
May 28, 2006 18:36

Week Name: 'Books of Mystery'
Location: Greenhouses
Open To: Any student taking Herbology
Currently Involving: Professor Murphy

To learn and grow...plants )

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Fourth Years finnian_murphy May 28 2006, 22:50:23 UTC
Professor Murphy will chat with you when you arrive. This is the space for your threads.


Re: Fourth Years kuentastic May 29 2006, 02:14:02 UTC
Bouncy, bouncy into the Herbology greenhouses. Sascha wasn't exactly a whiz at the subject, but she tried hard, and made decent grades. Plus, the professor was a complete hotty, and that had to count for right?

There he was, just look him. Delicious. Ok, back on task.

"Hello Professor!"


Re: Fourth Years averykellaway May 30 2006, 02:31:08 UTC
Oooh, Herbology, finally. What a totally uneventful week it had been. But with Professor Murphy, Avery hoped that there would at least be some interesting topics of conversation, or at least some fun learning about plants. While it wasn't her best subject, she had enjoyed his lessons tremendously so far, so that had to be good right?

She walked in right after Sascha, with less bounciness, obviously, but still with a bit more enthusiasm than most students. "Hello, professor," she greeted, giving him a slight nod.

She turned and smiled at the Hufflepuff. "You look positively beaming today. Been a good day for you?"

((OOC: I know I should start a thread for 4SG, but there are SO few of us. Let me know if this is not alright and I'll change?))


Re: Fourth Years finnian_murphy May 30 2006, 03:03:52 UTC
((Totally acceptable!))

Sascha and Avery were two students he definitely enjoyed the company of, but Finnian had trouble thinking of any student he particularly DISLIKED.
He didn't say a word, but simply winked at them as he placed plants in front of them. These plants? Definitely disgusting, and Professor Murphy had no trouble admitting it.

"Go ahead and get all yer complainin' outta the way now, an' then we can move on with learnin' about these. Called bubotubers," Finnian told them and grinned.

Slug looking things that gushed ooze that smelled of petrol.

"Just don't be touchin' 'em yet! They'll give ye boils. By the end of class, however, we should have an acne cream. Ye girls don't need it, but it's more effective than ye'd think. Ye can take some if ye want," he continued and poked at one with his gloved hand.


Re: Fourth Years kuentastic May 30 2006, 03:26:31 UTC
Sascha smiled back at Avery. "Oh, you know. Just about every day is good for me, if I have any say so in it." Yes, Sascha wasn't one to be down and out, so she tried to make every day a good day, and it worked most of the time.

She gasped as Professor Murphy placed the...icky plant in front of them. "Professor! It's so...icky, and disgusting! I don't want to be around it! And it smells horrid! And I don't like it at all!" She was being rather fickle, as she knew good and well that she would do the assignment. Silly girl.

She looked at Avery, and scrunched up her face, and then turned her attention back to the teacher. "What if...you do the assignment, and we watch? We will still learn, you know."


Re: Fourth Years averykellaway May 30 2006, 03:41:18 UTC
Avery nodded at Sascha's respond and was about to say something in agreement when the professor spoke up. And oh, the plant. If anything, it looked positively hideous. But one mention of the name and a lightbulb lit in her mind. Bubotuber? A classic case of having to deal with the bitterness of the root before getting to the fruit. Or in this case, the beneficial properties of the pus.

Her eyes widened at the sight of it, but looked at Sascha with an amused look on her face when the girl started whining. She agreed with the smell, and not liking what they had to do. But hey, what needed to be done, had to be done, right?

Studying the plant carefully, she looked at the professor. "Professor? Is there any precaution we should be taking, aside from gloves, or is there anything we need to do before we get on with it?"


Re: Fourth Years finnian_murphy May 30 2006, 23:06:02 UTC
Just as he had expected, Sascha began to complain about.... well, everything. He nodded enthusiastically as she went through her list of grievances, if you wanted to look at it that way, and gave a small pat to her head.

"Yer just gunna have to muddle through it, m'dear," he told her with a sympathetic smile.

He handed a pair of gloves to each of them and cleared his throat.

"All ye have to do is extract the pus with these tools here, put it into tha' container, and then yer done. I know ye lassies can do it!" Finnian informed them, and with a wink he was off to tend to other plants.

((Fin out of posting order now, unless you want him back, in which case he shall return. XD ))


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