New Animagus Batch #419-#423

Jan 03, 2011 18:33

I apologize that this took so long. I'm still pretty much without internet here. But here are your choices, finally! Go crazy bbs ;-)

For the applicants: The process of becoming an animagus is nearly complete! Here are the options you may choose to settle into as your final animagus form. If you're not satisfied with these choices, we are deeply sorry. You may re-submit a new application, if you wish. We hope you like your options!

Applicant #419: Ermine, Upper Mississippi Valley Raccoon, Canada Lynx, Snowy Owl
Applicant #420: Nebelung Cat, Bentheimer Landschaf (sheep), Cape Fox, Riverine Rabbit
Applicant #421: (Piebald) Eastern Gray Squirrel, Eurasian Elk, Groundhog, Bobcat
Applicant #422: Narwhal, Macaroni Penguin, Great White Shark, Giant Squid
Applicant #423: Nubian Giraffe, African Buffalo, Orangutan, Mule Deer

When you have decided which of the four choices will be your animagus form, the final step to mastering the transformation is to write a short 200 - 600 word essay about the connection you share with that animal.
If you're having problems deciding, feel free to comment to this post asking for more feedback or discussion. Be sure to include your Animagus number!

Remember, it is mandatory to write this essay to become a registered animagus here at HiH. Go here to submit your essay, where your essay will be approved and you'll be given a lovely banner. DEADLINE FOR ALL APPLICANTS TO TURN IN THE ESSAY IS Tuesday, 11th of January.

If you do not submit your application by then, you will lose your choices and have to re-apply.
Don't forget that Wiki is your friend. You can get a wealth of information from it!

_chngingx3lanes 25 points/10 knuts

dana1130 50 points/ 20 knuts
los_york 20 points/ 10 knuts

annaw135 50 points/20 knuts
icewindfirex 30 points/15 knuts

peyton07 50 points/20 knuts

pierhias 10 points/5 knuts

mk_tortie 50 points/20 knuts

seserakh 50 points/20 knuts

rvillarrubia 50 points/20 knuts

mmailliw 50 points/20 knuts

vitallani 25 points/10 knuts

Reasons why you may not have earned the full 50 points/25 knuts:
- Intermediate votes only receive 5 points per vote
- Already claimed animals receive no points (please make sure you check the community profile for a list of already claimed choices!)
- Unexplained votes receive one point

House Totals:
Gryffindor: 95
Huffflepuff: 80
Ravenclaw: 110
Slytherin: 175

If I made any mistakes, please let me know. Like I said, I don't have internet at the moment, but I hope I can fix things soon if there's something wrong.

Thank you for voting <3

new animagi choices, guidance

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