May 06, 2006 22:00
I'm confuzzled, as usual.
Every minute... every second, I am bound to wonder the same discombobulating thing.
What's going on?
What's going on with him?
What's going on with us?
And every succeeding minute... and every succeeding second, I am faced with the same irritatingly clueless answer.
Two days ago, he was the same old sweet and flirtatious guy.
Then since yesterday, he seemed like this indifferent man wanting to be left separated from me.
He did not even speak to me personally!
Not even a HI!
Not even a highly decent smile that would mean everything was alright!
And now, I am being devoured wholly by this friggin' issue!
Because of this, I can't think properly. I can't even manage to fix my declining spiritual life!
He gave me a clue, by the way, because he's so CONCERNED (note the blaring sarcasm!). He gave me a one-word clue and a period after it.
Excuse my current ridiculing of him, I'm sorry. But a one-word hint isn't going to explain the entire gravity of the situation.
I asked him about it, and he said it was something personal and difficult to elucidate. He said there was something he wanted to do but he couldn't, or rather shouldn't push through with.
And after that unusually evasive text, nothing.
He didn't reply anymore.
I don't even know what to do, think and say anymore!
Parts of me are quite guilty and blame-worthy for acting like a complete b*tch, for complaining too much and not trying to grasp the whole reason behind this all. But then, there's nothing really that I can do to turn myself around and transform myself into a goody-goody angel with the matching halo.
And the worse part is, this isn't the only pesky thing that's happening to me.
I am on a diet for the bizillionth time (!!!) and today's my fifth day of exercising my exceptional willpower to do it the 'hardcore' way. BUT (once again, a huge BUT!) I haven't lost massively yet! And considering that I'm this impatient dieter, I AM GOING BANANAS!!! I don't know how long i will last with this almost no-eating routine!
Another highly depressing issue of my life right now?
My spiritual life.
My PREMATURE spirtual life.
And since I feel like I'm handling too many head-hottening circumstances, I am precluded or stopped to rest myself solely on God. It was easier... way easier when everything was alright and in full bloom. But now that things are slowly rottening, the connection I have with him is also gradually failing along with everything!