I've been meaning to do one of these for a long time, and it's really needed, what with all of my family drama, since I've added a bunch of new people lately. It's kind of long but I've cut out everything I don't think is necessary and, really, it will make 90% of my real life posts make way more sense. So I suggest at least taking a look it, whether you are new or not. Because every single time I post about Brandon, I get a bazillion questions about who he is lol.
My name’s Hider and I turned 17 last June. I’m spazzy, I’m random, I’m quickly addicted, and very fan!girl-y. I also have an obsession with pretty boys (such as David Anders, Milo Ventimiglia, Penn Badgley, and Michael Cera to name a few) and also with random unconventional ships and crossover pairings. If they make sense in my head or look pretty together in art, I don’t really care if they’ve only shared two scenes or even been on the same show together.
I grew up in Tennessee, a small town right outside of Nashville, and yes, I do have a country accent. I say ‘yall, call every carbonated brown liquid ‘coke’ and will never ever in a million years be less annoyed by a northerner saying ‘pop.’ Ew, no.
My parents are very fucked up and immature people, though my mom is way awesome and my best friend. They got divorced for the first time when I was seven, for the second time when I was ten, and, well, I kind of lost track after that. They broke up and made up four-six times before I was fifteen, when it blew up for good. Even during the best times, there relationship was horrible. Drinking, fighting, screaming, hitting, me and mom running out in the middle of the night, it was all part of the regular routine. Since the last divorce they’ve stood in the same room three times and I was in a hospital bed two of those times. Since then, my mom’s gotten over it considerably.
She dates a fellow named Toe (yes, that’s his real name) who immigrated here from Burma (it’s in Southeast Asia) eight years ago. He’s not an illegal immigrant, he pays his taxes, he’s the hardest working person I’ve ever met, and aside from an addiction to the game of pool and being physically incapable of gaining a pound, seemingly has no flaws that I’ve discovered as of yet.
My dad, however, is not over it. He’s still the most bitter person you’ll ever meet and regularly mopes around the house like a five year old. He’s also an alcoholic and, most of the time, not such a nice person. The rest of the time he tries to make it up to me through bribery and other means of coercion. He hates my mother with a passion and it makes things very difficult for me. He also dates a woman named Alex (picture Jenifer Coolidge’s character in Legally Blonde), an overly-botoxed, big-boobed, big-haired bimbo who is the ditziest and most idiotic person I have ever met. She hates me, I hate her, we don’t speak at all even though she lives with us. She thinks I’m a spoiled brat (see here) and I think she needs to wear more clothes. So *shrug*
I attended a really stuck up and religious academy for the first ten years of my life and hated it the majority of the time. I look back on those years and cringe because I spent most of my time there trying to be someone I wasn’t. I was blonde, a cheerleader, and one of those desperate hanger-oners that I now despise. Eventually I finally got enough momentum to leave and I started my sophomore year at the local high school. I went from being in a freshman class of 33 to a sophomore class of 478. It was kind of culture shock at first, but I eventually fit in. I was on the bowling team, Assistant Editor of the newspaper staff, Entertainment Editor for our online ’zine, and Vice President of my sorority.
Then my grandmother on my mom’s side (the only one I have left) was diagnosed with cancer last May. I missed my prom and we drove the 10 hour trip to northern Indiana to be there when she underwent treatment. She’s since improved considerably and is in the process of making a full recovery but it was kind of a wake up call for my mother. Her entire family is up there (five sisters, one brother, and hundreds of nieces, nephews, cousins) and she has no family in Tennessee (she moved there on a whim after college and stayed when she met my dad). I had a bunch of drama last year in school and the end result was that I lost most of my friends. I was more than willing to leave and when she found that out, she decided to pack me, her, and Toe up and move us to Indiana.
So that’s where I’m headed. The two of them moved up at the end of June and are staying with my uncle while they get settled (find a job, place to live, etc). In the meantime, I’m staying with my dad (which has been crappy so far) and they’re coming back for me on July 28th. I’m counting down the days.
There are couple of other people you’re going to need to know...
Brandon: One of my best friends. His mom (Jeana) and my mom have been best friends for as long as I can remember and he’s always been in my life. He’s very protective of me and acts like a big brother most of the time. In high school, he was kind of a big fuck up. He was into some drugs, had a whole bunch of drama and problems, and dropped out during his senior year (because he’s an idiot). He had a couple of dead end jobs after that but a year and a half ago he joined the military and has since straightened up a lot. He’s now serving a tour of duty in Iraq and will be turning 21 this October. I miss and worry about him every single day.
Sidney: My best friend since fourth grade. She’s really the old real-life friend I have left. We’re the same, yet very different, and she’s very rebellious because of her super-strict parents (that she ignores on a regular basis). She’s always been there for me and I know she always will be.
Sam (
everything_inme): My LJ soul mate. Sam + Hider = Sider and leads to
siderconverts and
crackleandpop. We’re crazy and we admit it. She shares in a good chunk of my obsessions, is the one that got me into web design, and now shakes her head every time I start a new fan site. I literally do not know what I would do without her.
Other partners in crime:
Holli (
halfasblind), the devil on my shoulder always encouraging me to do that fansite I’m itching to build and always in direct opposition to Sam on the matter. She’s crazy and a spaz and the biggest fan girl I’ve ever met. I love her though… on most days.
Ginger (
ginger_noodle), is amazing in short. She makes these OMG!FANTASTIC videos for Heroes and Gilmore Girls that blow me away because they’re awesome. She’s incredibly creative and I’ve corrupted her in countless ways. I can always count on her to help me with whatever craziness I'm planning.
Ashawee (
thelackoflight), but only I’m allowed to call her that. It’s Ashley to the rest of you folks. She’s just an innocent bystander to all of my crazy whims. Normally I’m doing something crazy and she’s standing on the sidelines, looking embarrassed that she knows me, and shaking her head. She loves it though ;)
In closing…
I’m very liberal and a Democrat on most days, though I’m very accepting of others. As long as you don’t try to force your opinion on me, I won’t force mine, and we’ll be ok. I understand most people don’t agree with me on a lot of things (serious and fandom alike).
However, because of the people I have in my life and the stuff I’ve been through, there are two things you just probably don't need to talk with me about.
1. The war. I am very anti-war but I have huge issues with both the pro and anti sides for their treatment of soldiers so… it’s just best not to talk to me about it.
2. Immigration. Don’t even get me started.
Feel free to ask any questions or whatever if you'd like :)