Highlander Fic: Theft [Prompt -Thief | Methos/Amanda | Hard R/N17]

Jan 02, 2008 06:06

Title: Theft
Author: jinxed_wood
Claim: Methos/Amanda
Rating: Hard R/N17.
Prompt: Thief
Summary: Amanda gets jealous, and Methos improvises
Disclaimer: The Highlander concept isn't mine, but Panzer/Davis's...sob
Author's Note: This is part of a series of ficlets, charting a change in the direction of Methos and Amanda's...ahem...friendship. Previous parts are: Old Lovers | The Dragon's Den | Candlelight | Dinner Interrupted

Warning - in case you didn't notice the rating above, or didn't realise what you were clicking when LJ's filter informed you this has explicit adult content, this fic has a R/N17 rating!

Last chance to turn back...

No, really, this your last chance...


Amanda checked her reflection in the foyer’s mirror as the servant relieved her of her coat. The floor length, black satin dress hugged her form flatteringly, the long slit up the side showing off her legs to perfection. Two antique Spanish combs pulled her hair up from her face, revealing a pair of discreet, but very expensive diamond stud earrings. The Victorian ivory cameo nestled nicely in the hollow of her throat, held there by a black velvet ribbon.

She looked poised, and beautiful, and very, very wealthy.

In other words, she blended in perfectly with the other guests, with the exception of one tiny, small detail.

He was late.

“Amanda, darling, you made it.” The Countess de Valmont was everything that Parisian high society demanded of her. Elegantly dressed in a vintage Chanel evening gown, her hair was expertly coiffed, and her well preserved face immaculately made up. She had celebrated her fiftieth birthday earlier in the year, but she could easily pass as someone in her thirties.

“Marie, you look fabulous, as always,” Amanda purred, as they air kissed each other’s cheeks.

”And you, my dear, look absolutely divine,” Marie declared, as she took Amanda’s arm. “But where is your friend? I thought you were going to introduce him to us tonight?”

“He’s running a little late, I’m afraid; something unexpected came up at his firm,” Amanda lied, making a small moue.

“On New Year’s Eve?” Marie exclaimed. “How unfortunate. Do tell me he will be here before midnight? ”

Amanda let out a light laugh. “My dear, Adam would never let an opportunity to steal a kiss slip through his grasp.”

The Countess smiled and led her towards the murmur of voices. “Well, I shall do my best to keep you entertained until you beau arrives,” she promised. “I can’t let your first visit to my home be dull.”

“Marie, I doubt any of your guests have ever found your hospitality wanting,” Amanda said, as they stepped into the drawing room.

A string quartet played softly in the background, as the Countess's other guests congregated in small clusters in the well-appointed room. Servants fluttered from group to group, laden with champagne and refreshments, as the crème de la crème of Paris’s social elite waited for the coming of the New Year.

“Just an intimate little get together,” Marie said, as a servant appeared at their side, offering champagne. “I didn’t want anything too ostentatious, this year.”

“It’s perfect,” Amanda said, as she helped herself to a flute of champagne. “As is the champagne-” The immortal presence splashed down her spine, making her shiver as she turned towards to door.

Methos’s eyes fell on her unerringly as he entered the room, a twinkle of amusement showing in his eyes as he crossed the room. His tuxedo was tailored, showing off nicely the breath of his shoulders, usually hidden under a seemingly endless supply of sloppy jumpers and ill fitting coats.

“Oh my,” Marie said, “Don’t tell me that’s your Adam?”

Amanda looked at the Countess, hearing the envy in her voice. So Marie found Methos attractive. “Let me introduce you,” Amanda said, shaking off the sudden surge of possessiveness.

“Oh, please do. ”

Amanda felt a frown form on her face and swiftly erased it before Marie noticed. She had spent the last two months cultivating a friendship with the Countess, she didn’t want to all that effort to go to waste. Especially as she was now so near her goal, she could nearly feel the necklace in her hands.. “Adam,” she called lightly. “Let me introduce you to the Countess de Valmont.”

“Oh please, call me Marie,” the Countess thrilled, holding out her hand as Methos joined them. “I do so hate the use of titles, don’t you?”

“It’s a pleasure, Marie,” Methos said, drawing out her name as he bent to kiss her hand.

Amanda felt the frown return and quickly dampened her irritation. What was wrong with her? It was just Methos. Annoying, undependable, irritating, Methos; who’d better behave tonight, if he wanted her to forgive him for disappearing for a fortnight after accepting a challenge, leaving her worried sick and…and…

Irritation turned to anger as she noticed that Methos had neglected to let go of the Countess’s hand as she relentlessly pumped him for information. How long had he lived in Paris? Did he intend to put down roots here? Isn’t it funny they’d never met before?

