September 11th

Sep 11, 2006 01:09

I would like to start off by asking that everyone take a moment of silence today. Send a thought or prayer to those who have been affected by the events 5 years ago as well as to those protecting our country. And appreciate the life that we live each day... every breath that we take.

I will update later today after the events that will be taking place in the early evening in Salem, at the WaterFront park... I encourage you to go visit. There is a Honor Flag set up for EACH individual who was lost within the Twin Towers as well as the lost lives on the planes that day. Directly next to it is a set up of flags in honor of the lives lost in the war against terror. They have all of these flags set up and flooded with light, as a flag should always be lit. Attached to some of the said flag poles are pictures and messeges... it is a touching memorial and a reminder of all that had been lost that day. A representation of the moments lost to those families affected.

Please, don't let a debate on war start... not on this day. Just take a moment and remember the lives we have lost. Set your feelings aside... today is a day of rememberance.

<3 <3 <3 <3

I am thankful for every single one of you on my list, as well as those not on my list. You are all in my thoughts... always.


september 11th, 9/11

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