{ Claim Here }
You octopi my thoughts
♥ Rules:
- Multifandom!
- One claim per user, unlimited users per claim.
- Include the full name of your claim, the country he/she is from, the band name, etc. (Where applicable)
- I won't be making a list this time and I won't be adding reservations too. Please do however comment so I know who you're taking the code for ^^
- You may take the code AFTER you comment. I trust that all of you have integrity, so please comment with the names of your claims and not take the codes without commenting.
- Put "octopi my thoughts" in your subject line. No subject = No claim.
- NO drama please, it stays at the door.
- I would appreciate it if you didn't edit the codes because there was effort put into the coding. You may however, change the colours to fit your background. If there are any mistakes, let me know too.
- Pixel is from
- Check out the other
blogcrews too!
WATCH the community please? There are perks of being a member here, you can now make
reservations :)
- Last but not least, enjoy! :D
{ Claim Here }
You octopi my thoughts
♥ http://i48.tinypic.com/xmv152.jpg">
{ Claim Here }
You octopi my thoughts http://community.livejournal.com/hiddenblossoms/2768.html#cutid1">♥ Question: What do you guys think of this blogcrew? (look below) If you think I should offer it here, do let me know thank you :)
I'm Claim Here's trophy wife