01. I still miss my mommy and wish I was in Indiana because I hate my daddy. *sigh*
I will not like them. I won't. I won't. It takes incest to a whole new level. Ew. *hits self on head* Ew Hider, Ew.
03. I got my scores back from my AP US History test. I got a 3 (out of 5)! I honestly was sure-to-death that I was getting a 1 or 2, and I'm not just saying that. I honestly barely studied. The week before the test I was getting glared at by
Sam for not being a responsible student and the night before I was getting addicted to Friday Night Lights thanks to
Holli. *glares at her* So this is a major accomplishment for me and it makes me feel good because obviously I did something right in the essays. Because out of three, they're all suppose to be five paragraphs, and mine were 5, 3, and 3. *is embarrassed* So yeah. I was thrilled when I got my scores. *jumps up and down*
04. If you like Big Love, or just like me, you'll check out the
Scott/Sarah fanlisting that I set up yesterday. I really like the setup and and now I want to redo all of my fanlistings that are suppose to be mini-sites.
05. Speaking of fanlistings, I GOT APPROVED FOR THE MILO & ALEXIS ONE. *jumps up and down* I'm very excited.
06. Anybody want to rec me some good fan fics? You guys know my ships and shows. I'm in the mood for something random but good so, ya know, whatever. I don't care. I just want something good.
07. Happy early birthday to
Stephanie! I hope you get a great day and everything you ever wanted on dvd ;)
08. Thanks for all of you who helped me the Rory/Jess archive dilemma in my last entry. Everyone, even the ones who don't ship Lit, urged me to make one... except
Haylie, but her opinion doesn't count because she's just being difficult. So I made it and it's set up and done and I like it. However, I'm getting a funky error when I try to view member profiles so I'm trying to get that fixed. Hopefully I'll be able to pimp it out by the end of the weekend :)
09. I extended the
challenge over at
choco_cherries to next Saturday, even though I hate extensions, because I forgot to do a mid-week reminder and we only need one more entry to hold voting. The four that have been posted this week are good though. I was impressed by almost all of them and rereading them makes me want to write fic.
10. Pimp
THE FIND A FANDOM FRIEND MEME pleeeeeeeeeeeease. It only works if I people I haven't already friended comment and so far it's just been you losers (:P) so pimp like no other. I promise it's fun.