Flourish Mods (2)

Dec 29, 2022 13:51

EVERYONE can vote in this poll.

Please select TWO applicants:


As a mod of this community, what are you prepared to do to help things run smoothly/stay active? I feel like this community runs pretty smoothly on its own. I like the theme challenges that the mods have been doing the last few terms.

Are there any changes/improvements you can suggest for the community? None that I can think of, but I am definitely open to suggestions.

Do you have a shop yourself? Not at the moment

Suggest three themes for use as monthly themes for the shops: Three themes I would pick for the new term would be black and white (pretty self-explanatory), begins with (shopkeepers would pick a letter from the alphabet and theme their tags around that letter) and the color green - all tags would have to feature the color green in some way).


As a mod of this community, what are you prepared to do to help things run smoothly/stay active? To the best of my ability
Are there any changes/improvements you can suggest for the community? I really want to change "shopkeeper of the month" to something more fair like most updates or something as most of the time there are only 1-2 deliveries in a whole month
Do you have a shop yourself? Yes
Suggest three themes for use as monthly themes for the shops: Gradients, flower meanings, color pop


As a mod of this community, what are you prepared to do to help things run smoothly/stay active? run the monthly activities & check every week for what shops need to be updated.

Are there any changes/improvements you can suggest for the community? none

Do you have a shop yourself? yes

Suggest three themes for use as monthly themes for the shops:

Christmas In July

Each month being specific to a HiH House
HiH Clubs

Poll Floursih Mods (2)

And just in case, comments here are screened.


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