
May 28, 2006 18:36

Week Name: 'Books of Mystery'
Location: Greenhouses
Open To: Any student taking Herbology
Currently Involving: Professor Murphy

To learn and grow...plants )

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Comments 106

First Years finnian_murphy May 28 2006, 22:49:12 UTC
Professor Murphy will chat with you when you arrive. This is the space for your threads.


Re: First Years jeannm May 28 2006, 22:56:04 UTC
Herbology. Only Jeannie's worst class EVER. She was scared of the plants. So what. They were scary! They moved, they spat gunk at your face, and sometimes they BIT. Jeannie valued her life and limbs, thank you very much. Plus, you sometimes had to get MESSY.

Walking in the greenhouse, she smelled plants. Oh, joy. But, she was still her cheerful self, just with a bit of a damper, and a mix of slight fear added in.

And there were no desks, either. So she just had to stand all period?! Fun. But ah well.

"Hello, Professor!" she said, keeping up the happiness and attempted to find a spot to stand in that was farthest away from the most scary of the plants.


Re: First Years juliandanesby May 29 2006, 15:02:36 UTC
Julian found his regular spot in the greenhouse. Probably among others, Julian did not like this class as well. He did not understand the real part of it that was magic. It more seemed like science than anything else, but he assumed it was probably a mixture of both parts, science over magic. He still tried to do the best he could in this class, which was all he really needed to do. One thing was for sure, he would never go into a related field once he grew up.


Re: First Years finnian_murphy May 29 2006, 21:44:17 UTC
Finn was a bit tired as his first years started to arrive, but he kept a smile on his face. Lucky for those who weren't particularly keen on the subject, they wouldn't be getting dirty today. No, instead they were going to do some book work.

"Nice to see ye both!" Professor Murphy said as he conjured up a few tables and chairs.

"Open yer books and read about aconite. I'll let ye know now that 's also called wolfsbane or monkshood," he told them and nodded as he left to tend to the shrivel figs he needed for second years.


Second Years finnian_murphy May 28 2006, 22:49:40 UTC
Professor Murphy will chat with you when you arrive. This is the space for your threads.


Re: Second Years anastacia_f May 29 2006, 01:05:25 UTC
Ana stifled a yawn as she entered the greenhouse. Eight o'clock in the morning was early for her, but at least, the day was sunny and the class was cool and not-as-humid as it normally was. Herbology was not her favorite class, but as it wasn't her worst, she figured she should attend. She was a bit surprised to be the first one in attendance, and she noticed the professor right away. "Good morning, Professor." She said, deciding to stop in the center of her aisle, thinking it was good enough an area to wait for her friends to arrive.


Re: Second Years romey_w May 29 2006, 01:17:38 UTC
Romey was not impressed. She was not only alone, but she was romping across the grounds being battered by the sun and the cold! Grumbling loudly, she pushed open the door to the proper greenhouse and looked around. The class was rather empty and that did not help. This was her least favorite class (that might have had something to do with the fact that she was rubbish), but seeing the Professor made her brightened.

And then she saw Ana! Resisting the urge to run up and nab a hold of her friend, Romey called to her. "Ana!" Quickening her pace to catch up, she was next to her mate shortly. "We'll have a seat then?"


Re: Second Years anastacia_f May 29 2006, 01:20:48 UTC
Ana smiled as Romey approached. Finally! Someone to talk to, and someone she liked. (Both very hard to find, in her opinion). As Romey mentioned sitting, she wrinkled her nose and looked around. Eying the professor, she lowered her voice so that only Romey could hear. "Are you sure? It's awfully dirty here."


Third Years finnian_murphy May 28 2006, 22:50:13 UTC
Professor Murphy will chat with you when you arrive. This is the space for your threads.


Re: Third Years veronica_myers May 29 2006, 01:14:53 UTC
Veronica entered the room, smiling almost as brightly as the sun streaming through the glass roof. Although three o'clock in the afternoon made the greenhouse a bit warmer than she would've liked, Herbology was one of her favorite subjects and she was glad that the rain had paused momentarily on this day.

She paused, studying the plants, making sure not to touch them even out of curiosity because she heard of and knew the stories about certain plants attacking, and she was still cautious. When she noticed Professor Murphy standing nearby, she nodded in his direction. "Good afternoon, Professor."


Re: Third Years mason_g May 29 2006, 01:56:38 UTC
Mason entered right behind Veronica. He wasn't the best student at Herbology. Actually, it was one of his worst subjects, but he did, however, enjoy the class. He also enjoyed the teacher. Professor Murphy was a nice man.

He paused behind Veronica, and nodded at him.

