01. Just got back from Indiana, and lemme just say: longest three day trip ever. *huffs* I was so ready to leave. My family's great, just... large, and... kind of controlling and stressful and well, I was just ready to leave. Good to be home.
02. I hope everyone had a happy new year! I spent it watching a CSI marathon on Spike lol.
In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Slap stupid people in the head.
Get your resolution here.
03. All my sites are a mess and missing all kinds of essential stuff and it bugs me. It also bugs me that I have three sites 'coming soon.' So my goal is to fix that... today. So I'm going to be capping/coding/clipping all night. I'm determined. Because I have to babysit Taylor (daughter of my mom's friend - coolest 10 year old ever) tommorrow and back to school it is on Wednesday. *gags* (I am not looking forward to going back.)
04. Tahoe update: (If you missed it, you need to read number five
here, because it is all I'm going to talk about for the next six months, so get ready.) All systems are still a go. We went to the bookstore and got this mega-helpful book with like everything and we made lists. (Or more correctly, I made bulleted-columned lists, while my mother scribbled random stuff on the backs of bills and post its *rolls eyes* lol). We talked to Toe, who is still hestitant and worried about my father, but willing to move. Mom has talked to the lawyer, her official appointment is Friday. *crosses fingers* Hopefully it will go well. Other than that, we just have to wait, which is totally the worst part for me.
05. It's mostly the reason I'm dreading going back to school. Like it's hard to really try my hardest in APUSH, when I know if we move, I won't even get the credit. Plus, people are already talking about prom/graduation and it's going to be hard for me to just keep quiet, because I probably won't be there, yet we've decided to keep quiet about the whole move. We don't want my dad hearing anything about it, and we're also not ready to deal with the cynicism that will come from certain friends. I also decided that if when we move, I'm not telling anybody until like two days before. I'll just pull a 'By the way... today's my last day' thing and make a run for it lol. I don't want it to be this drawn out goodbye thing.
ETA: Can someone tell me the code to make a HTML-friendly box like in
her post?? Pleeeease?
Tell Me About You1. Name:2. Birthday:3. Place of residence:4. What makes you happy:5. What are you listening to now/have listened to last:6. Do you read my lj:7. If you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:8. An interesting fact about you:9. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment:10. Favourite place to be:11. Favourite lyric:12. Best time of the year:13. Weirdest food you like:14. Do farts make you laugh: Recommend1. A film:2. A book:3. A band, a song and an album: Plus1. One thing you like about me:2. Two things you like about yourself:3. Put this in your lj so I can tell you what I think of you.4. Post a picture of yourself. (optional!)
ETA 2: Anyone want to upload me some music? Like their current/all time favorites? Something?? I cleaned out iTunes of all broken-link files and I have like 200 songs, which is sooo not enough. I'm sick of everything I have. *pouts*