cast list
Click each character's photo to read more about them!
Gabriel Zen
Koichi Takamara
Ryan Gatican
Ryoga Sukaniro
Inca Ishii
Savannah Brown
Rei Suho
Name Here
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Gabriel Zen
Gabriel was born on a stormy Sunday morning in Georgia to Theodora Young. While Theodora struggled in labor, her husband, Jack struggled to stay alive. The young family had been attacked by vampires while traveling. Help had come in time to save Theodora from being hurt but Jack was critically injured. The last thing Jack saw was his wife holding up his son smiling.
While they were werewolf born, Jack and Theodora had resisted being in the same neighborhood as the rest of the pack. They wanted their children to be their own people. Grow at their own pace without the pressure that sometimes came up with pack life.
Choosing to live away from the pack even after her husband’s death, Theodora bought a small apartment with the money she received from Jack’s insurance. Living frugally Theodora was able to secure her independence outside of the pack. This didn’t mean that Gabriel was entirely safe from pack interference though.
From the age of three onward, Gabriel was constantly made fun of because of his looks and his perceived weakness. Pack events were torture for him and he often was treated like an omega because he didn’t fight back. It wasn’t because he couldn’t though. Gabriel had been taking taekwondo since he was four. He just didn’t want his interactions to have a negative effect on his mother.
Being the observer that he was, Gabriel knew that she tread a thin line. She was young by werewolf guidelines at eighty but much older to normal people. Gabriel knew his behavior could impact their freedom so he grit his teeth and bore it until the blood would fill his mouth.
Black eyes, bruises and broken ribs were common. Gabriel bore it all with as much grace as possible. He got so much practice tending his injuries that he developed an interest in medicine. Getting a scholarship was vital for him to succeed in his plan to leave his world behind.
Theodora cautiously supported her son’s intent. Carefully putting aside money to allow for him to have some type of backup just in case. Things didn’t tend to work out well for Theodora but she knew Gabriel had the devil’s luck when he needed it.
When Theodora unexpectedly passed when Gabriel was eighteen, it marked an end of an era. Gabriel buried his mother with tears streaming down his face. A group of his tormentors from the pack attempted to hurt Gabriel after the funeral and he snapped. If an enforcer hadn’t been passing by it is likely Gabriel would have ended up in jail or worse. As it stood he was given two options, being kicked out or being beaten. Gabriel surprised everyone by leaving.
Finishing high school as salutatorian, Gabriel received a full scholarship to UCLA. There Gabriel studied pre med and psychology. He himself regularly attended therapy in order to try to remove what he now knew was a dangerous chip on his shoulder. Gabriel didn’t want to snap on anyone. Once he had come back to himself Gabriel was horrified by what he had done to his tormentors. Having a bad temper and problems with authority was not something that did any werewolf favors.
The scholarship paid for schooling, room and board while insurance paid for his therapy but Gabriel needed money to do other things. Being ‘discovered’ by an agent, Gabriel took modeling jobs under the name of Zen. Doing photo and runway shows augmented his income and made it possible for him to save up for med school.
It was during his time as a model that Gabriel met and fell in love with a girl name Nora. Gabriel thought she could be the one for him. She didn’t seem to mind the way he looked or think he was too foreign in appearance. Nora often commented that he would make a fantastic vampire. Feeling some discomfort about the idea and not interested in revealing his secret to her yet, Gabriel was crushed to discover she was a fang banger. For months, Gabriel tried to see past it but failed miserably.
Tolerating vampires was not something Gabriel did well but he tried. He didn’t know who the ones that had killed his father were but he had great difficulty in not having a prejudice to them. His code of conduct towards them was professional but never overly friendly. Luckily it was rare he came across them. Ending things with Nora put Gabriel adrift and unsure of himself.
Between training to get his third dan in tae kwon do, school and modeling jobs, Gabriel was stretched thin when love came for him a second time. This time it was completely unexpected and overwhelming. Gabriel was in his final year of college and applying for med school when he met Jag.
The man was 5-9 but had a presence that seemed bigger with golden hair and bright blue eyes. Jag took crap from no one, smoked two packs of cigarettes a day and lived like tomorrow would never come. Gabriel found him appealing. Much more than he should have. Having never thought himself one to be interested in the same sex, Gabriel was thrown. Jag pursued him like a man possessed and Gabriel did his best to defend against the onslaught but ultimately failed.
