
Jun 18, 2006 13:54

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Trick or Treat' / Tuesday, November 1st / 10AM
Location: Great Hall/Study Hall
Open To: Rylie
Currently Involving: Tobias, Rylie

Divination had been cancelled for the day... )

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rylielogan June 18 2006, 18:13:37 UTC
Rylie had gone to Study Hall earlier than she needed to, simply because she knew that as of late she was very easily distracted. Although she never had trouble turning in homework assignments or helping Kat with the paper, she found herself having less time to devote to figuring out where she was headed after Hogwarts. Novelist? Perhaps. It was all starting to become fuzzy, while other things became blindingly clear.

Taking a seat by herself, she dove into her journal, writing down everything that came to mind. She wrote about Halloween, her brother expecting a child, her worries for what would await in her future, and even a thing here or there about Sebastian, Niamh, or even Andra. Anything. She was writing to write and block out everything else.

Until she heard a voice beside her. One she hadn't heard in far too long. She looked up to see Tobias smile and matched his with one of her own.

"Well! Hullo there stranger! I thought you'd abandoned me," Rylie replied with a small smirk and pulled out the chair beside her, indicating she wanted him to sit down.

"And just where have you been these last few weeks?"


tobias_kingston June 18 2006, 18:20:59 UTC
"Abandoned you?"

Tobias' eyes widened in mock shock as he slipped into the seat beside her, shaking his head as though offended that she'd even think such a thing. He'd loosened up a lot this year, but he still hadn't quite gotten the hang of joking around -- not with everyone, anyway. "I'm not the one who's been hiding!"

He was, of course, referring to the fact that he'd not seen a hair on Rylie's head in what seemed like forever. Really, where had that girl run off to, anyway?

Ah, but before he could question her, she'd already asked him the same thing that was on his mind. Smart, she was! "I have been right here. Well, not here here, but in the castle here... uh... yeah, you know what I mean." He leaned against the table, looking around at the other seats, which were rather empty. "In the library... being beat up by Slytherins... outside quite a bit... what about you?"


rylielogan June 18 2006, 18:26:48 UTC
She couldn't deny that he did have a point. She wasn't hiding really, but she had been absent herself quite a bit. Not that she didn't have an excellent reason for said absence. And AHA! Now a conversation with Andra was forcing its way to the front of her mind. Perhaps they had extremely similar situations. But she didn't say so, as he was answering her question.

She smiled and nodded until he reached the bit about being beat up by Slytherins. She shifted her position and leaned in a bit closer to him, eyes shining with concern.

"Before we address where I've been, I think you should explain that bit about Slytherins," Rylie told him and clicked her tongue.

Oh, she'd had her fair share of encounters with them.


tobias_kingston June 18 2006, 19:15:49 UTC
"Explain... agh, how'd I know that I wouldn't be able to slip that in."

Tobias looked a bit chagrined as he glanced down at the tabletop. He didn't want everyone knowing that he was a pansy who got beat up by the Slytherin seventh and sixth years, but he supposed that Rylie wouldn't go laughing at him for that. If anything, she might understand his pain. Or something.

He could hope, anyway.

"Jonathan ah -- found me the other week and started talking about my parents, and other such things, and then when I mentioned a little something about incest, he didn't... like it much. And then last week he and Preston-- well... I was lucky that Lauren came by, really." He said all of that in a rather quick amount of time, preferring to move over that subject as swiftly as possible.


rylielogan June 18 2006, 20:41:59 UTC
Well, if he didn't want to talk about it, he shouldn't have brought it up. Rylie was a curious girl, and if Slytherins were beating up on someone as harmless as Tobias, there was probably a lull in school activity or something. But she couldn't help but think there might be more going on beneath the surface. She couldn't say she knew of Jonathan, but she definitely knew of Preston. She bit her lip when Tobias mentioned him and leaned back slightly in her seat.

She was surprised to hear that Tobias had said anything to them, especially about incest, but it was humorous if nothing else. She smiled a bit and nodded her head at him, knowing he probably wouldn't want to stay on the subject.

"I'm glad you stood up for yourself, but do try and be careful around that lot. If you don't have anyone with you, you know... try and avoid fighting?" Rylie suggested with a sigh, not wanting to sound like she was being overprotective or something.

She was fond of Tobias's friendship. She just didn't want to see him in the Hospital Wing or something, simply because Slytherins were violent when bored.

"I had a talk with Preston myself last week. It was a bit unnerving, really. He worries me more than anyone else, because he's clever. Do you... know what I mean?" Rylie asked, hoping she didn't sound mental.


tobias_kingston June 18 2006, 21:02:20 UTC
Tobias hadn't been sure how Rylie would react to the news about the Slytherins. He didn't know how she got on with them, though he could guess that they generally just stayed out of each other's way. Really, that's how he'd have liked to keep his relationship with them, but that just didn't seem to be the case.

