Ahhh, alliteration. So, I've been recently rediscovering my love of the anime series "Rurouni Kenshin." I LOVE IT. It's very (I use "very" loosely) historically sound (outside of the super-human strength, magic, etc). Most of the characters are based off of and sometimes named after actual Shinsengumi warriors during the Meiji era of Japan. It makes me happy. :D I've also rediscovered my HUGE anime crush on the secondary male character Sanosuke Sagara (see below)
(or not... sorry if the pic doesn't work. See this link)
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.geocities.com/rkgallery/sanosuke/03.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.geocities.com/rkgallery/sagara.htm&usg=__TyztLdWVirlZfQ5xIA8yoMFU-Wk=&h=1000&w=721&sz=78&hl=en&start=49&sig2=DyfPvbRuOtd8LhCkVvLDMw&tbnid=x1n1xqjyIg65YM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=107&ei=2xasSdH9DZ6MmQev1vXtDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsanosuke%2Bsagara%26start%3D40%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN In any case... he's a major anime hottie. The main character is also very hot: Kenshin Himura (or to be "correct" Himura Kenshin). MMMMMM.....actually, come to think of it, all of the male characters have some very attractive personalities/abilities/bods. Enough of this....
I'm about to go teach. Huzzah. :S I'm not looking forward to today's class since almost half of it is being taken up due to my class being "randomly selected" for a drug/alcohol speech. Thank you, SEMO. Thank you.
Something fun DID happen today, though. I bought a ukelele for roughly $30! It's a great brand and has great reviews. I've been wanting to take up yet another random instrument for a while now. Most of my stuff, with the exception of my bodhran is string... I never would have pegged that about me, but go figure. My harp is and always will be, of course, my first true love and the only instrument I take seriously, but I just LOVE playing around with other instruments. I can get by nicely on most of them, but more in the terms of like "camp-fire" performance vs. actually being worth hearing. :P Very anxious to get it in the mail! I have such small/carny hands that this should be a breeze! (Sadly, even my 3/4 guitar -- a kiddy guitar, essentially-- is too big for my hands at times). LOL.
Well, I'd better get off here and get ready to leave. Ciao!