For two years Gabriel was caught in the man’s trap and became stuck. School was no longer important, work no longer mattered and martial arts wasn’t necessary. Then one morning Gabriel woke up and it was over. Jag had left him a note on the nightstand saying good bye.
Spiraling Gabriel forced himself to regain control. He went from almost finishing his program early to finishing a semester late. Then Zen had to get a new agency for modeling because he had been dropped by the other one. Gabriel swore he would never let another man control him that way again.
Getting into med school was a big challenge because of his drop in gpa due to his relationship with Jag. It took some groveling but Zen finally managed to get into the University of Washington. Moving to Washington meant it was harder for Zen to continue modeling but he did manage to squeeze in a fair amount of work during what breaks he had. When he started his residencies though, Zen retired from modeling. It was just too much work. Having gotten his major in Pre-med and Psychology he wanted to do both in med school.
It would take extra time but Gabriel was motivated. Here and there during his schooling he had flings with girls but never for longer than a few months. Gabriel didn’t want to take that risk again. The pain had been practically unbearable the first time.
When Gabriel finally graduated med school he worked at University of Washington Medical center for five years. Gabriel quickly gained a reputation for being able to handle the stranger things that came in the emergency room. Being both a registered doctor and psychiatrist gave him unique insight into patients. As a werewolf he was also perfectly capable of handling those that were struggling with unwanted ailments, like having been bitten, as well as pack trauma.
After a particularly trying case that almost got him killed due to the pack leadership in the area, Gabriel decided to move. At this point Gabriel was considered a lone wolf. He had been unaffiliated with his home pack for so long that it would likely be hazardous for him to return. While he no longer had to pay dues to the pack, Gabriel didn’t have the protection that was provided. While he loved his job, Gabriel had hit upon the snag that it sometimes entailed more than once when he had to deal with others.
Making up his mind, Gabriel discreetly began looking for another job and a pack that he could integrate himself into. Finding the job at Mercy Hospital available had been a lucky find. The fact that one of the local packs had need of his services was a boon as well. Though he sometimes butted heads with the Alpha and Beta of the pack, Gabriel was thankful that he had some peace at last.
Basic information:
AGE/DOB: 38/05.10.1976
PB: Lee Soo Hyuk.
AIM: swirlyfishcakes
SPECIES: Werewolf.
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Koichi Takamara
In around 1680, Koichi Takamara was living just outside Tokyo, Japan. He´d recently turned 25 and worked with his father as a fisherman. He enjoyed sewing and making clothes and often did so for neighbours, but times were tough and fishing brought in enough money to keep a roof over his head and food on the table.
One night he arrived back from a fishing trip rather late. While he was collecting all of the fish he´d caught and taking them out of the nets, he became aware of someone watching him. He looked up, seeing a pale man who was simply standing observing him quietly. Koichi found this strange, but decided to continue with his task. When he´d finished, the man was still standing watching. But once Koichi stood up, the man decided to approach him. He told him that someone had said Koichi made clothes. He wanted some made and was willing to pay more than Koichi made in three months through fishing. So naturally he agreed.
The task took two months to complete because the stranger, who was named Inca it turned out, refused to entertain any ideas of working during the day and only made himself available for a few hours every night. Koichi found this strange, but he wasn´t in a position to argue. He needed the money. . But during this time Inca and Koichi grew quite close and he´d have been lying if he said he hadn´t imagined fooling around with him. During their last session together Inca began to act differently. He stood closer to Koichi than was necessary, he´d stroke his arm, touch his hair. He spoke about how he had to leave town now and he was going to miss Koichi´s company. Koichi felt the same, but what could he do? His life was here. He couldn´t just leave. So he refused Inca´s offer to come with him, but made sure Inca knew that this was nothing personal. He had a life here. He would have loved to come with him, but he had duties he was expected to fulfill. Inca didn´t seem too keen on taking no for an answer and told Koichi there was another option. What if he could give him a way that they could be together without worrying about his duties? Presuming that this was all just fanciful talk, Koichi agreed. If that were possible, sure. He´d agree.
