Something or Other Chapter (4/?)

Nov 12, 2010 23:42

Title: Something or Other
Main Pairings: KyuWook
Other Pairings : HaeHyuk, SiHan, KangTeuk, YeMin, others
Chapter: 4/?
Rating: PG-13 for now
Disclaimer: I own none of them.
Warning: This is my first fanfic ever so I hope it's good.

I am so screwed; I thought when I saw not only Heechul hyung but Kangin hyung with his boyfriend Teukie hyung, Siwon shi with his boyfriend Hankyung hyung, and I could see Donghae behind them all. On his face was a guilty smile and I just glared.

“Don’t you dare glare at Fishy,” Heechul hyung said. “He was kind enough to tell us what happened. Unlike you, you ungrateful idiot, who decides to run when his hyung calls for him.”

“How did he tell you anything? I didn’t even te-“ I started.

“Be quiet. I’m not finished.”

I zipped my mouth because I knew it would be wise to shut up when he was on one of his rampages.

“You aren’t going to win him over if you scare him, you idiot. You have to be sneaky about it. Give him gifts. Be secretive.”

I looked at him like he had another head on his shoulder. He just kept listing things I could do to win you but like always I zoned out and went back to the world I left you in. All I saw was you in all your beauty….. Wait, I can’t use that word for a guy…. Should I use holiness? … No too religious… God-like?…. Another religious word… What should I call it? … Aish there just isn’t any word that does you justice. I’ll just beauty for now until I can think of a fitting word. Anyways…. You’re smiling at me like you did when I first saw you. Your hands were spread out waiting for me. I walked slowly towards you and tried not to blink because I didn’t want to lose you like I did before. My hands reach for you and my arms pull you towards my che--.

My head hurts again. I looked in front of me and you aren’t there but the annoying ones were. I rubbed the sore spot wishing you could kiss it to make it better as if we were little kids but you aren’t here. I’m stuck with a seething hyung and everyone else had a look of pity on their face. I needed to get out of here because I knew that I wasn’t going to get anything but pity from them at the moment. I needed to see you once more.

“Sorry guys but I need to go. Mom needs me to pick a few things up for dinner on my way home,” I lied.

Heechul hyung sighed, “Fine. Go. I’m too tired to deal with you anyway.” He turned away and left.

“See ya guys,” I said before anyone else could say anything. They all smiled and waved.

I walked past them towards the other side of the school. I needed to get some books for my homework. I put away my history book and picked up my chemistry notebook as well as my calculus book. I closed my locked with a quick flick of the wrist. In order to leave, I had to go past the place I knew you were going to be as you usually were there no matter if it was a club day or not. With each step my heart beat faster and with each step I got closer to you. I could hear your voice and the piano that accompanied it. To me your voice was more serene and more beautiful than a harp or piano could ever play. I stood in front of the door to the music room mesmerized. I wanted to knock on the door but didn’t want to interrupt the heaven that you created. I know I sound mushy but this is the person that you made me into. It felt weird what love could do… Love… the word that everyone wishes to have. Just like I wished for yours.

I don’t know how long I stood out there for but the music had stopped so I knocked on the door. There was some shuffling that I could hear. Then the physical separation from you disappeared. A feeling of déjà vu appeared in my head when I saw your eyes peer into my own. One of your eyebrows was raised.

“Are you going to run away again?” you said.

I shook my head not knowing my voice.

“Well what do you want then?”

“Um….. I’m sorry for before,” I said finally.

You shook your head and said, “It’s fine. It isn’t the first time I’ve cried. Don’t worry.”

“No no no. It’s my fault. I’m sorry. I want to make it up to you. How does dinner sound?”

You could probably hear my heart from where you are standing. I could feel my face burning up. I can’t believe I just did that, I thought. I didn’t want to see your reaction so I turned my eyes to the floor to look at your shoes. Shoes that everyone else wears but on your feet they looked too big and as if they were going to fall off any second.

All I heard was nonsense words coming from your mouth, which wasn’t what I was looking for, so I decided to look at you. My eyes widen when I saw shock within your eyes and your eyes wide open.

“A…a…ar…are…. you…. a… asking… me…. out.. on a d… date?”  you stuttered.

Both our faces were bright red. You couldn’t look at me this time and I just stared. I didn’t know what to answer that with so I just nodded my head. However, I realized you couldn’t see my head nod.

“Y…. yeah.” I stuttered as well.

If your face could get any brighter I would have thought you were going to burst. You lifted your face to look into my eyes and we just looked at each other, not paying attention to anything around us. Not that it mattered anyway. It’s not like anyone sticks around when clubs weren’t in session.

After a few minutes you nodded. If you could only see the inside of my head, you’d be laughing. I was bouncing off the walls, screaming as loud as I could, and dancing all over the place but only to fall down. I was laughing and congratulating myself on finally asking him to go to dinner. Wait until Heechul hyung and everyone hears about this, I thought, I told them I didn’t need their help. HA!

You were shifting anxiously. “Let me get my bags and we’ll go now.”


When your back was turned, I jumped up and down. When you turned back I was standing there stoically. Your face was as bright as the sun and my heart burst with the thought that I was the one that put it there.

“Let’s go,” I said.

Here's chapter 4! I said it would be here by saturday. However, for me it's still Friday so I hope you enjoy the little taste that I give you of both Heechul and of course the KYUWOOK! Thanks for the comments, as always I welcome any and all.

pairings: sihan, fanwork: fanfiction(s), pairings: kangteuk, pairings: kyuwook

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