Oct 26, 2007 18:16
i found out that with the NEIS (New Enterprise Incentive Scheme) that if your proposed business requires startup money, they wont accept you into their course if you cant already come up with the startup cash. you must have savings, family money or a pre-approved loan for your startup.
i dont have enough money from any of those sources. i had hoped that after i did the included business course i would have a professional proposal to take to a bank and convince the loans manager that i was a safe bet. but NEIS work the other way around.
so i have to change the game plan. i need to come up with my own startup cash before NEIS will accept me. i will have to go to tafe and do a mechanics and welding course, buy a wrecked bike and repair it in tafe as my project, then sell it off at the end (best idea so far). after a couple of sales i should have enough startup money. and on the plus side i wont have to hire a mechanic or welder once i do startup as i will have the skills already.
i just went to liverpool to check out the bike wreckers and discovered they have nothing but road/sports bikes for sale. i have to consider repairing only jap bikes for now to earn some real money, my custom choppers will have to wait until i am premised in a shop for the good stuff to be made.
the storm that hit sydney was horrendous. instead of driving through it and hoping some idiot doesn't panic and crash around me, i decided to wait it out at KFC. as soon as the storm subsided i jumped in my car and it died. i called the NRMA and they fixed the fuel injectors with a hammer (i could have done that!) i ended up following the tail of the storm all the way back to bowral. at least i had an adventure today! :)