Inca nodded, taking this for permission and grabbed Koichi, biting into his neck before Koichi knew what was happening. Koichi struggled, but this vampire was much stronger and could easily hold him down. Eventually everything went black. He was vaguely aware of being fed something sweet. This was followed by the worst pain he´d ever experienced in his life. He felt like his entire body was on fire. Eventually the pain caused him to pass out.
Koichi awoke some time later in a strange bed and looked around him, surprised that he was still alive. Vampires killed didn´t they? He felt different though. He couldn´t explain it. His senses were heightened and he was hungry! So insanely hungry. Inca entered the room, hearing Koichi move around. Once he´d calmed Koichi enough to believe he wouldn´t attack him again, he explained. Yes, he was a vampire. But he was lonely and he´d grown quite close to the other man. So he´d turned him into a vampire. Filled with rage, Koichi attacked him and left. But he couldn´t control his blood rage. After he´d killed three people and still hungered for more blood, he returned to Inca, scared and vulnerable. His power and insatiable hunger frightened him. He accepted that he needed the older vampire.
The two vampires left the area immediately. Koichi was missing, it would only be a matter of time before they´d come to Inca. As the centuries went by, they travelled around the world. Koichi developed his talents at clothes designing and made his living from this. Around the beginning of the 20th century Inca was captured by humans. Koichi tried to fight, but they had silver and wooden stakes. After a struggle which left him badly injured, Koichi could only watch from the ground, silver covering his body, as they took his maker away.
Koichi works as a clothes designer now, in the 21st century. He has contacts around the world and works under various alibies, depending on who he´s supplying to, to avoid suspicion. He likes to experiment with his clothes and his appearance. He´s currently got bright pink hair and some piercings, some in his ears, one in his lip and two in his tongue. He´s also got a fondness for fake nails. The brighter and fancier, the better.
But he still thought about his maker and had never given up hope that he´d find him. He travelled around, searching for Inca´s scent or a sign of his presence. This came to him one night as he wandered through the town searching for food. Inca had escaped and returned. The two are currently living together.
As a person, he´s laid back and easy going. He never lost the politeness that´s typical of most Japanese people. He´s considerate of others and fun loving. But he is a vampire and he can be angered. But if people don´t bother him, he doesn´t bother anyone else.
Basic information:
AGE/DOB: 350/04.03.1664
PB: 恋ー (Koichi) of MEJIBRAY.
AIM: kpinkhaired
SPECIES: Vampire.
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Ryan Gatican
Therianthropy has been recorded in human history since neolithic times in cave drawings and commonly touches a variety of cultures the world over.
Ryan Gatican was born in Texas. Therianthropy should have a rich history and Ryan is sure that it does, but he's removed from it. It's not that unusual for his kind. Human instinct may ask why, but animals exist with what they're given and don't question much. That's the mark of a good shifter, the ability to take things as they come and accept reality as it's perceived through physical manifestation. Philosophical pondering doesn't keep someone alive. Solving metaphysical problems does not put food on the table. Ryan is a doer. He's an act firster. Back when he was a little kid, one of the only lessons he remembers getting was, "don't think too much and for fuck's sake, don't panic!"
That's the kind of advice he can live by. Emotions are pesky catalysts. Ryan doesn't make that mistake anymore. He grew up a little lonely and very reserved. The first shift he stumbled into was a leopard seal. Stumbled is the graceful way of putting it because mostly it was agony and whimpering while his bones melted and ground together. Leopard seals have inch long canines, weigh about a thousand pounds, and are second only to killer whales in terms of predatory chains in the arctic. They also happen to spend all their time in the water, making Armarillo the most useless place for Ryan to live.
Carnivora is an order of mammals that splits itself into two defining families; Feliformia, or cat-like, and Caniformia, or dog like forms.
Caniformia includes wolves, foxes, badgers, bears, seals... That's right. Seals and bears are dog like. And with bears being the closest living relative to the pinniped class, bear was Ryan's next shift. It was more useful, native to the United States, a primary land dweller, and still plenty of fire power. Ryan is very concerned about firepower. You don't live in a world full of deadly monsters and not consider firepower.
