
Jun 11, 2006 16:21

Week Name / Date / Time : 'Countdown to Darkness' / Wednesday, October 26 / 6:15 PM
Location: Gryffindor table
Open to: Becca
Currently Involving: Lauren

Just what we need... a mini!lauren )

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rebecca_taylor June 11 2006, 23:41:40 UTC
Becca looked up when she heard someone sitting down, diagonally from her, and a bit late as well. She grinned, though, when she saw Lauren. "It is wonderful!" she agreed immediately, her own plate rather full. Mmm, potatoes. She'd been eating by herself, but hey, this particular elder Gryffindor? Way cool.

So Becca shuffled her plate and bum down a seat, so that she could converse with Lauren easier, figuring she wouldn't mind. "So why're you late?" she asked frankly. "Doing anything awesome?" She probably had been!

Hero-worship complex? Well... maybe just a little.


lauren_taylor_d June 11 2006, 23:55:33 UTC
Lauren looked up to see the cute lil firstie right when she had stuffed her face full of bread. Oh, well that was lovely, because now she had to quickly chew her mouth full before talking.

Chew. Swallow.

"Hey Becca!" She greeted warmly, finally looking around her to see who else she was near by. A bunch of little people, that was who! Ah well, Lauren loved the young ones. She may not have gotten along with her own younger siblings, but the younger students here were all quite fun and not nearly as annoying. "Psh. No, unfortunately I wasn't doing anything awesome. Bloody homework, ya know?"

Lauren shook her head, about to say how she should have put it off till later, until she realized that she needed to be a good influence, "Which, you know, you should always do your homework nice and early, and never procrastinate." She winked, giggling to herself.

"How are classes going for you anyway?"


rebecca_taylor June 12 2006, 00:11:03 UTC
Becca made a face as she thought about homework. Well, how boring was that?! And she just rolled her eyes when Lauren tried to tell her that she should always do her homework. Right, as if she bought that for a second! Please.

Her grin came back, though, when Lauren asked about classes. "Everything here is so neat," she said immediately. Because hey, hating homework didn't mean she couldn't find the subject material interesting! "We're learning some wicked cool charms... though, I guess you probably know a lot of better ones, huh?" No matter, Becca would learn them eventually.

"And did you know we've had a flying lesson?" Well, of course Lauren would know they did that, she had been a first year at some point herself, but whatever! "That was brilliant!" She wished it could be an actual class that happened all the time. Sigh!


lauren_taylor_d June 12 2006, 00:24:38 UTC
Lauren laughed, amused at how the girl got so excited about her classes. Ah yes, she remembered those days. It had only been a few years ago when she too was excited about the material she was learning. Well, that was a lie, sometimes she got excited. Especially now that she had dropped all the classes she really hated -- like Astronomy, and Care of Magical Creatures. She had never liked those two subjects as much.

"Of course I know better ones, silly," She giggled, sticking her tongue out at Becca, "But that doesn't mean you won't know them yourself. I bet you'll be ace in Charms. Like me!"

Her eyes widened at the mention of the flying lesson, "Your first lesson? Wow! How did that go?" Lauren leaned in closer, as if about to tell her a secret, "I was dreadful my first time!"


rebecca_taylor June 12 2006, 01:29:56 UTC
Becca laughed when Lauren agreed that she knew better ones; well it was the truth, yeah? So that worked out. But being an ace in charms? Well, they'd see anyway. But how much would it rock, to be good at more advanced charms like that? Think of everything you could do with them!

Not that Becca was a trouble maker at all, of course. Hey, she wasn't as bad as some people anyway! She merely thought that it would be useful in certain situations that was all. Like when she needed to hex one of her brothers or something! You never knew!

