Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books of Mystery' / Tuesday, October 18 / 3:10 pm
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Open To: Blaze, Phillip (and other Gryff Quidditch teammates, if they want)
Currently Involving: Jackie
Though it had been raining off and on the entire day, the weather never deterred the team from practicing. Today, the Gryffindor Chasers were on the ball (or... is it on the Quaffle?) and neither rain, sleet, or snow (or even Study Hall) could stop them.
Jackie stretched, swinging her arms from side to side, and her waist from left to right. Warm-up was good, but now it was time for the real practice to start. She grabbed the Quaffle out of the quidditch trunk, tossing it into the air, and catching it as it fell. Hopefully, Blaze and Phillip would show up soon. They needed to work on their strategies.