On impulse, Amanda curved her arm through his and leaned against him, feeling him tense suddenly, and then relax, his free hand catching hers, threading their fingers together. Marie, sensing the change in the air, reluctantly let Methos’s hand go, but smiled glowingly at him, as if they were the only two in the room.

Well, really. To think that she’d almost called this evening off because she’d actually begun to like her. The woman was no more than a… a… man poacher!

“Marie, darling,” Amanda said, a hint of steel in her voice. “We shouldn’t really monopolise your attention like this. Your other guests will feel neglected.”

Marie blinked, then realisation dawned on her face and she blushed. “Oh dear,” she said, her poise suddenly broken. “You’re quite right, of course. Please excuse me, Adam… Amanda… I’m sure you two can keep yourself amused while I mingle for a little while?”

Flustered, the Countess hastily made her way to a small coterie gathered at the far side of the room and, once she was out of earshot, Methos laughed throatily. “I do believe you scared her.”

Amanda snorted. “Oh please, I was just reminding her of her manners,” she said. “Poaching another woman’s lover - especially in public - is so terribly déclassé!”

“Amanda, we’re not lovers,” he reminded her gently.

“As far as Marie is concerned, we are,” Amanda said irritably.


“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I just think you’re taking this far too seriously,” he said teasingly. “I might get ideas.”

“Oh no you don’t, I still haven’t forgiven you for letting me think you were dead,” she said sharply.

Methos sighed. “I’ve already explained that.”

“Yes, yes, you thought it was best to leave me alone to think things over, you didn’t realise I would be worried…” She took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. “Let’s just keep to the plan, okay?” she said. “We mingle, we charm; we slip away as soon as possible-”

“And raid poor Marie’s safe box.”

“Huh, poor Marie indeed,” Amanda said, with a pout. “As far as I’m concerned, she deserves to lose a dozen sapphire necklaces!”

“My, my, we are in a bad mood tonight.”

“Don’t push it, Adam,” Amanda said, smiling sweetly at a couple who threw them a curious look.

Methos sighed theatrically, and Amanda kicked his ankle discreetly, making him wince. “If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion,” he said, his voice saccharine sweet. "May I point out that we might as well make our move now?”

“They’ll notice if leave the room too quickly, Adam,” Amanda said.

“In case you haven’t noticed, every single person in this room is trying their damnedest to pretend we don’t exist at the moment, especially Marie.”

With a sinking heart, Amanda realised it was true. A single voice may not have been raised but, by this circle's standards, the exchange between her and Marie had been tantamount to a full-blown catfight, and nobody wanted to be caught staring. “Damn it,” she muttered. “You’re right…”

“Let’s just step out into the hall,” Methos murmured. “They’ll just suspect we’ve gone somewhere private to argue, no one will dare follow us.”

Amanda nodded, after a moment’s hesitation, and Methos led her into the foyer. A servant hurried by, glancing away as he passed. “My, my, even the servants are avoiding us. We must have committed a real faux pas,” he said dryly.

Amanda rounded on him, poking him in the chest. “This is all your fault!”

“Who? Me?”

“Yes, you! If you’d arrived in time to collect me from my apartment, we would have arrived here together, as a couple, and Marie wouldn’t have gotten so carried away… and what was that, with all the hand holding?”

“Careful, Amanda, you’re beginning to sound jealous,” Methos said, smirking as he caught her elbow and pulled her towards the stairs.

“I told you, it’s the principle of the thing!” Amanda insisted, ignoring the little voice in her head that said Methos had a point.

“Amanda, may I remind you that we’re here to relieve the woman of her worldly goods, not defend my honour?” he asked. “Not that I’m not flattered but….” He smiled suggestively.

“Oh, oh, you’re impossible, do you know that?”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Amanda glared, before pushing past him.

“Where are we going?” he asked as he shadowed her up the steps.

“The master bedroom.”

“Oh dear, how unoriginal, although I suppose it could be worse; she could have hidden it in her study.”

Amanda ignored him as she stalked along the corridor, following the plans she had memorised earlier that evening. She pushed open the double doors, that led into Marie’s bedroom, and stalked towards a cabinet set against the wall beside the fireplace. “Close the doors,” she snapped over her shoulder, as she bent down and removed a small set of lock picks from the wiring in her bra.

“As you wish,” he drawled mockingly, closing the doors and leaning against them.