And then Lauren was asking about flying! Yay! "Well I don't know," she said, thinking about it. "It didn't go dreadful, anyway," she said with a grin. "I really, really, really liked it! I can't wait to go flying again... think I can bribe anyone into letting me ride their broom?!"


lauren_taylor_d June 12 2006, 01:49:58 UTC
"Hey, at least you enjoyed it!!" She smiled brightly, taking a good long sip of her juice, a refreshing sigh escaping her lips as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Ok, so she wasn't exactly ladylike or anything, but when did she care about that sort of thing? Oh, that's right. Never!

Lauren smirked as the younger girl asked if there was anyone she could bribe, "Weeeeeell," She drawled, tapping the side of her cheek thoughtfully, "I suppose you might be able to borrow mine, if you wanted..."

Ah, but she really didn't care either way. Lauren hardly ever used her broom, sadly enough. Of course it wasn't that great of a broom, only a Shooting Star, but it worked well enough.


rebecca_taylor June 12 2006, 02:41:58 UTC
"Of course I enjoyed it!" she said, grinning as she thought about it. "I mean, it's awesome, right?" It was the closest thing she'd found to how she felt when she was riding her horse back home, and she loved that feeling.

So when Lauren mentioned letting her borrow her broom? Becca's eyes got way wide, and she literally started bouncing up and down in her seat. "Oh, would you? Really? I wouldn't hurt it, I promise, and I'd be really careful and oh wow, that would be so awesome!"

A little excited? Yeah, just a little! "Are you a good flier? Will you show me? When can we do this?!" She just couldn't seem to stop the questions from flowing out of her mouth!


lauren_taylor_d June 13 2006, 00:24:46 UTC
Lauren nodded, "Oh, yes. It is awesome! I haven't flown nearly as much this term, but I was talking to my friend just yesterday about getting a group together to fly. See, I don't know, I find it much more of a social thing." She shrugged, smearing her baked potato full of butter.

"Of course I would, crazy girl!" The older blonde laughed, amused by how excited Becca was getting. It really didn't bother her if the younger girl took her broom out to fly -- if she wasn't using it herself, it would be put to better use by someone using it, rather than collecting dust in her trunk.

As if an after thought, she added, "Ooooh, yeah, I will totally help you out too! We should do it soon. You know, I'm actually really excited about this!" What a great thing to do -- help out a firstie with flying. She may not have been the best flier, but she definitely knew what she was doing. After all, she had the great Soren help teach her! So she had to be good, right?


rebecca_taylor June 13 2006, 02:02:31 UTC

Becca made a face, somewhat confused. "You haven't flown much? But... why not? If I had a broom I imagine I'd fly all the time! You're so lucky, you know!" Yeah that made no sense to her! It wasn't fair that first years weren't allowed brooms, really. If they were, she was sure she'd be able to convince her parents to buy her one somehow!

But then again, Lauren was agreeing to take her out flying! And she even said she'd help her! Yay! Not that Becca liked admitting she needed help, but hey, she was excited not stupid. She'd only been on a broom once, and she knew she'd need to practice. But practice she would, and she would get good at it, too! Hey, maybe she'd even try out for the team in a couple of years!

Now her imagination was getting the best of her, and she was pretty much bouncing up and down in her seat. "You know what, Lauren? You rock! This is so awesome! Yay!"


lauren_taylor_d June 13 2006, 02:05:32 UTC
((You're a dork!! XP ( ... )


rebecca_taylor June 13 2006, 02:17:54 UTC
Not a top priority? Pshaw! Well, Lauren was cool, so Becca could forgive her that one thing, but really! How weird! "Ooh, you play guitar?" she asked. "I didn't know that! I guess that's cool, too." Not as cool as flying, of course, since Becca herself wasn't really interested in the guitar, but oh well.

She grinned widely when Lauren called her the coolest firstie ever. "I really am, you know," she said, nodding. What, humble? Why bother? "I found the kitchens the other day!" Yep, she was pretty darned proud of herself for finding them by herself, and not needing someone to show her. See, she could do things on her own!

