01. I finally found a redeeming quality in one of my roommates! Ready for it?! Are you?! Cat bought me Tales of the Vampire for Christmas, which is pretty sweet. I've always wanted to check it out but it's on the lower half of my list because I was skeptical. I shouldn't have been. It's a really good read.
02. Speaking of roommates, the two that I currently have went all AWOL before break so I've been enjoying the quiet awesomeness of having the place to myself. Today, Cat ruined that happy feeling and brought all her stuff back. Tomorrow, my new roommate (Erin from Seattle) moves into my room. Saturday, Brittany comes back from her month long stay in Texas. Sunday, I go back to being miserable and hating my living arrangement. Oh joy.
03. I kind of can't bring myself to watch the last three episodes of Friday Night Lights. I've been putting it off out of fear but now, even though I know 95% of you guys loved the episodes, I still don't want to watch. I mean, I really really do, but I DON'T WANT IT TO BE OVER, DAMN IT. *bawls*
04. So I watched How I Met Your Mother instead.
Barney and his lecherous man bit never fails to make me laugh and, when Ted actually goes along with it, it's even better. I loved all their little breaks in the conversation when they were trying to hit on the girls. And Barney's comment on 'The only digits I need are these. Honka. Honka.' kind of made my life. The Party School Bingo was just icing on the cake, and the fact that he makes the card with the help of a Playboy list totally reminds me of the
Esquire fic that I love so much.
Lily and Marshall's whole tradition was cute, as they are in general. I love their little horror fantasies. Marshall's was funny but Lily's was even better. The fact that his sign flipped over kind of made it for me and I love the way he said 'Whoa, a six-pack and you're an appropriate height for me. Let's go new Lily." RANJIT! He's so made of win. TMI does not stand for 'Too Many Informations' dude, it's 'Too Much Information' and only coming from him would that slip up be funny. The formatting of the whole thing with the days was kind of weird, but also kind of cool. I can't decide if I liked it or not. The whole thing did make for cute Robin/Marshall scenes, I'm glad we're getting some plotlines with them... even if Marshall does think she's hitting on him lol. The only boo I have is for the fact that we didn't get a single Barney/Robin scene after the awesomness that was last week's episode, though I guess I shouldn't be too greedy...
In a closing note, I hate the way northerners say 'mature.' True story.
05. And then I caught up on Gossip Girl because I was missing out on lots of shiny new ships.
Oh, Dorota. She is so amazing. I could spend a whole paragraph explaining why I love her but I won't because I'm sure it's obvious. Her relationship with Blair and her Facebook groups and just everything is awesome. Basically, I love her. Even though I've been pronouncing your name wrong for months.
Moving on, when I'm not actually in the process of watching the show, I can forget that I do actually like Dan as a character. My love for Penn aside, sometimes only his judgmental or pretentious moments stick with me and they kind of overshadow everything else. I need to try and remember that he can be kind of adorable, like when he's trying to defend the fact that he has guy friends and even his dad is mocking him lol.
On a similar note, I love the friendship between Nate and Dan because I think they're good for each other. Dan kind of has this ability to keep people on good behavior, and Nate serves to remind Dan that his UES sterotype is sometimes really unfair. I'm glad they're working past their issues because, while I totally get where Dan was coming from with the Jenny thing, it's time to move on. By the way, I love the story Dan told Nate when they went to play soccer. The mental image of Rufus cradling his broken Gibson and bawling is one that makes me happy... or, well, that come out wrong. You know what I mean.
Now, the most important part: I am, hands down, no argument, all for Nate and Jenny to be together. My love for them has exploded. From the first awkard run-in outside the bathroom, Jenny and Nate totally had my vote. I only wish there were some more similar scenes before the kissage. As much as I love them, I think it was a little sudden and I would have liked to see more of a friendship build between them before they jumped each other, or at least like a one-episode waiting period. Their whole relationship was just really... sudden. Quick in developing with a fast destruction, it was like wham, bam, thank you 'mam. I hate that they both thought the other was blowing them off. Stupid, stupid, Vanessa. I never really liked her to begin with so this has just served to push my hated for her over the edge. Consider the scale tipped.