"Hello Professor Murphy."


Re: Third Years finnian_murphy May 29 2006, 04:41:12 UTC
Two students that actually enjoyed his class! Or, at least to his knowledge. Perhaps they were simply being respectful, but that was important as well! He searched the room for Hufflepuffs, but sadly none had arrived. Ah, no matter.

"Hullo there you two! You'll be happy t'know that I planned this lesson around you, Mr. Gibbs," Finn said with a smirk and placed some plants in front of them.

Curious looking things, but the leaves were rather colourful.

"Alihotsy, 's called. If ye eat the leaves, ye go insane," Finn informed them with a wink.


Fourth Years finnian_murphy May 28 2006, 22:50:23 UTC
Professor Murphy will chat with you when you arrive. This is the space for your threads.


Re: Fourth Years kuentastic May 29 2006, 02:14:02 UTC
Bouncy, bouncy into the Herbology greenhouses. Sascha wasn't exactly a whiz at the subject, but she tried hard, and made decent grades. Plus, the professor was a complete hotty, and that had to count for right?

There he was, just look him. Delicious. Ok, back on task.

"Hello Professor!"


Re: Fourth Years averykellaway May 30 2006, 02:31:08 UTC
Oooh, Herbology, finally. What a totally uneventful week it had been. But with Professor Murphy, Avery hoped that there would at least be some interesting topics of conversation, or at least some fun learning about plants. While it wasn't her best subject, she had enjoyed his lessons tremendously so far, so that had to be good right?

She walked in right after Sascha, with less bounciness, obviously, but still with a bit more enthusiasm than most students. "Hello, professor," she greeted, giving him a slight nod.

She turned and smiled at the Hufflepuff. "You look positively beaming today. Been a good day for you?"

((OOC: I know I should start a thread for 4SG, but there are SO few of us. Let me know if this is not alright and I'll change?))


Re: Fourth Years finnian_murphy May 30 2006, 03:03:52 UTC
((Totally acceptable!))

Sascha and Avery were two students he definitely enjoyed the company of, but Finnian had trouble thinking of any student he particularly DISLIKED.
He didn't say a word, but simply winked at them as he placed plants in front of them. These plants? Definitely disgusting, and Professor Murphy had no trouble admitting it.

"Go ahead and get all yer complainin' outta the way now, an' then we can move on with learnin' about these. Called bubotubers," Finnian told them and grinned.

Slug looking things that gushed ooze that smelled of petrol.

"Just don't be touchin' 'em yet! They'll give ye boils. By the end of class, however, we should have an acne cream. Ye girls don't need it, but it's more effective than ye'd think. Ye can take some if ye want," he continued and poked at one with his gloved hand.


Fifth Years finnian_murphy May 28 2006, 22:50:34 UTC
Professor Murphy will chat with you when you arrive. This is the space for your threads.


Re: Fifth Years jackie_zhang May 28 2006, 23:11:37 UTC
Time for Herbology! Not her best class, but definitely not her worst. Jackie smiled as she entered her only class of the day. It was strangely weird being there, in the greenhouses, when she could see the storm and the rain pouring down on the glass roof. It looked a little surreal.

She stepped up to the potted plants and looked around. No one else was there except for Professor Murphy himself, so she smiled and said hello. "Good morning, Professor!"


Re: Fifth Years p_davenport May 28 2006, 23:29:28 UTC
Phillip strolled into the greenhouse, still yawning. He'd skipped breakfast to sleep in and had just barely managed to get out of bed in time for Herbology. But now that he was with Clover, he figured it would be a good idea to learn a bit about her favorite things.

He sighed as he came to a stop beside Jackie, "Hallo, Jackie, Professor," he didn't have much of an opinion about Professor Murphy, really. He'd always seemed a decent enough bloke over the last four years that Phillip had taken his course. It was too bad Phillip didn't find Herbology to be a particularly interesting subject, or he might have done better at it. As it was, he did just well enough to keep taking it.


Re: Fifth Years finnian_murphy May 28 2006, 23:40:46 UTC
Ah, the Gryffindors. They were definitely an amusing bunch. Jackie and Phil were two of his average students, not showing any real interest in plants, but always polite. He gave a smile and a nod to each of them and pointed to the plant in front of him.

"Either of you know what this is?" Finn asked them, waiting for a response.

It was highly unlikely that they did, but he figured he'd ask anyway. Just to keep up appearances as a professor and all.

"If you don't, you'll be happy to find out. Believe it or not, I've linked this lesson with your potions lesson for the week. Had to do a lot of brown nosing to Snape to make it happen!"


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