caaaaat and what's that? did someone say fic?!

May 29, 2008 14:37

Hello! I am currently giving a cat a time out. That's completely normal, I'm sure. (Working from home, not always beneficial.)

But in the midst of the insanity (and the almost complete writing dry spell) that's been going on around here, I finally finished a challenge fic. Yay me!

Title: Paul Revere
Author: kanzenhanzai
Fandom/Pairing: Saiyuki, Hakkai/Gojyo
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,690
Summary: Minekura-esque American West reincarnation fic; Young Henry Marshall has been traveling long enough to be both thirsty and broke, but the only empty seat in the town's one saloon is next to a man with somewhat intimidating hair.

Special thanks to my loverly betta fishies _unhurt_ and ifreet

saiyuki fic, fic

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