"Yeah, and soon!" Becca agreed happily. Plus, hey, if an older student would willingly give up her time to Becca? Scratch that, an older student she liked? She wouldn't pass that opportunity up! "And before it gets too very cold," she added with a bit of a laugh.


lauren_taylor_d June 13 2006, 02:41:48 UTC
Ah well, Lauren supposed she couldn't be entirely perfect in the girl's eyes. Becca would just have to deal with the fact that Lauren was not as into flying as she was. Of course, that could partly have to do with the fact that Lauren had never ridden a horse before. Maybe if she had, she would share the younger girl's enthusiasm.

"Yep, I play guitar. It's fun, you should really try playing some sort of instrument!" Silly girl didn't understand how people couldn't be interested in music as much as she was!

Lauren laughed as the girl agreed about being so cool, "Oh, you found the kitchens? All by yourself? Wow. Go you! I got myself lost so many times my first year here." What lovely memories those were. Although getting lost had turned into an advantage of hers, because she had found dozens of cool places she wouldn't have found otherwise!

"Well, what is your schedule like next week? I'm sure I can fit something in!" Duh. She could totally fit something in. Her schedule was quite empty, and most of the time she just slept!


rebecca_taylor June 13 2006, 02:54:35 UTC
Well, if someone was entirely perfect in Becca's eyes, that would just be very, very strange. No, better that she didn't have to deal with such a sensation!

She made a slight face at the idea of playing guitar. "You think?" And then she actually thought about it, for like two seconds. "Do you think I'd be good at it?"

"I don't really get lost," Becca said, not entirely lying. Not too lost, anyway, she always somehow managed to find her way! Never mind that the reason she'd found the kitchens in the first place was because she had been lost, but whatever!

She thought about her schedule for a minute. "Monday, I only have Study Hall... or Tuesday? Only one class..."


lauren_taylor_d June 13 2006, 03:06:15 UTC
"You can be good at anything if you have a passion for it, and practice!!" So Lauren may not have been the most optimistic girl ever(probably why she hadn't been put into Hufflepuff), but she still had her moments! Plus, she liked encouraging Becca to try new things. "Maybe you should come up to my dorm sometime and check it out, I'd love to play you some songs!" Heee! Yes, Lauren jumped at any excuse to play and sing!

The older girl gave Becca a knowing look, "Mmhmm, sure you don't get lost." As if she believed that.

"Monday would be perfect," She answered immediately, not having to think about her own schedule, "I only have study hall as well, so it's a date, m'dear!"


rebecca_taylor June 13 2006, 03:28:54 UTC
Becca nodded, actually taking those words seriously. Well, that was something she knew already anyway -- it was why she'd been so good with horses, back home. "I'd love to!" she agreed. Hey, she may not be all into the actual playing herself, but listening to Lauren play a bit could be fun! "Yeah, we'll definitely have to do that!"

She did not blush as Lauren totally called her out on her little fib. She did stick her tongue out, though, because come on! Geez. Let her have a little pride, ya know?

"Great!" She bounced excitedly. And Lauren had better remember, too, or... or Becca would just remind her! A lot.


lauren_taylor_d June 13 2006, 03:34:34 UTC
Lauren couldn't hide the smile that appeared on her face, because really, all this stuff with Becca was starting to sound like heaps of fun! "Suhweeeeet!" She giggled, becoming far too giddy for her own good. It definitely gave her something to look forward too. She'd had enough of school stuff, now she wanted to just kick back and have fun!

And duh. Of course she would remember. Lauren wasn't likely to forget a plan once she had agreed to it. "Yep! Just come get me in my dorm room sometime that day, if I'm not already in the common room."

Finally letting them fall into a bit of silence, Lauren took the opportunity to eat some of her food. She was still very much starving, so was grateful for the break in conversation.

After stuffing her face for a minute or two, she looked back up at Becca with a curious expression, "Oi, that brother of yours hasn't gotten himself into any more trouble, has he?"


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