Sep 28, 2005 22:48

If you missed yesterday's edition of Channel 10's London & Kirshenbaum, let me fill you in.

Tzvi Yehezkeli, the head of the Arab desk of Channel 10 news, brought straight from MBC an Arabic dubbed clip from The Simpsons, or as they're called in the Arabic version: El-Shamshoons. The clip lasted no more than 20 seconds, from it we learned that Homer was renamed to Omar, and it featured him yelling "HALAS!" at the children. Funny stuff!

I tried to look for a clip on line to show you. Couldn't find it. I did find a news report in some kind of anti-Jewish site (with talkbacks wonder what impact the Zionist-written show will have on the Muslim teen. A good point they raise there is that the show is scheduled to air during Ramadan. Think about it - Muslims, Ramadan, Homer Simpson [with the beers and all] - what doesn't fit there?

That article has a link to another page that I couldn't quite figure out what it is although I think it's just anti-Semite crap. Maybe you can put it in context.

weird, funny

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