It's not that I don't understand what she did, because I do. It's not that I don't believe that she regretted it and felt really bad, because I think the fact that she did is obvious. It's that she was such a bitch about it. Yes, Jenny lied first but the fact that you did the same thing after you bitched about it makes you even worse than her. PEOPLE IN TEEN DRAMAS NEED TO FIGURE THIS OUT. It's one thing to be mad when people betray you and what not, but if you're going to get mad, then you can never ever do the act of betrayal in question. IT MAKES YOU A HYPOCRITE. And a bitch. So go walk off into a hole and die. Or just move out of state. Whichever is easier.
Speaking of bitches, the thing I've realized about Blair is that what people mistake for bitchiness is usually something else entirely. It's like when she gets frustrated with other parts of her life she looses her ability to care about other people's feelings or the desire to have any sort of tact whatsoever. Those moments are pretty much why I love her and they usually produce the best lines, the ones that are witty, a little biting, but just overall very true. The fact that they usually involve Dan is just icing on the cake. Who else loves that they've had all these scenes together? Because I so do. UC ship for the win! Though Blair and Chuck have still kicked ass this season.
I know a lot of people have been bitching about their back-and-forth dance so I was fully dreading that whole dance but it hasn't been nearly as bad as I thought. Part of it is probably because I watched ten episodes in less than 24 hours and didn't have to play the waiting game, but it's also because this is the element that I love them in. On the show, I adore those two. It's the way they're portrayed in fandom that really annoys and irks me. They're not a happy ship, they're just not. They have moments, sure, but they are in no way sappy. I wish people would remember that. Also, Chuck's awesomeness has kind of distracted me too. Ed has kicked ass this season. THERE ARE SO MANY GREAT HEARTBREAKING CHUCK SCENES. I need to make icons like now. And fan art. And wallpapers. And just GUH.
In closing, Eric I still love you. Your boyfriend is kind of boring (and your relationship is practically never in existence) but you, you are made of awesome. As Lily put it best, I'll leave it to her: "How'd you get to be so wise?" Deadpan expression. "The nanny."
uptheapples made me do it.
• Pick up to 15 OTPs.
• Describe them in less than 15 words.
• Have your flist guess the OTP.
FYI: I left off Barney & Robin because every word I came up to describe them was so obvious. Cigars. Laser tag. Awesomness. Legendary. Battleship. Hospitals. Tacos. Bets. Japan. etc.
#01: hotel room. kidnapping. freelance.
#02: shampoo. napkins. tarot cards. Michael & Maria from Roswell.
#03: apples. bus. letters. Rory/Jess from Gilmore Girls.
#04: blanket. campfire. the decemberists. Matt & Julie from Friday Night Lights.
#05: motorcycle. carnival. favor. Weevil & Veronica from Veronica Mars.
#06: wall. sunlight. parent/teacher conference.
#07: loft. prom. diner. proposal. Brian & Justin from Queer As Folk.
#08: van. eskimo. coupling.
#10: wonder woman. dedication. pie. Booth & Brennan from Bones.
#11: airport. advice. jenga. Seth & Anna from The OC.
#12: sharks. summer. destiny.
If anyone other than Sam (
everything_inme) gets #12, they're made of win.
07. There's not one, but TWO new episodes of Bones tonight!! Who else is expecting to spend the evening stalking download posts?! Because I totally am.
08. I posted icons (requests included)
here and am taking more requests
here. Make my day and leave me feedback/requests.
I redid my user info! ... For like the first since 2006. No lie. It feels good to, ya know, have a profile that isn't full of lies.
10. I'm off to finally catch up on all the emails I have missed. In case I don't get a chance to post tomorrow, everyone have a good weekend! Here's to hoping my weekend will be as roommate-light as possible.