Mar 28, 2007 15:55

The Rules:

1. This is all in fun. Feel free to take it seriously, but keep yourself grounded.

2 In the heat of debate, please refrain from using any sort of personal attacks. This should be obvious, and this will get you docked points.

3 Please do not leave the topic, or leave your assigned side.

4 What happens in debate stays in debate. We don't want to see any of you getting catty with each other for whatever sort of battles go on in the debate post. When we leave the debate, we're all friends again!

5 Only qualified comments earn you points. A qualified comment means:

* A point is made.

* The comment is at least five sentences long.

* The comment stays on topic and is correct according to the side you are debating.

* The comment is signed. If you accidentally forget to sign it, please delete the comment and repost it with your name and house in it. I'll be tallying the points and unsigned comments are instantly disqualified. Leaving your house in a reply to your unsigned comment won't help at all.

6 Please do not plan any sort of strategies in your common rooms//only reminders and encouragement is allow!

7 If you make a comment that is just so out there that it has to be deleted, expect your house to suffer from the loss of a very large amount of points.

The Topic:
FELIX FELICIS discuss it’s affects and how it can be use in positive and negative aspects. Also use examples of real life *your personal situations** and situations in the book in which Felix Felicis could be used. In short discuss and argue about what you think about the potion and its consequences when taking it.

As Of Now No Sides So Feel Free To Discuss Whatever Point You Want To Make…But If I See Lack Of Participating I Will Have To Split You Guys Into House Groups.
The discussion/debate will end Midnight U.S. CT MARCH 31st so have fun guys and gals!!!

Participating in the Debate -10 points/5 knuts*
Each Additional Comment - 5 points/2 knuts*

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