It's not necessary to stay in the same family of animals, but these shifts tend to be the easier set to learn. Ryan is sure he could theoretically learn to shift a sheep or a whale or a falcon, but he's got his old standbys. What is common is for shifters to get a little attached to their animals and not be so inclined to branch out much. A lot of shifting is surprisingly mental; mostly, that is, keeping the mental and emotional parts of yourself in check. With so much that can go wrong combined with the amount of pain and energy a shift takes, it's not really a huge surprise shifters stay where they're comfortable.
Ryan is comfortable with his caniforms. His seal, his bear, his raccoon. He can do a red fox and an otter, a wolverine and a honey badger. He can do a dog. He can do a wolf. Werewolves are distant relatives like bears and seals and if Ryan relates to anyone, it's probably werewolves. But his shifts aren't an illness and he didn't come from the kind of people who condone violence or counter culture. Ryan is very zen. He has to be.
Ryan's parents were caniform shifters as well, but that's also not necessary. There is a tendency of shifters to stay within the Carnivora family, but Ryan's seen other kinds. He hasn't seen his parents in ten years but it's really nothing personal. Shifters don't form packs and, despite their preferred animal, don't generally take on the characteristic of tight family groups. Even if they did, Ryan wouldn't be included in that. He's a loner. If his seal didn't make that clear already, the grizzly bear pounded it in.
Which is sad in a way because Ryan is infinitely curious about people. He spent a long time just traveling the world. He saved a lot of money by using his shifts to get around. He was cool with observing society and only taking part in it when it suited his whims and probably would have kept it up but he made that one mistake a million guys have before him, shifter or not.
Her name was Liza and no, Ryan didn't know the statistics of humans carrying shifter children. He would have been more careful if he had. His parents hadn't mentioned it, but they never mentioned much of anything. They provided basics and the rest of the time it was like growing up in a hippie commune; no rules, no shoes, and no one taking showers. Basics apparently didn't include mating rituals.
Liza was a one night stand, but that doesn't mean Ryan wasn't devastated by her death. He was also devastated by the sudden burden of fatherhood. A shifter is made of tougher things than a human, but Ryan couldn't exactly traverse the oceans with a baby. His wolverine and bear shifts made deep wilderness and wide tundras perfect and reasonably comfortable, but that was completely out too.
Ryan doesn't think he had bad parents but when he started thinking about what kind of future he wanted to give his daughter, his perspective was a little challenged. He excused a lot of his parents' behaviour with nature, but they weren't just animals, were they? Humans have choice and a certain condition.
So Ryan took Lilah with him back to the States, looked into reliable work, and settled down in Oregon with all the blandness of a normal life. She hasn't found her first shift yet and Ryan doesn't trust anyone with her. Full moons are a time of high energy for shifting and now days they're tough on him since all he wants to do is keep his kid safe and be a regular police officer on the force. Shifting has kind of taken a back seat to raising a kid, something that never took precedence for his own parents. The most important thing is to always stay calm, relaxed, and completely in control and for fuck's sake, don't panic.
Basic information:
AGE/DOB: 26/01.26.1988
PB: Jack Vanderhart
AIM: gaticanformia
SPECIES: Animal shifter
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Ryoga Sukaniro
Ryoga had been born into a family of werewolves who´d moved to the United States, and to Hidden Creek, when Ryoga was two years old, after coming under some persecution from humans who´d discovered their secret in Japan. So they took Ryoga, and his five year old brother and moved to the States. His parents, both werewolves, joined the Street Wolves crew since this seemed to be the main pack in the area and for as long as Ryoga could remember his life revolved around the pack and pack events.
Ryoga´s childhood, up until he first changed, was pretty regular. He attended school and made friends easily as he was a very friendly, happy little boy. He worked hard at his studies and always got good grades. He enjoyed music and picked up the guitar and piano easily. He played football in the park, went to any pack events that children were allowed to go to and got on well with other pack children. From an early age he was taught who he was and his history. He learned about his parents and their parents, all wolves and the bloodline he´d been born into. He was taught for as long as he could remember that pack was everything.
