out of bed and he was bombarded by her all day until he retired for the night. And even ( Read more... )

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grady_bucher July 2 2006, 22:00:29 UTC
It wasn't important? Grady thought that it was rather important, but he was not in the mood to exert the energy it was going to take to get the others name. He didn't think if he stood up and talked a bit louder, it might not have been particularly difficult to get some sort of an answer out of the boy; that was, if the little nuisance could be intimidated by that. Though by the way he was going about questioning Grady, it seemed he might be.

A very important matter? Grady hunted to think of anything that could be a pressing matter, but upon finding none, he waited for Kieran to continue. A random thought that maybe Kier wanted his help in some sort of prank popped into his head, but was quickly smacked away as he realized that Kier didn't even know who he was. Still more confused, he heard the boy clear his throat, and almost laugh. He stifled it, of course, he didn't think that the boy would appreciate it. When did he start caring about what people he didn't even know appreciated?

"Oh," he said quietly, nodding slowly. So that's what this was about: Charlie. Kier seemed to have it wrong though, Grady was practically a perfect gentleman with Charlie; he didn't need to be battered with questions. "Yes," he said finally, nodding again. "Why?" he asked curiously, resisting the urge to laugh at the Kier's tone.


kieran_donovan July 4 2006, 16:54:03 UTC
Oh? oh? The future of one of his good mates- one who was practically his sister and idol- was at stake and all he got was a measly oh? He resisted the urge to shake head in disappointment. Though the Gryffindor hadn't denied it. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

And look, the giant was speaking again! Well, it was an appropriate title in Kier's mind- he was over a foot taller than Kier so therefore, he was massive. Yes? Why? He seemed incapable of speaking in complete sentences. Ha. Maybe his intimidation plans were working!

Or maybe Grady just couldn't be bothered to answer a rather insane, nosy 3rd year.

"Why?" he repeated. "What an absurd question. I need to make sure that you-" and the 'you' was accompanied by a rather hard poke to Grady's side- "are good enough for her." Now what to ask him. Hurm. Unfortunately, he couldn't really think of anything to ask. Woe! Really, he was a master and prying and asking questions but he really wasn't sure what he was looking for so it was rather hard to figure out what he needed to ask Grady. "So what are your intentions with Charlie?"

He sounded like a parent. It was rather disgusting, really. But hey, that's what parents always asked Amaury when he was taking a girl on a date. The problem was that Grady certainly wasn't his idiotic older brother and Kier wasn't Charlie's father. Well, it was the first thing that came to mind; he would think up something better later.


grady_bucher July 4 2006, 19:27:52 UTC
Really, it was the latter. He was not exactly in a very talkative mood, so he saw no reason to exert the energy it took to form full sentences when single words did the job pretty efficiently. Not to mention he was a little bewildered. After all, how often did little boys come up and bother him? Well, actually, this had to be first time. He couldn't recall any other times.

The question was hardly absurd. He didn't even know who Kier was, nevermind that he was so bloody close to Charlie. Before Grady had a chance to interject, he was being poked. Without hesitation, he seized the other boys finger, bending it back dangerously while also giving him a glare that could kill. Letting Kier go, he sighed. Now this boy was just getting annoying. "And what if you don't think I am? You going to steal her away from me?" Grady reckoned that anyone telling her that she shouldn't see him would only force her more in his direction; just out of spite really.

What were his intentions? Oh, if he hadn't heard that a million times. Usually, he gave the parents of his current bird some wise remark that got him out of answering the question honestly. Usually, he was a very honest person, but if he said that he was just taking their daughter out for a snog, they wouldn't let their daughter out with him. Though, a snog was hardly what he wanted with Charlie. Recently, he had gotten over his pride, and realized that he really cared for Charlie. "To love her," he answered eventually, and quite firmly, as if finally convincing himself.


kieran_donovan July 5 2006, 05:20:09 UTC
Kier yelped as Grady bent back his finger and he leaned forward to try and bite him in the shoulder. This was another one of those stupid moves but he had to defend himself, didn't he? He couldn't just let the mean ole 7th year bully him, now could he? Yes, he was ignoring the fact that it was completely deserved; Kier was being rather obnoxious and Grady had every right to react.

