
May 15, 2006 17:03

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans' / Monday, 10 October / 3:00 PM
Location: Courtyard
Open To: Jack Kestrel
Currently Involving: Will

Good morrow, cousin. // Is the day so young? )


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williamsparrow May 16 2006, 02:39:48 UTC
"...so, you're not speaking from personal experiance at this point or anything, are you?" Will couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow, though by now, such proclaimations were to be expected. Especially from Jack.

"Anyhow, I don't think that Shihoko's quite THAT smitten with me...I'm sure she'll find someone who'll adore her back before she leaves Hogwarts," he added with a firm nod. At least, he hoped as much for her.

Absently he'd begun toying with the ring on his finger again, as he usually did when he was listning to something, and suddenly he blinked, recalling a certain conversation around said ring. "Oh! You know how Gran said she didn't know where this came from?" The hand bearing the ring was lifted pointedly.


caribbean_mojo May 16 2006, 02:51:09 UTC
"It's always th'ones y'least expect." Said a rather warning tone, before she was slapped with a rather violent memory involving usually soft hands and the side of her face.

The key word here is usually.

Grunting, and rubbing at her cheek absently, Jack looked to Will as he slid seamlessly into a subject change. For a moment Kestrel debated not biting... but if Will really didn't want to talk about it...

"No. But for the sake of your story let's move on. So you found out different, did you?"


williamsparrow May 16 2006, 02:55:10 UTC
"Aye. From Ranger."

He stuck his hand out further, so the other could have a decent look at it. "That's apparently the Stalai family crest. Don't know how our family got hold of it though...but there it is. One of his family's rings went missing a long time ago, and somehow we ended up with it. He's got one identical to it. Funny, huh?"

Yes. Funny and strange and it seriously had boggled with his head...then again, he'd had a lot more on his mind than just that ring.

Like a certain Ravenclaw...


caribbean_mojo May 16 2006, 03:00:01 UTC
And she does have a decent look at it, right after swiping it with a flick of her wrist and lifting it up to be examined in the sunlight. "Family, eh...Hnm."

And not just any hnm, the type of hnm that generally means Jack is thinking about several things at once. Plotting perhaps? Never a good thing.

Anyway, she gives the ring a flick as if it were a coin, watching as it spiraled through the air towards Will. "Nice. He let you keep it, eh? Interestin. Hnm..."


williamsparrow May 16 2006, 03:03:34 UTC
"Insisted I did. I tried to give it back..."

He trailed off, focusing on the ring as he swiftly caught it midair, examining the simple gold band before sliding it back into place with a thoughtful expression. He'd tried, sure enough, and Ranger had damn well put the ring back on his hand.

....yeah. He remembered that. Remembered the odd twinge that had followed, and he remembered fleeing up the stairs to the Astronomy tower as fast as he could.

He remembered it so well, in fact, that Jack's plotting expression went completely unnoticed.


caribbean_mojo May 16 2006, 03:07:24 UTC
But Will's thoughtful one did not. And that brought a rather broad grin to Jack's face. She cleared her throat as attention turned to their surroundings once more. "Nice bloke, that Ranger. I like him. Really. Cause I don't like many people. Really. Not that well at least. Not Really."

Snort, shift, back now pressed against the grass with eyes staring up into the sky. "I like'is Vodka." Ok, highbeam smile.


williamsparrow May 16 2006, 23:18:03 UTC
"Yeah...Ranger's definately cool, no question there."

Jack had sucessfully draw him back out of his thoughts with that one, and now he was regarding her with a half-hearted sort of smirk. "Drink or no drink. But I'm sure he'd be glad to hear he had your stamp of approval."

In his opinion, it'd be hard NOT to like Ranger. Look at him! He's all kinds of cool.

And if Will could quit making a mess of everything and putting thought into things that didn't require it, he'd probably consider him a best friend, as well.


caribbean_mojo May 17 2006, 11:35:48 UTC
The girl snickered before eyes drifted shut in her lounging. "My stamp of approval? I'm sure't matters to few." Hand lifted to stifle a yawn and the elder Slytherin settled in. Mm, had to be careful or she'd fall asleep out here.

Kestrel could nap just about anywhere, it just tended to happen during class more so than anyplace else.


williamsparrow May 17 2006, 19:52:46 UTC
Yeah, it was rather relaxing out here, wasn't it?

It was one of the reasons Will had wandered back out here. After all, if that silly room didn't want to reappear, there were plenty of other places in and around the castle that could serve as a place of solace. Having Jack around helped tremendously...though of course, that didn't really need to be said. He was fairly certain his older cousin was well aware of that fact.

He tilted his head upwards, neck craning as he gazed up into the cloud-filled sky.

"Wish it would rain."


caribbean_mojo May 19 2006, 15:58:46 UTC
Now THAT was an odd request.

Jack lifted an eyebrow before peering up at her cousin from her lounging position. The boy looked rather amusing from an upside-down viewpoint. "You want it to rain? Only hopeless romantics WANT it t'rain. Romance is for people with lil money and too much time on their hands."

A faint sniff and she was looking to the sky again.


williamsparrow May 20 2006, 20:50:36 UTC
"What, you don't believe in romance, Jack?"

Will broke into a sudden grin and tilted his head back towards his cousin, chuckling faintly. Probably a bit backwards, for him to believe so strongly in such a thing, and for her to seemingly have no need for it.

But then, that was him and Jack for you.


caribbean_mojo May 20 2006, 21:01:20 UTC

"I know't exists. And it only leads ta pain'n sufferin." Her hand lifted to the side of her face and rubbed absently at a phantom sting that crawled across flesh. "Especially if you end up with a slapper."

Speaking from experience, here.

"I guess you could say I believn't. I just think it's a waste of time and effort. Like morals. Mostly. Cept mine." Nod.


williamsparrow May 20 2006, 22:35:06 UTC
"I haven't ended up with anyone, so I suppose I'll have to take your word for it, then," he snickered, itching absently just below his ear before settling once again.

"But maybe there's more to it than you'd think...maybe, if you find the right person, even if it hurts sometimes...the better times would make it all worth it." He smiled a bit wistfully. "I mean, no couple's pefect. I've seen enough from the outside to know. They fight, they argue, they disagree, they do things the other doesn't like, they get jealous and insecure...but in the end, with the best of them, just having each other is enough."


caribbean_mojo May 21 2006, 01:15:43 UTC
Jack blinked at her cousin, long and slow, before dissolving into a fit of snickers. She had already come to accept the fact that the boy was naive. Insanely cute, but naive.

"I've yet to meet a person worth all th'fuss that isn't blood. And y'won't catch me lookin either. I get into enough trouble without hopin and searchin fer't." The Slytherin shoved up onto her elbows, peering at the other. "Yer a dreamer, Will. And I don't know where y'get it from."


williamsparrow May 21 2006, 01:27:29 UTC
Will blinked at that particular pronouncement, before his face split into a sheepish smile and his hand lifted to rub the back of his head, ruffling his hair in the process.

"Well, nothing wrong with having dreams, is there? Life's pretty bleak if you don't have a few...you can't pretend like you don't fancy yourself in a different situation now and again, and it's all the same!"


caribbean_mojo May 21 2006, 01:30:31 UTC
"I find a reality I've shaped fer myself a lot more rewardin th'na dream I'll never realize. Yer gonna choke on those clouds if you keep yer head up there long enough." She chuckled and lifted an eyebrow slightly.


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