I wanted to share these pictures... beware, I only resized the first one...
Two firetrucks set up next to one another and raised a flag between their tower/ladder... it was such a moving thing to witness...
In rememberance of Chaplain Mychal Judge
Flight 93 - All the Honor Flags behind this notice were there to represent those lost in that flight.
All the Honor Flags representing Tower #1
All the Honor Flags representing Tower # 2
The American Flags representing the lost lives of soldiers fighting the war on terror.
The Honor Flag in front of the "Never Forget" Twin Towers Flag.
The American Flag being raised between the ladders of the firetrucks.
I also have a shot that shows allll the flags. The flags were set up in a manner to also have a meaning from the air. They had flags set in rows to form a box (representing the two towers) and within the squares was a distinguishable square... that represented the lives lost in the planes that hit the two towers. And then a seperate area for the Pentagon tragedy and the Flight 93 tragedy. I will have to scan that and post that.
Lastly, while there... we did purchase an Honor Flag. The Honor Flag lists the names of those lost...