Clubs Mods (2)

Jan 01, 2023 12:41

EVERYONE can vote in this poll.

Please select TWO applicants:


How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties? I would come on every day to make sure things are running as they should and to update whatever needs to be updated. ( explained more below. ) I will always make sure things are done in a timely manner, such as responding to PM's as soon as I can.
As a mod of this community, what are you prepared to do to help things run smoothly/stay active? To make sure club leaders are posting every month, and if not, contact them with a warning and then remove them if they're inactive for too long. Asking if they need any help with posting is something I will always do, too. To keep up with club activity results so I can tally the club member of the month. To make sure all the club rosters are updated and if not, contact the leaders so they can update it as soon as possible so people are getting the correct points at the end of the month. To post a weekly roundup every week to let everyone know when activities will be ending. To make sure the 'current' tag is accurate. To answer any questions people have as soon as I can. To always post member/leader of the month in the beginning of the following month, to be able to celebrate people's hard work in the community; Tallying those points will always be a priority of mine. Submitting MOTM and LOTM points to the System. Making sure the profile is updated whenever there's a change needed to be updated; i.e. when a club goes on hiatus or when someone posts a new roster.
Are there any changes/improvements you can suggest for the community? I think the club's community runs very smoothly now, and can't think of anything that could make it better. I wish more people were active in all the activities instead of just the easy ones, but that's not really something I can control. Especially when the leaders are doing their part in posting reminders quite a lot. Doing Leader Applications every two months, or at least once a term would be ideal, to help spark some interest in gaining new/more club leaders.
Do you have a club yourself? I do not.


How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties? everyday of the week to be honest

As a mod of this community, what are you prepared to do to help things run smoothly/stay active? checking rosters, checking activities, and anything else that needs to be done.

Are there any changes/improvements you can suggest for the community? no none at this moment.

Do you have a club yourself? yes.

How much availability do you have in an average week for performing mod duties? Yes
As a mod of this community, what are you prepared to do to help things run smoothly/stay active? Yes
Are there any changes/improvements you can suggest for the community? YES. Ok. So as it stands you have to run 2 activities a month. I would like to change this to 1 activity a month (within reason) and also expand the number of clubs that can be run. Three clubs at twice a month was ideal when we were active - but now I think we can discuss this.
Do you have a club yourself? No, but I have run one in the past.

Poll Clubs Mods (2)

And just in case, comments here are screened.


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