"Steal her? Ew!" Well that answers that question. Kier made a face, completely horrified by the thought. While he liked Charlie, he wouldn't want to date her; that was completely disgusting. Dating required holding hands and hugging and snogging and... ugh, it was too horrifying to think about.

And what would he do if he ending up thinking that Grady wasn't good enough? He hadn't really thought that far ahead. He could always tell Charlie what a horrible, unworthy person Grady was but he knew well enough that that would work on her. Well, he'd decide when the time for it comes.

He managed to regain what little composure he had just in time to be surprise by Grady's response. To love her? He hadn't expected that. Of course, he didn't know what he expected but it certainly wasn't that. He sounded honest enough but Kier wasn't through with him yet. "And how many other girls have you wanted to love?" Kier demanded with as much authority as he could muster.


grady_bucher July 9 2006, 02:31:44 UTC
((Omg! I'm so sorry about this. I already replied to this, but clearly, it didn't go through! ARRRG! Eep. Poke me next time!))

It was true, Grady was a bit of a bully. He didn't need to bend back Kier's finger, but he couldn't help himself. The little snot was annoying; Grady, after all, had only been looking forward to a relaxing afternoon, and now he was being hassled by some little punk. As Kier yelped, Grady looked around to make sure he wasn't going to be caught squabbling with another student, younger no less. Thankfully, there weren't really any teachers left. When he turned back however, it appeared that Kier was trying to bite him. Actually, he could feel the others boys teeth sinking into his shoulder. Catching Kier by the throat, he pushed him up until he was straight. Letting go, he looked seriously at Kier. "Look," he growled, "I won't touch you, if you don't touch me. Okay?" Really, he was ready to stand up and leave, but he was simply too lazy to swing his feet over the bench.

Gosh, how young was Kier that he still regarded girls with the term "Ew"? Grady reckoned that he was probably a second year, because after all, he had been looking at all the girls at Hogwarts by his third year. He did, however, take a moment to consider his reputation, and that maybe Kier was not as outgoing as he had been. Then again, Grady had never approached any 7th years and start asking them foolish questions.

Until very recently, as far as he was concerned, Grady only cared a little for Charlie. Enough to snog her, hang around with her, you know. But there was also this missing business that he never felt for a girl before. Due to his pride, he thought it was unfortunate that it took a total deflation for him to realize that he actually loved Charlie. He finally admitted it to himself, but he had yet to tell her. Actually, he was pretty sure that they hadn't even clarified exactly what they were yet.

"None," he said definitely, as if he was just letting himself in on the secret and he had to convince himself. Of course, his heart had known it all along, but it was his hard head that had yet to get it. "Just Charlie," he said simply, though it did bother him slightly that he was admitting it to some fellow he didn't even know instead of her. All he could hope for was that Kier didn't get to Charlie before he did.


kieran_donovan July 11 2006, 02:17:21 UTC
((No worries. That happens to me all of the time))

The boy nearly cried about again but it came out as a more strangled sound seeing as Grady was holding him by the throat. He could have killed him! You couldn't just go around practically choking students. Some people, Kier included, valued breathing. And living. And because of his attachment to the later, he was forced to nod in agreement. "Fine, fine. No touching. Got it." Good rule, actually. Kier didn't like being touched, especially when said contact involved pain.

He couldn't help it if he hadn't hit the "zomg, girls!" stage; he hadn't really reached puberty yet so at the moment, girls were nothing more than friends. He had little to no interest in dating or relationships and he tended to stop paying attention when the subject was brought up. His outburst had been more prompted by the suggestion that he liked Charlie. He wouldn't have reacted so strongly had Grady mentioned that he liked some random girl but Charlie? She hardly counted.

"None?" he repeated, sounding rather skeptical. Grady was, what, 17? 18 maybe? Wasn't that what boys his age were supposed to do? Trail after every girl who looked at them? So shouldn't there be more than one? Surprising as Grady's answer had been, Kier still have to reluctantly give him a point. Granted, this didn't really help him win Kier's favor- not that he needed it, of course.

"Why Charlie, then? What sets her apart from all of the others that I'm sure you had?" he asked. Sure, Charlie was wonderful in many ways but she wasn't really what Kier considered 'loving' material. Granted, Kier was biased. Still, he was curious as to why Grady was drawn to her and his feelings for the girl would certainly make a difference to Kier.


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