Jan 19, 2009 22:56

01. I am so behind on email and comments and life in general. There are errands that I need to run, sites that need to be updated, deadlines to be met. I have tons of shit I need to unpack and put away before my new roommate moves in this weekend (bleh). Basically, there is plenty that I could be going. However, my week long trend of being unmotivated and unproductive seems to be continuing. *sigh*

02. The weather (and lack of U-Pass of my part) has made me hesitant to leave my apartment building since I got back into town. Me and Blair went out to our favorite diner the night I got back but I've mostly just hung out at home with friends until today, when I had to leave for my Time Out Chicago internship. We're starting a new partnership (with the Chicago Blackhawks) so it meant a training session at the arena, free food, and staying for the game. Usually they give us kick ass seats but since we're trying to promote the student section, we had to actually sit in the student section, or I should stay stand. It was fun and the bird eye's view was great (I actually prefer it) but the standing for three hours killed my feet. Oh well, free night out. And I'm actually really excited to start our new programs because it sounds like it's going to be loads of fun. Here's to hoping!

03. I managed to redo Hell is Breaking earlier this week, but within five minutes of putting it up (and closing the file), I realized the header had a fucked up spot. *bangs head on desk* It's now bugging the shit out of me.

04. Does anyone watch Breaking Bad? Krysten got a role as Jesse's love interest (for at least 13 episodes) and I'm trying to decide if I want to watch season one before the new season premieres in March. Hmph.

05. Is there any chance someone who has the new All American Rejects CD wants to be a doll and upload it for me? I'll love you forevvvvvvvver. Pinky-swear. twofourteen makes my life worth living.

PS. I took icon requests at my latest graphics dump and actually did them all this time! In a timely manner. And they're pretty (if I do say so myself). I'm really excited to post them but I want to wait until I have a couple more so everybody should go request. Y/Y? KTHX. Also, all the Nate/Jenny caps make me want to catch up on the show. *shifts in seat*

tv show: gossip girl, actress: krysten ritter, school: internship, lj: begging, music, tv show: breaking bad, city: chicago, sites: hib

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