01. If life wasn't bad enough right now, I am stuck miserable in bed with not only bronchitus, but a urinary tract infection. (Never had one? Let me tell ya: Fun.) I don't really know what caused the latter but I do know that my obsessive Diet-Coke-drinking made it a hell of a lot worse. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I drink an unhealthy amount, to a point where it started eating away at my stomach lining and giving me really bad heartburn. I cut back on drinking so much for a while there but stress kind of gave me a wtf attitude about it and apparently caffeine, or carbonation ingeneral, = bad for your liver/kidneys/bladder. Wish someone would have told me that BEFORE. *huffs*
02. So I've spent the day curled up in bed in really weird positions trying to get comfortable, while picking up where I left off with Buffy.
03. The lack of new How I Met Your Mother, and more importantly The Class, episodes made me sad :(
Okay so I'll admit it this right off: When Zach and Claire had their cute BFF moment? I was all awwwww. When he didn't remember? I was all sad. When the Haitan popped of the closet and told the truth? I was all 'Go Haitain! Go Haitan!' *dances*
The fact that Eden died? *sad face* I liked her and Mohinder like... a lot. Who else do I like a lot? Matt and Audrey. They're scenes kept getting better. I love that she knows and his wife dosen't, plus the scene during the steakout was awesome lol.
Now for the Claire/Peter gushing (oh come on, you all KNEW it was coming): *jumps up and down* OMFG *SQUEE!!* HEE HEE. *takes deep breath* Okay, now that THAT'S out of the way, I think their scene was great. Peter's scenes in general were generally confusing (I'm guessing that was the point) and when he started coughing, I started my 'oh noes.' But Claire: 'You're my hero.' *squees more*
Also, they couldn't have come up with a bigger cliff for me to hang in anticipation. Seriously, placing Peter as guy-who-blows-up, Claire in limbo with the Hatian, and Nikki admitting to murder? Way to give Hider a heart attack. *huffs*
So, um... favorite episode so far. It was just great. Mainly because my couples finally admitted their feelings for each other. (Damn repressers.) First off, Matt and Harriet had nothing but great scenes this week. It was cute when he was supportive and she was all suprised and then he went right back to being an ass and found that he had rock hard abs the hard way (which amused me). The kiss was perfect, mainly because he just jumped her and then went right on to talk about stage direction, it was just so very them to do it that way.
As far as Jordan and Danny go: mujor squeeage the whole ep. Jordan's comment in the waiting room was a great touch and his comment about how 'they're' having a baby made me smirk. Plus, his whole breakdown in the office, Matt constantly teasing him about her, and his drop bys the office *snicker* and 'driving by her house' (dude stalker much? lol) made it obvious he was finally going to do something about it. And when he did: *squeeage* (If I could stop I would) It was so very Jordan to have her mouth full and so very Danny to have it all laid on the table with the twice divorced/recovering cokehead line lol. /squeeage
PS. I think it's hilarious (and quite possible awesome) that Lauren Graham is executive producing two in-development shows for The CW.