the hero's sprint towards the head case

Oct 04, 2011 19:13

Last night's Castle and Hawaii Five-0 were pretty bleh. Although, that's honestly how I feel about them most of the time. They have their moments like Castle's season finale that just blew me away or whenever Steve is acting like a dork. I love when Steve's a dork, but especially when it's around women. Sorry, Steve/Danno shippers. I'm jonesing for a straight!Steve in ways I can't comprehend.

As for last night's H50, I was annoyed with Danno. I get that he's hurting, but I could have done without the 'women GIVE UP ON MARRIAGE at the first sign of trouble and break our hearts! We're good men. Why do they have to be souless harpies'? I wonder if it tends to appear that way because when there's trouble men go into denial and by the time they clue in the woman is done trying to fix a marriage on her own and is out the door. And then they go 'but she never tried!' Spare me.

ETA: Also, not thrilled about Masi Oka showing up more often.

And Kono's clearly undercover, no? [Not a spoiler. Just my guess.] Yawn. When is she coming back already?

Just to show I'm not all complaints, one thing I did enjoy about last night was Danno asking Steve if he was the walrus =)

Castle makes me wish for the murderous teens of CSI. I'd much rather watch them or the self-centered, shallow teens on TV than Alexis. I'm pretty sure I'm alone on that front. I just don't care about her 'problems.'

While Castle and Hawaii 5-0 left me cold luke warm last night, I really enjoyed The Amazing Race. And now that I'm following Phil's twitter all the better! Hopefully the siblings will be eliminated real soon. I can't stand Jennifer! Off my screen! Is she like that with everyone, I wonder? Are there deep-seated family issues going on? Seriously, what the hell?

Hadn't seen the couple from Survivor before but was hoping they'd stick around. Thought they'd be good competitors with their past experience but apparently not. Bye bye, big shots.

the amazing race, hawaii 5-0, castle

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