
May 13, 2006 17:59

Week Name/Date/Time:'Promises and Plans'/Thursday, 13 October, 2005/6:45 PM
Location: Courtyard
Open To: Skippy
Currently Involving: Juhi Saraf and Erik Cohen

....bored )


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erikcohen May 18 2006, 10:31:36 UTC
Erik watched Juhi play with his hand, an amused smile on his face. Every once in awhile she'd pull a finger back too far and it would hurt, but it made him chuckle. Apparently her hold on him had gotten worse. Merlin.

"You are a brilliant prefect! I watched you patrol, remember? And well... don't worry about that, I'm just good with the stalking. Anyway, I need you in a position of power. Means I can go on adventures and not get into too much trouble," Erik told her and smirked.

Yes, her being a prefect did him loads of good. Not that he was going to take advantage of it or anything. Much.

"I should hope not. I've frightened people, amused people, and angered people... but BORE them? Surely not."

Erik Cohen was not boring. Ever.


juhi_saraf May 18 2006, 23:45:12 UTC
Juhi gasped. "That's right! You DID watch me patrol! I can't believe you did that. That was a little strange of you." Right. A little. A little strange, and a little creepy? "It wasn't so much WATCHING as it was STALKING." She smirked at him. "Were you that desperate to see me, then, hmmmmm ( ... )


erikcohen May 19 2006, 01:52:01 UTC
"Oh, it was definitely stalking. I even said so, you obviously don't listen," Erik responded, poking her in the side.

His logic at the time had been he could stalk his own girlfriend without it being too strange. Plus, he'd been bored. Not to mention he proved that she needed to be more aware as a prefect! Honestly.

"Fi McFinn doesn't back down. I'm not surprised she kept lying, even if it was an obvious fib. No harm done, yeah? It's only the real trouble makers, evil doers you have to worry about," Erik stated and took a deep breath.

Technically, they were already taking advantage of her prefectness by being out after curfew, but he didn't point this out.

"Hilarious," he said simply, rolling his eyes at her joke. Yeah, yeah. Make fun. She knew he was right!

Though, he probably was a bit tiresome.


juhi_saraf May 19 2006, 02:12:15 UTC
"I know you said so at the TIME, but just now you tried to call it watching. Rewriting history, as it were. You would have left it at that too, if I hadn't said anything, Skippy." She wrinkled her nose at him in response to the poke. He'd probably just been bored anyway.

Juhi raised her eyebrows at his deep breath, and resisted the urge to grab his hand again. "No harm done, no. But that was before I knew people actually got hurt wandering the castle alone; it'd probably be different, now." She was silent for a moment, and then allowed herself a small smile. "And I think Sebby may never recover from having to take points from someone, so I guess if that counts as harm..."

Oh, fantastic. Juhi chewed the inside of her cheek. If he wasn't going to fight back was she supposed to feel weird about teasing him? Maybe that had been a pathetic 'joke' in the first place. That was probably it, right? Hit too close to home? She would have rolled her eyes at herself, if that wouldn't have looked completely insane.


erikcohen May 19 2006, 03:29:47 UTC
Erik chuckled. That Sebastian fellow was one odd bloke, but Erik rather liked him. He wondered if he still lived in the library, seducing Madam Pince. Oh no! Wait, Juhi had said....

"Sebastian! I liked him! What's all this about him snogging?" Erik asked her, remembering what she had mentioned before.

Maybe it was a bit rude, but he couldn't imagine anyone really... it was Just that Sebby was a tad... well, the whole thing sounded awkward. It was hard enough getting together with Juhi when they were a perfect match. He couldn't imagine the difficulty that must have come with THAT.

"I think people only get tired of me when they're not smart enough to keep up with my brilliance. Only reason I can think of, truly..."

