And this post is bound to be uninteresting. The latest interesting thing that had occurred within my vicinity is that Trettia had some weird green good dripping from her eye (pink eye, she was told). Other than that, I got nuttin'
What's the weirdest substance that has ever exuded from your body? Answer then post to your journal.
I used to get sinus infections a lot and would have literally small cups full of yellow/green mucus come out of my nose. When I was younger I would take and roll then into a tube and wind the mucus around the tissue.
When I got my belly button pierced it oozed some weird mustard like, goo. That's one of
omakase's first impressions of me.
I know that I have had bowel movements that I forced other people to look at because resembled other objects/people, but I can't think of exactly what they looked like right now.
Bah, I know
kyooverse will enjoy this too much