Amanda bit back the sudden urge to apologise, knowing she was being a bit harsh. She’d apologise later, once she’d liberated the necklace from the safe. Expertly, she wiggled the pick inside the cabinet’s lock, and the doors fell open with a soft snick.

She grinned as she looked at the safe ensconced inside; she didn’t need to crack it, she already knew the code. The difficulty had been in gaining actual access to the house. Between the live in servants and the guard dogs Marie released on the grounds at night, a simple break and enter had been too risky.

“Yes,” she crowed softly as pulled out a pair of gloves from her lipstick purse. She really should have put them on earlier, but she had been distracted. Never mind, she’d wipe the door handles down in a moment…


Methos let out a sigh. “It’s Marie,” he mouthed

Amanda rolled her eyes. “She's probably hoping she’ll corner you alone,” she sniped, under her breath, as she hastily closed the cabinet doors and stashed the picks and gloves in her purse.

Methos grinned. “Maybe I should oblige her?” he teased, his hand resting on the door handle.

“Don’t you dare!”

“Amanda. Is that you?”

Methos raised an eyebrow. “Suggestions?”

“We could always hide behind the curtains, I suppose,” Amanda said doubtfully.

“Why don’t we arm ourselves with a candlestick while we’re at it?”

“Do you have a better idea?”

“Hmm, I rather think I do, actually.” Methos murmured, his eyes glinting as he closed the distance between them.

“Methos, what are you-”

“I’m improvising.” His head dipped, his lips hovering a breath away from her mouth, asking for silent permission, as his hand came to rest along her spine.

“I’m not sure if being caught making out in her bedroom is our best option,” Amanda said.

“Can you think of a better excuse to be found in the master bedroom?” he asked mischievously as he slowly backed her across the room.

“She’ll never fall for it.”

“I’ll try to make it look as convincing as possible.”

Amanda shivered as his fingers lightly traced up her back until they curved around the nape of her neck, his mouth falling to her bare shoulder, playing with the strap of her dress. The firm edge of the bed bumped against her legs and Methos’s mouth curve into a smile against her skin. “Methos, this is not a goo-”

He cradled her head as she fell back onto the coverlets, grinning down at her as he stopped himself from falling on top of her with his free hand. “Think they’ll believe us now?” he asked.

“Oh, shut up and kiss me, you idiot.” His mouth descended, demanding entrance as he leaned into her, covering her on the bed.

Want rushed through her as his tongue danced against hers, deepening the kiss. This time, there was no gentleness as he savoured her mouth. She distantly wondered who the real Methos was; the one who was weary and tired, who’d kissed her softly goodnight, or this mischievous, smiling man who now draped her across a strangers bed and left her gasping for air.

His weight shifted, his hand finding the slit in her dress, his fingers firmly kneading the back of her thigh. Heat shivered through her as his hips settled into the softness of her belly. She felt him grow hard.

Need flared into a deep, unreasoning ache, and Amanda moaned into his mouth, hooking her leg around him, and anchoring his weight. He responded in kind, his hand bunching up her dress as it slid between her thighs, stroking the sensitive skin, his fingers pressing against the thin silk of her panties,.

Her back arched as his thumb pushed against the sheer barrier, stroking her, teasing her, letting her arousal pool, soaking through the silk…

“Mon dieu!”

Marie’s startled voice shattered the deepening haze of Amanda’s mind, and she froze as she remembered where she was. “Marie,” she said, cringing inwardly as she heard how breathless she was. “I’m so sorry, I guess we got caught carried away…”

“Indeed.” Wary amusement now laced Marie’s voice as Amanda hastily pushed Methos away from her, and sat up on the bed. Damn it, she’d lost one of her combs…

Wordlessly Methos held up the missing item, and Amanda snatched it from his hand, earning a weary laugh from the Countess. “I think I’ll give you a few moments alone to collect yourself,” she said. “I’ll see you downstairs.”

The door closed, and Amanda slumped back onto the bed, relief and frustration warring with desire. “She won’t invite us again,” she said. “All this for nothing.”

Methos stood slowly. “That depends on how you look at it,” he said softly.

Amanda winced as she realised how she must sound. ”Methos, I didn’t mean…” She left the sentence drift off, not sure what she did mean.

A smile tugged at the edges of his lips. “Let’s just go, Amanda,” he suggested gently.

Amanda nodded, not trusting herself with words.


And I'm now sitting here with my eyes closed, singing tunelessly to myself. "Lah, lah, laaaah, it's okay, it's only a wee bit of pr0n, lah, lah, laaah, don't over think it...lah, lah, lahhhhhh....



jinxed_wood, methos/amanda

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