"That's what everyone's told me," he said softly, smiling a small smile at her words. "And I know that I should, but they just find me and end up beating me up anyway... either with words or physically. Sometimes it's like they look for me."

He shook his head slowly, not liking that thought in the least. He didn't need vengeful Slytherins to be searching for him, and he'd have to remember to keep that out of his owls to his mum, that was for sure. She'd likely have a fit and pull him out of Hogwarts or something silly like that.

Ah, that Preston. Yes, he was unnerving, that was for sure. Tobias nodded slowly, looking at Rylie intently. "I know exactly what you mean, but... well, I have to admit, he doesn't worry me as much without Wesley. The both of them?" He didn't even have to continue his thought. Most everyone knew what those two were like when they were together.


rylielogan June 18 2006, 21:32:55 UTC
Rylie certainly hoped they weren't looking for Tobias. If that were the case, then they really were just looking to injure those without pure blood. Otherwise, what would their motive be? Tobias was not someone who'd do anything to offend them! He'd probably be attempting to stay out of their way most of the time, which Rylie could easily put her support behind. She wasn't a Gryffindor, after all. Her idea of staying safe was not fighting back, but stepping aside until things were worked out. But if things kept on the same path.... well, she might be forced to make difficult decisions sometime soon.

"They can only hurt you with words if you let them, Tobias, and I know that you're loved by enough people to not let what they say affect you," Rylie reassured him and frowned.

Wes AND Preston? They formed a dangerous combination, so it was no surprise that they were often in each other's company. She nodded slowly as Tobias voiced his opinion and leaned forward, crossing her arms over the table.

"Yes, well...Preston thinks and Wesley fights. But if you think about how much they can do just the two of them... imagine the possibilities of all those who disagree with their views coming together to stop them!" Rylie said enthusiastically, almost as if thinking aloud.

If they could join together to make sure the ideals that Preston and Wesley followed were not shared by all of the wizarding community, they'd be fine. Hopefully.


tobias_kingston June 19 2006, 02:46:44 UTC
Well, he knew that what Rylie was saying was true. They couldn't hurt him unless he let them, but their words struck deep. They knew how to get to him, and though he hated to admit it, he let them get to him. Sighing as he looked down at the table again and began to trace little patterns into it with his finger, he muttered, "I know, but it's so hard to not let them get to me."

How was it that they'd completely avoided the topic of where she'd been hiding? She was a sneaky little Ravenclaw, that was for sure. But Tobias couldn't just bluntly change the subject, so he waited until she'd said that bit about disagreeing with them -- wait, disagreeing openly with them?

Coughing rather loudly, he shook his head, looking at her as though she were insane. Which, at this moment, he thought she was. "...but think about how much damage they can cause to all those who disagree! We all can't be together all the time, and when they get us alone..."


rylielogan June 19 2006, 15:15:14 UTC
Rylie could do nothing but frown and think. Of course she didn't think any less of Tobias. She had a hard time not letting the words of the Slytherins affect her as well. But she couldn't exactly see how it would be difficult to be with someone at all times. The castle was filled with students. Even if a quarter of them were Slytherins, though not even all of them were of the Preston or Wesley variety, there should always be someone there.

"Don't be alone?" Rylie suggested weakly and sighed.

It probably wasn't fair to let Tobias talk about where he'd been and then go off on another topic. After a moment of silence, she smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I bet you're wondering where I've been then, yeah? I have been writing, as I so often do. A bit more owls than usual, but still writing, yes? And I have made a few friends, and um... er... other things," Rylie explained and put her hand back down on the table.

Ah.... she was horrible at hiding things, apparently.


tobias_kingston June 20 2006, 01:13:28 UTC
Don't be alone. That was a very good suggestion; it was really too bad that it was much easier said than done, really. If he could have stayed with someone all the time, he likely would have -- actually, perhaps he could work that out. He'd have to talk to Andra and Lauren, and he'd probably have to see if Rylie would be willing to hang around him more often than she had been thus far.

Ah, but there she went, finally turning the topic back to herself. Tobias couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as she talked about... other things. Other things like what?

He was curious. He had to admit, he was very curious. Tilting his head to look at her with intrigue, he grinned. "Other things? Other things like..." He trailed off, hoping that she would elaborate. After all, she'd made him elaborate where he'd preferred not to.


rylielogan June 20 2006, 03:20:08 UTC
If Tobias had actually asked Rylie if she was willing to spend more time with him, she would have answered 'yes' in a heartbeat! She considered him to be one of her best friends at Hogwarts, though they hadn't seen much of each other in the recent term. Seventh year was a busy one! And they both were growing, and er... snogging people, probably. Funny to think about, really. The two of them snogging? Well, not each other, but still!

