Mar 14, 2007 16:21

Hello Insomniacs...I know I'm posting this during the day but tonight I have to work and this contest is way overdue ::sorry for not doing this contest quicker::
Anywayz in keeping with Valentines Day & St. Patrick’s Day and the month of February & March This Icontest is the entension of last months but also you can submit another icon to compete with entries for last month !!!!!!

The ultimate Night-time Keeper and his four legged friend Argus Filch and Mrs. Norris.

The Details:
Create a standard LJ Icon (100x100) featuring Argus Filch/Mrs. Norris/ or Both, using any picture of the two. So the possibilities are numerous. Try to convey affection in any way and texts and animations are allowed. Voting will occur and standard points will be given out.


Create an icon of everybody’s loveable Irish-Wizard, Seamus Finnigan.

The Details:
Create a standard LJ Icon (100x100) featuring Seamus Finnigan, any picture of him. So the possibilities are numerous. Try to convey luckiness, green, or St. Patricks Day in any way and texts and animations are allowed. Voting will occur and standard points will be given out.

Deadline: March 28th 12 Midnight
Voting Will Occur Next Day

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