Something or Other Chapter (3/?)

Nov 11, 2010 01:47

Title: Something or Other
Main Pairings: KyuWook
Other Pairings : HaeHyuk, SiHan, KangTeuk, YeMin, others
Chapter: 3/?
Rating: PG-13 for now
Disclaimer: I own none of them.
Warning: This is my first fanfic ever so I hope it's good.

When I arrived you were looking at your notebook and I could tell that you were still upset. I started to hit myself mentally again and probably looked ready to hurt something because my friend who sat in front turned around.

“Kyu, you alright?” he said.

After I sat in my seat, I threw my bag onto the floor. I looked up at Fishy. That’s not really his real name of course, just a nickname that we gave him. His real name is Donghae, so you can guess where the nickname came from. It didn’t help that he had a great love of fish. It was almost as bad as my love for my games; however, he would never act on his anger if something happened. He doesn’t believe in revenge or anything of the sort while I love picking revenge. He does however, love picking on this one kid that I’ve seen. He has short red hair and overall looks like a kid but I think he’s older than us. I don’t know his name though but they are both in the same club. We’ve been in the same class ever since he moved from his hometown and somehow we became friends. I’m even stumped how we could be become friends.

Anyways, I didn’t say anything but I grunted instead. He took the hint because he’s seen what happens when you push me too far. It wasn’t something he wanted to live through again. I looked over towards you and saw you staring at me. You quickly looked away when you noticed me looking. Before, you could fully look away I saw the sadness that was in your eyes and yet again I beat myself up. Donghae put his hand on my shoulder to get me to come back to reality. He shook his head telling me to stop it. I sighed. He knew about my crush on you. Actually every one of my friends knew and tried to make me go up to you. They wanted to see me with you but I always told them to shove off. They would always smile knowing that I knew that they meant well but wanted to do it myself.

The mass of fangirls and boys moved to your desk after they came in. I could see you shifting in your seat feeling uncomfortable. I wish I could go over there and take you away from them but I can’t, at least not yet. I’m a nobody, which loves playing video games too much. I could tell that they were getting anxious because I could hear them asking why you cried or are still crying. I hope I didn’t scare you that much. I could hear them threatening whoever hurt you and they’d find who did it but you shook your head telling them you’re fine and it was just allergies. They took your word and just continued talking about random stuff that I can’t be bothered to remember. I could see you face fall back into that bored one you always sport when you heard the bell.

The teacher finally entered and it was the same one as before. I cursed my luck because with any other teacher I didn’t need to pay attention. I couldn’t give you the time and attention you needed but you don’t care because you don’t know about my actions.

I tried to spend the class period looking at you when she wasn’t looking but it was hard since she had us reading from the textbook. We were learning History. Something I couldn’t be bothered knowing about. I mean its history, it already happened. Why do we need to know what they did before us? Would they care about what we are doing now? Would they want us to know that they blew up millions of people? Probably not but we were forced to sit through it.

I sighed as probably everyone did when the bell rang signaling the end of class. I could finally look at you without getting in trouble. However when I looked over you were already gone. I started to panic when I didn’t see you near. When I turned back to grab my bag, I found it in the hands of my friend. I looked at him and saw his smile. I grabbed my bag from him and ran outside looking for you. I saw you turning the corner into the music room. I slowed down when I finally reached. I was about to open the door when it was opened for me.

I stared at you standing in front of me but I couldn’t speak. I looked at your eyes and just like before the fear was trying to make it through the mask that you show to everyone else. I didn’t know what to do so before you could say anything, I left. You were confused. At least that’s what I felt in your gaze that was on my back but I couldn’t help it. This was the second time I was near you and I still couldn’t believe I talked to you before. I didn’t want to scare you again as I did before. Maybe it’s because I didn’t want to be rejected and be left without you in my life. My friends might yell at me for saying this but it’s enough seeing you every day and looking at you from a far.

I was in the world that I created. A dream world I guess. I was thinking of you as I usually did when I thrown from my perfect life. My head hurt when I finally realized I wasn’t with you. I turned around to figure out who disturbed my alone time in my head. I froze and was about to run away when a hand grabbed my collar.

“Yah! ...Where do you think you are going, boy?”
Here's Chapter 3. I believe this is the worst chapter yet. Practically no kyuwook. Stupid Kyu. Thanks to all the readers and commenters. You made my crappy, depressed day light up and I thank you for that. I'm just trying to get through this junk. So this is an early gift to you guys and I'm sorry if it is horrible.

fanwork: fanfiction(s), pairings: kyuwook

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