When Ryoga was 12, he shifted for the first time. It wasn´t a pleasant experience, but he recognized what was happening. His pack threw a party to celebrate his first shift and that of a couple of other young werewolves. From that moment on, Ryoga took on a more involved role in his pack. The older more experienced wolves took him and his inexperienced friends and taught them about shifting and about self control. This took many years, but now at 25, Ryoga has a lot more control than he did at aged 12.
After high school Ryoga was torn between studying music or studying cookery. He chose cookery since it was one of his passions and he currently works as a chef at a hotel in the town. He plays music too in his spare time. He´s still heavily involved in his pack as a Zeta, teaching the more inexperienced members.
Basic information:
AGE/DOB: 25/03.07.1989
PB: Ryoga of BORN.
AIM: ryoga.sharpteeth
SPECIES: Werewolf.
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Inca Ishii
Born as a human, but turned into a vampire by a sire that fancied him when he was barely 19 years old.
Being born and raised in ancient Aomori in Japan does have some current effect on him: it's impossible for him to live in a busy area of a city without going crazy. That being said, he absolutely loves the modern times (whenever modern is considered as such) and lives to see the progress of humanity.
Throughout the years Inca has practiced drawing so much he's now one of the most detailed artists in the world, but he publishes his work under different names as teacher and student to avoid being identified as a vampire. Aside from drawing, Inca always had an interest in music, and throughout the times he has played music under different names. Today, he combines classic rock with classical and opera genres to create his own unique style that matches with his powerful opera voice.
Being a vampire makes him very seductive, and he's now afraid to show the world what he looks like, but he will never glamour someone just to be able to have sex with them. Since he was not given that choice when he was turned, he believes others should.
Inca is Koichi's sire, but he doesn't see himself as such, nor does he behaves like a sire. If anything, Koichi is the dominant one of the duo.
Basic information:
AGE/DOB: 987/29.01.1027
PB: 綴 (Tsuzuku) of MEJIBRAY.
AIM: ishiiinca
SPECIES: Vampire.
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Savannah Brown
Savannah or Sawyer to some friends, is the quintessential country girl and darn proud of it. Born and raised on a cattle ranch in northern texas, Charlotte was born the appleblossom of her father’s eye. Her mother left when she was only a year old, too young to remember her. It never bothered Savannah much, she was a devoted daddy’s girl from day one. She got her mother’s looks, long blonde hair, blue eyes and long, slim figure, but unlike her mother, she adored the country. As soon as she was even remotely able to manage herself, everything was about helping Daddy and the guys. (The guys being the half dozen to a dozen hired hands that helped work the farm and the animals) Between the men and their girlfriends it was like she had dozens of brothers and sisters growing up, even though she was an only child.
She grew up quite the little tomboy, emulating her father in every way possible. She chewed on the ends of long grass, wore cowboy hats and boots, became a local rodeo star; and don’t even get her started on what “daddy always said”.
Because of her adoration to her father, Savannah was always a keen learner of everything that she could use to help her father on the farm. He taught her about riding, animals, propper roping techniques, motors, fishin’, some huntin’ and of course the correct way to wear a Stetson.
As she grew into her teenage years and into a more feminine frame, she never quite moved away from the tomboy personna that she’d grown up in, but now there were far more dresses mixed in with the torn up jeans and flannel shirts, a delicate dusting of make-up on her face when she’d go out at night, and suddenly the boys were no long trying to throw bugs in her hair but were standing out on the porch with scraggly bouquets of wildflowers and their hats in their hands.
Three, from the time she was sixteen until twenty-one, made it past the stern gaze of her father, not to mention the very protective farmhands. Two of the three asked her to marry them, and though she did care them, she knew she wasn’t quite ready for babies and settlin’ down. It was always her plan to run the ranch with her daddy, but she wanted to get out and live a little before she did.
So for her twenty-first birthday her father handed her a large cheque, his old army duffle and sweet little steel butterfly knife and told her to go on out and have her adventures because the sooner she went, the sooner she could come back to him.
And what an adventure it was. She went down to Florida and worked at a little seafood shack right on the beach and learned to boogie board. She made her way up through Louisiana, spending a little time in the french quarter of New Orleans. She worked her way up the east coast and while the history was fun, all them big cities just weren’t her style.