Well, he wasn't going to REALLY let that comment go without a word.


juhi_saraf May 19 2006, 05:01:25 UTC
Juhi's eyes widened in surprised. "ERIK! Shhhhh!" She looked around furtively. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said loudly, for good measure. The she put her mouth against his ear again. "I whispered that for a reason, silly Skippy." She tilted her head a little, the easier to access his ear, and shifted to get more comfortable.

"I don't really know any DETAILS, I mean, it is still Sebby. But apparently," she paused dramatically, and hoped he would appreciate it, "there were house elves present at the time. And something about a spoon." She hesitated. Erik wouldn't SAY anything, would he? "Don't ask Sebby about it, though. He'll never speak to me again." Having explained the situation a little further, she took the opportunity to blow on his ear. It was right there, after all ( ... )


erikcohen May 19 2006, 21:35:43 UTC
Erik had never really thought about how much he enjoyed his ears until Juhi whispered into one. His weren't too big or too small or too deformed. They were normal sized, and clean, and perfect for listening.

Apparently, he thought about odd things like that when Juhi was so close his nerves were dancing. However; what she had said? That beat everything he had been thinking in terms of STRANGE. HOUSE ELVES!? Who snogged in front of house elves? Erik couldn't imagine Sebastian, of all people, managing to pull that off!

"I am SO asking Daisy if she saw it happen! It is too hard to believe without some sort of witness to the event," Erik said in disbelief and began to laugh.

He was a little envious, in a nutty sort of way. Broom display was awkward, but house elves? That won, hands down, for most awkward kiss ever.

He didn't even argue about his being dramatic. Instead, he picked her up (she seemed lighter every time he did so) and dipped her down into a quick kiss.

No one ever said dramatic was a bad thing.


juhi_saraf May 19 2006, 23:48:49 UTC
Juhi stopped blowing in Erik's ear abruptly. Asking Daisy? Oh wait. "Daisy is that one elf you know, right? She messes up your bed for you, or something like that?" She elbowed him lightly in the side. She wasn't sure if that was actually the case, but she remember him mentioning that, and remembered that Daisy was an elf he knew. Close enough ( ... )


erikcohen May 20 2006, 03:18:02 UTC
"Zonko always counts. He almost counts for as much as house elves, but.... not quite," Erik said as he pulled away from the kiss, laughing and smiling as he did so.

A bit odd, just continuing the conversation, but... oh. She was looking at him funny. Was that not the right thing to say? His eyes were searching her face for an indication of what was going on, but - OH! He was dying. Her eyes were closed, and now she was kissing him... a lot.

It shouldn't have made him nervous. They'd kissed before! He'd just kissed her a moment ago! But this seemed so much more... serious and emotional... and it felt really good. It was Juhi, and she hadn't initiated any kissing before, and she'd picked him out a hat, but that was irrelevant, wasn't it ( ... )


juhi_saraf May 22 2006, 00:50:12 UTC
So apparently, something could be insanely terrifying and yet completely and totally wonderful at the same time. Not that Juhi was able to contemplate that at the moment, however. She only knew that she had no real idea what she was doing, but that she was compelled to try anyway. Besides, wasn't snogging the sort of thing that took two people to learn, anyway ( ... )


erikcohen May 22 2006, 01:22:54 UTC
Erik was almost afraid that she would feel his heart beating. It was louder than ever, and was probably trying to send him a message he couldn't quite grasp yet. He could feel something beginning to overwhelm him. It started with a tingle in his toes and worked straight on up to his brain. His brain, which was sooner or later going to need air. He couldn't concentrate on that fact, however, with her hand in his hair and her lips on his.

It was over now. Or he thought it was, until she started placing light kisses on the side of his mouth. It almost didn't seem fair she could make him lose control like that. How did she know exactly what to do ( ... )


juhi_saraf May 22 2006, 02:59:18 UTC
Juhi tried to grin at Erik's enthusiastic response to the idea of house elves, but her eyes felt locked to his, and she couldn't move her thoughts, let alone force the muscles of her face into a smile ( ... )


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