"Er... like forgetting my birthday! I forgot about it, but then I remembered, and I ate cake. And I er... visited the kitchens, got stared at by elves," Rylie answered nervously and bit her lip.

Ah! And that was enough to make her think of Sebastian and her cheeks turned slightly pink. For some reason, it was hard to stay calm when Tobias was watching her with obvious interest in what exactly she'd been spending her time doing lately. Shouldn't she be bugging him for details?

Oh, she would. She would definitely be asking questions next.


tobias_kingston June 20 2006, 03:36:16 UTC
That couldn't be everything.

Normally Tobias wasn't very observant, but he was sitting right in front of Rylie. There was no way he could miss the way that she was blushing after she said something about the kitchens... and elves shouldn't have made her blush.

No, there was something else, something more, and Tobias smiled softly as he settled back in his seat. This was much more interesting than a Study Hall, anyway. "That can't be everything. You're hiding something, Rylie Logan, and what is it?"

Waiting a brief moment, he added, "You have a boyfriend?"


rylielogan June 20 2006, 03:47:18 UTC
Oh, she had definitely given herself away. She felt rather pathetic as she finally calmed herself down enough to get rid of her obvious embarrassment. What was she supposed to say to that? One of her usual sarcastic comments?

'A collection of love poems about you underneath my pillow!' came to mind, but then he was asking her if she had a boyfriend and her face went white.

As a matter of fact, she did. And he was supposed to be at this very Study Hall. And he was also rather awkward about... well, being open about the relationship. But he'd never said she couldn't tell anyone! She'd already let it slip to Andra, who'd tell Tobias if he asked.

There was no getting out of this. And well, it wasn't anything to be ashamed of. She was happy, after all.

"Well, I...wasn't expecting... it was all very... I should have known that... er.. yes?" Rylie answered him, struggling with what exactly to say about it all.

Shaking her head a moment later, she began laughing at herself. She was ridiculous, and it was Sebastian's fault, and that was perfectly fine by her.

Now... once they got through with this, it was his turn to confess. There was no way he'd turned Andra down!


tobias_kingston June 20 2006, 03:52:37 UTC
Tobias couldn't help but laugh lightly as she sounded like him with her stammering before finally answering. He'd known, from the moment she'd said that 'Well, I...', that she had a boyfriend, but now he was curious as to who. Luckily for Rylie, though, he wasn't a pushy inquirer. He'd let her tell him if she felt like it, but he wouldn't outright ask. It was enough to see that whoever the bloke was, he made her happy.

He was grinning brightly as he exclaimed quietly, "Well, that's great, then! He does treat you well, yes? Makes you happy?"

That was all that mattered, after all. If she was happy and treated decently, that was all that mattered. Everything else was just fluff that didn't necessarily need to be there -- it was nice, to be sure, but not necessary.


rylielogan June 20 2006, 04:02:13 UTC
Seeing Tobias smile made Rylie smile, and she was happy to hear he was excited for her. It made her excited too, because... well... it was exciting! Especially since she'd had her fair share of fancying blokes, but she'd never really gotten herself into a relationship. It was new, but she loved it, even as much as it distracted her. A good type of distraction! Probably the best kind.

"Oh yes! He's fantastic, really. He made my birthday cake! I couldn't believe it! And he sends me owls all the time, I hardly know anyone more sweet than he is! You, of course, but you see what I mean," Rylie answered happily and laughed.

Once she got started talking, she couldn't really stop. Maybe she'd just been thinking all these things, and hadn't really talked to anyone about it, and now it was all spilling out. She'd kept it contained for too long. At least it was Tobias and not Preston, whom she'd almost said too much to!

"I was completely surprised! I mean, I'd never realised that I fancied him, but now I know that I did! And I wouldn't have expected Sebby to feel the same, because he's not obvious with things of that sort, and...." Rylie continued, slowing down as it clicked that she'd said his name.

Bugger. She was an absolute failure with hiding things today!


tobias_kingston June 20 2006, 04:08:25 UTC
She definitely sounded like him now!

If he'd known that she was thinking about the way that a relationship was the best kind of distraction, he would have agreed in every way. He often found himself thinking about Andra when he should have been thinking about things like school or reading, but the thoughts that came instead of schoolwork weren't unwelcome. For that reason, he knew exactly what Rylie was talking about when she started going on about this boy that she was seeing.

He was rather curious about who it was, and he'd just gotten up the nerve to ask her, when he realized that she'd said the boy's name. Sebby. Sebby was -- Sebastian. The sixth year! The prefect. Boy, Rylie certainly chose them nicely, didn't she?

His grin didn't diminish in the slightest as he said, "Sebby, then? That's great, from what I know of him, he's an amazing bloke! Not that we've really talked... mostly, we've just sat and... read books and such... but he seems nice, anyway!"

He hoped that he'd not just stuck his foot in his mouth as he tended to do so often.


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