It was in Colorado where she found a place that she was truly tempted to stay. Ranches and big, beautiful snow capped mountains, it was almost more than she could take. Plus, that was where she met Rich. Richard Brook was the most charming man she’d ever met in her life and for nearly four months she was utterly enraptured with him. She was never all that clear on just what it was that he did, but it was some type of business and he was definitely good at it. He was always buying her expensive presents including the prettiest yellow stone pendent she’d ever seen. She just couldn’t get over the sparkle of it, not that she needed all that fancy stuff. He had a little place up in the mountains they’d been to a few times together so when he was having his boys up for a weekend she thought it would be fun and just a little naughty to sneak in and give him a little late night surprise. Well, she was surprised alright, surprised to see the hookers and the lines of coke being done off their asses and even more surprised to see the man tied to a chair that two of of Rich’s friends were working over.
Needless to say, she didn’t hang around long enough to hear his side of things. She just packed up her duffle and her boots and moved on, though she kept the shiny, yellow pendant.
She hitchhiked to California, taking work as she went before working her way up to Oregon. She hitched to the edge of town and then strolled in, taking in the sights as she went.
“What a pretty place,” she thought. “I think I’ll stick around here for a while.
Basic information:
AGE/DOB: 22/07.04.1992
PB: Elle Fanning
AIM: hiashiondickeys
GENDER: Female.
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Rei Suho
-text goes here-
Basic information:
AGE/DOB: 463/09.04.1551
PB: Re:NO of Aldious.
GENDER: Female.
SPECIES: Vampire.
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Karyu didn't grow up alone like most others would think about him when they see him today. He actually grew up in a loving home, but turned bitter to anyone who is not directly related to him. He was born mute, and when he would want or need something as a child he wouldn't actually cry with sound. He'd just try and make his twin brother make sound for him somehow. That's why even his father who is the head of the surgical department in the busiest hospital of Tokyo didn't catch on to his son's issues as fast as he had hoped. There is no actual treatment for his bone disease which he had since birth, so he stopped trying when he reached the age of sixteen. He refused all treatment, and tried to live his life normally with his twin brother, older half-brother and younger brother.
Karyu has always been pretty close to all his brothers, whether they were fully related to him or not, and even now he still has contact with them and his parents, but they generally leave him alone until he comes to them himself.
During a camping trip with his half-brother and younger brother they somehow came in contact with toxic waste, but not directly. Karyu was the only one that got very sick from it and was admitted to the hospital where he had to stay for almost three months while other doctors than his father were treating him. Because of the close family ties, his father was not allowed to treat him. What they didn't know as that they actually did more harm than good, as every since Karyu has been able top pop out bones from any place in his body at will. With a shape and density of choice.
To be away from everything and everyone both because they made him feel upset for being how he was (despite his two brothers who were on the camping trip with him also being able to 'perform' various tricks from the waste), Karyu moved to Oregon.
He didn't want to be a bother to them, nor did he want them to notice that by now he is more an empty shell than anything else. Karyu is addicted to various heavy painkillers as well as heroine in any shape or form, simply because he likes to feel nothing. If he is not high on something (which is very hard to tell if he is surprisingly) he lives in constant pain and bones pop out of his joints more often than not.
In his free time he is a graphic artist, as well as a hitman for hire. But you have to know the right persons to get him to perform a hit for you. He also isn't cheap, but more efficient than most others around. As well as faster. Of course he is also able to perform hand to hand combat if needed, with a total of 'five dances' as his weapons. The two he usually shows being 'camerra no mai' (dance of the camella) and 'tsubaki no mai' (dance of the tsubaki). 'Crematisu bine' (clematis vine) and 'Hana' (flower) being the ones he shows the least. He has never performed his fifth dance for anyone yet, so nobody knows what it is called or what it exactly is. His love for plants only emerged after he came in contact with the waste, and he had been outside alone after leaving the hospital. When he sat in a field near his father's house during the full moon, there was only a single blooming flower in the entire area, and it actually felt like he was that flower in the human world.
At this very moment Karyu is recovering outside of Hidden Creek from injuries inflicted by the Doomsday Pack. He's not available for scenes, but will reply to IMs.
Basic information:
AGE/DOB: 27/07.12.1987
PB: Matsumura Yoshitaka.
AIM: karyusmirror
SPECIES: Mutant.
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