Apr 13, 2009 08:40
After telling myself that I wouldn't get roped into another three-year phone contract, I went out and got roped into another three-year phone contract. At least this time I got the phone I wanted. (Last time, I went with a "free" flip-phone because I was tired of my phone turning itself on. The flip-phone wasn't the best, but considering I seldom call anyone, it really didn't matter.)
I now have a Palm Treo 755p "smartphone". At the moment, I'm using this more as a PDA than a phone/data device, but I have sent email from it. Only to myself so far, just to test it out. Eventually, I'll use the data service features more, once I figure them out. After all, I'm paying for them, so I might as well use them!
The keyboard on the Treo is a little awkward to type on, but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually for "typing on the run". However, on those occasions that I want to type for longer periods of time, I have my Stowaway folding keyboard. I have tested it once so far and it seemed to work okay, but I didn't type for very long; just long enough to test the Bluetooth connection. (Fortunately, I did research to make sure the keyboard would be compatible and found out that if I leave the keyboard driver in the PDA memory, it will drain the phone battery in a matter of hours, even if everything is disabled. So I have to copy the driver from an SD card when I want to use the keyboard and delete it from memory when finished. It's annoying, but worth the effort in order to be able to use a full-size keyboard to type on.)
I can go back to being geeky now! I can sit in a coffee shop surrounded by people typing on their laptops or netbooks, and I'll be typing on a keyboard hooked up to a phone!