It's not the Rachel Berry Show.

Oct 05, 2011 01:24

It feels like the past two episodes have been really light with the songs, but this episode had them in full force and very relevant to what was going on.

In Mercedes' head Will and Rachel are totally fucking. Or might as well be. This amuses me greatly.

I can't believe that Mercedes had THREE songs in one episode. Wow. Her first performance showed she is leading lady material. The second performance definitely beat out Rachel's audition and the last one was kinda weird.

Now I like Rachel (even though it can be hard), but I definitely think she gets way too much screentime and that Mercedes has been shafted way too many times. Still, Mercedes attitude did nothing for me. Acting like a diva and a child is supposed to accomplish what exactly? Any valid points she had were kinda lost with her meltdown accusing Mr. Schue of singling her out, calling Rachel a 'skinny Geronimo ass kisser' (that's one for the books), and saying she's outgrown Glee. I'm seeing an opportunity for her and Quinn to bond over how much Rachel and Glee sucks. They used to be BFF's for half a second awhile back, no?

I'm wondering what is up with Mercedes health wise. She's lacking energy and feeling ill. My thoughts first jumped to pregnancy what with her new boyfriend and all, but I don't think Glee will go down that road again so I'm thinking chronic fatigue or some other sort of disease? Maybe not.

I have to say I don't blame Mercedes for not being happy with having to share the spotlight with Rachel. She earned the role.

Thank you, thank you, writers! I feel like I'm always asking for more Mike and this time I got it. There was dancing, singing, and family angst! Oh my!

The scene where he envisioned his dad telling him dancing was a dead end only to have another vision of Tina telling him dancing is who he is and why she fell in love with him? Killed me dead ::hugs:: We really don't get to see Mike/Tina but dammit this makes me want to all the more.

Mike auditioning for 'not just dancing' part. Excellent! Out of the park! So proud of him. FEELINGS.

The feelings train won't stop. Mike has his mom's full support to live his dreams \o/ She admits her dream was to dance and, well, he is a great teacher. Mike dancing with his mom! HAVE MY BABIES, MIKE CHANG!

Mike got the part of Riff. All is right with the world.

Everyone else.
Brittany's unexpected career path: politics! How does she not have it in the bag after that song? She was so mesmerizing. Her moves. Her hair. That skirt. Damn. Can we set up a petition to get her hair out of that ponytail full time?

Quinn, I barely saw you, but even that was too much.

After seeing last week's promo I was worried about what Rachel could have done this time to alienate a friend, but that wasn't that bad. I get why Kurt would be pissed but then again Kurt doesn't seem to like the idea of ANYONE competing against him at all. Although, I suppose Kurt is like Rachel right now. He didn't get what he had his sights on and now is looking elsewhere. Without that he feels like he's left with nothing. Rachel must have known it would be an issue to run against him, but I think she sincerely thought he'd understand why she felt she had to. But no one is quite as, ahem, ambitious as she is. Those two crazy kids have to make up some time!

Will, learn to respect other people's wishes!

The ginger supremacist thing? Slightly funny, but mostly didn't work. I don't know if it was because it was too over the top or not enough.

Poor Emma. Freaky deaky. Will was a tool, but glad that he was there for her. Although, I really really could have done without Coldplay. Jesus, that was bad.

How is it that Will & Emma haven't slept together, but apparently they sleep in the same bed? I don't get that.

Only Burt can truly defeat Sue. Seems about right.

Really, Quinn? King Solomon would NEVER give you the baby.


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