and i know it's no use when i see that all your lies have become your truths

Jun 22, 2007 17:49

01. Tomorrow's my birthday! I'm excited, mainly because there's going to be a party and I'm getting shiny presents from parents (mainly in the form of the two seasons missing from my Buffy DVD collection and my two favorite Alias seasons *dances*). My dad's also reneweing my hosting and some of my domains, which is a load off because it means I won't have to worry about any more expirations until next February.

02. The official birthday activities included getting my hair cut/colored/highlighted by Alex (free money-wise, very expensive annoyance wise) earlier today and me, her, and my dad are going out to eat at this new Asian restaurant in town. (It's Chinese, Japanese, and Thai so I'm pretty excited about it... the food, the not the part where I have to eat it with them.) I'm then spending the night with them (praying they'll go to bed early) and doing breakfast in the morning. Then I get to come home and set up for my birthday party/Mom and Toe's going away party, which starts at three and lasts until I leave to go to a concert downtown with my BFF Sidney at seven. (I have no idea who's playing, some weird band she apparently loves.) So basically I'll have done more this week then I've done all summer lol.

03. I'm taking icon requests here at hellisbreaking because I've been in an icon-ing mood lately but haven't had the urge to cap anything in particular. So go help a girl out and spam me with pretty caps you want iconed.

04. Friday Night Lights: Season One has a release date! David Anders is really going to be on Heroes! Both of these things like made my week in such a big (and kind of sad) way.

05. Since I was late to the Buffy party, I've just been making my way through all the episodes as I get my hands on the DVDs. I rented season one, bought seasons 2, 3, and 4, and rented the the first half of season five (the only ones my stupid video store had). Then when I went to Best Buy last week and found six and seven on sale, I went ahead and bought those seasons, all while promising myself I would wait a week until I got season five for my birthday and therefore wouldn't watch anything out of order.

*sigh* I didn't make it. I caved last night (with only 48 hours to go!) because I was in a pissy mood and wanted to watch and OMG I LOVE THIS SEASON. I'm not a big musical fan but that episode was great and Spike/Buffy is pretty damn amazing and pwning Angel/Buffy at the moment. Despite the whole Buffy-was-dead-and-in-heaven thing, the whole season feels... lighter and funnier and less grim with episodes where the gang forgets their memory, and Buffy gets shot by an invisiblity gun, and her and Spike tear down a house with their crazy sex. It's great and I'm in love with it. *hugs DVD to chest* /gush

I have to go eat with dad and the bimbo now. *groans*

tv shows: buffy, ships: spike/buffy, rl: moving, people: alex, rl: birthday, actors: david, tv shows: friday night lights

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