[GOT7] Keep me company; I’m lonely too

Mar 10, 2015 01:17

title: Keep me company; I'm lonely too
pairing: Mark + Bambam + Jackson (feat. Yugyeom)
genre: friendship
summary: There are only two people who would come into his room without knocking, and usually Jackson does it with a loud bang.
a/n: Based on this instagram post and my new headcanon that Mark sometimes gets lonely while Jackson is filming Roommate so Bambam sleeps in his room to keep him company. At least, it started off like that.

Mark’s lying on his bed, casually scrolling through twitter, when he hears the door open with a long creak. There are only two people who would come into his and Jackson’s room without knocking first, so without even looking up, he holds his arm lazily in acknowledgement, murmuring distractedly, “What’s up, Bambam?” before dropping his arm with a plop.

(The other person is Jackson, and usually a loud bang accompanies his entrance into anywhere.)

“Why are you hiding here Maaaaarrrrrk~?” Normally Mark is suppose to scold Bambam for lack of honorifics, since the three foreign members have been warned repeatedly of using proper Korean, to avoid scandals caused by improper language, but no one who actually cares is in the room, and Mark’s too lazy to bother, so he just rolls over on his back and finally looks up at Bambam. He blinks twice, registering a phone looking down on him, Bambam already posing.

Mark opens his mouth in mock surprise as Bambam snaps a few. “What’s with the sudden photo op?” Bambam starts swiping through his phone, nose crinkling at the pictures.

“Don’t I look good today, hyung? Isn’t that enough of a reason?” Usually that excuse would work with Yugyeom or Youngjae, maybe even Jinyoung and Jaebum, but Mark knows Bambam too well, also knows only Jackson and Jaebum had schedules that day, and can see Bambam opening up instagram, but he chuckles and keeps it all to himself, rolling back onto his stomach just in time to see a ping on his phone.

“What are you doing right now?” A warm body scoots over next to his, Bambam curiously looking onto his screen.

“Just waiting for Jackson to facetime me back, we were going to chat earlier but they need him downstairs from some segment they’re filming, so he told me he’ll be back.”

“Ooooh~ Jackson hyung? I want to talk to him too!” Bambam pouts up at Mark. It’s not cute at all to be honest, but Mark didn’t really need convincing anyways. Seeing Bambam always puts a smile on Jackson’s face, and he really needs it now, considering the dark circles and tired grins Mark sees nowadays when watching him on Roommate. There’s not much Mark can do to help, but sometimes just spending some time together is good enough a cure over anything else, and it’s not like Mark doesn’t enjoy listening to Jackson.

“He might be a while, I can call you back over if you want,” Mark shrugs, checking the time. It’s not really late yet, and they don’t have anything planned until around 10 tomorrow, so he figures staying up a little later wouldn’t hurt the both of them.

“Can I sleep here tonight with you hyung?” Bambam presses into Mark’s side even more, blinking his eyes up at him in a pleading way. It’s still not that cute to Mark, but a part of his heart gives in, as he nods in agreement. Sometimes when Jackson’s out at the ‘Roommate’ share house, Bambam asks if he can sleep over, and even if Mark doesn’t understand why he would want to give up his comfortable bed for a night, he never says no.

“Go wash up, I’m not letting you sleep here if you’re still dirty from earlier. Get some new clothes too, I’m not seeing through your ‘I woke up looking this good’ routine.” Bambam scoffs, turning over and slowly getting to his feet. He smirks down at Mark.

“I’m sorry that you can’t accept who’s the real visual, but it’s the truth hyung.” Bambam nearly avoids the flying clownfish thrown at his head. Jinyoung and Yugyeom often complain about the shameless confidence Bambam has at times, but Mark’s almost used to it by now. Almost.

“Just hurry up and get changed, he texted me he’ll be done in ten minutes.” Bambam squeals in excitement and bounces out the room. Mark can hear him sliding across the floor, and Jaebum yells at him to slow down from the couch where he and Jinyoung were sitting when Mark last left his room. (He’s surprised they’re still there. That was four hours ago.)

He picks up his phone and hits reply to Jackson’s latest text.

Yo, Bambam’s gonna join us


Mark laughs. Every text Jackson sends him in English has at least one word in caps, and he’s equally expressive in Korean or Chinese with half a dozen exclamation marks and even more emojis. It’s a perfect analogy of who Jackson is, and with Bambam it’ll be ten times louder, but as much as Mark’s a quiet guy and prefers to be in silence, he can’t help but miss the exuberant personality that Jackson is at times. The room is too quiet without the constant presence of another, and more often then not it feels lonely at night.

Mark drops his phone on his pillow and reaches to pull Jackson’s mattress over next to his. Something at the other end falls, but he ignores it, grabbing the blanket on Jackson’s bed and draping it over the two mats.

“Oi, Bambam! Bring a pillow!” he shouts, setting his computer in the middle of the mattresses, before settling comfortably into his bed. Jackson’s messenger just turned green, a ping on his phone saying Getting ready for bed, give me five minutes!!! He hears Bambam shuffling in and out of his room, saying his goodnights to Jaebum and Youngjae from their room.

He’s known Bambam the longest, and knows Jackson the best. Five years, countless member switches, and a debut couldn’t change that. He loves all the members equally, but there’s an unspoken bond between him and his two foreign member companions, something caused by almost five years being in an unfamiliar country together. JYP was nothing like the scary stories he’s heard about Korean companies and the harsh treatment on non-Korean trainees, but there was always the first few months of awkward tension from the Koreans for all foreigners. Looking back, if he didn’t have Bambam - one of the first to greet him in the company, and Jackson - who had such an infectious positive aura, by his side, Mark doesn’t think he would have made it this far.

Bambam steps into the room, and at the same time, his screen lights up with a call from one THE AWESOME JACKSON WANG all in caps, true to Jackson style. Bambam bounds over and flops on top of Mark, hitting answer and screaming at Jackson, who immediately yells back.

Mark just smiles.

+1. keep him company for me.

“Mission accomplished hyung. I’m sleeping in your room tonight.”

“Great job Bambam!” He can hear the wild laughter from Jackson’s voice echoing in a bathroom. “Keep up the good work man, we need to make sure he doesn’t take over the whole room while I’m gone!”

Bambam doesn’t really get it, but rolls his eyes and passes it off as one of the many things the world will never understand about Jackson Wang.

“How’s everything over there?”

“Pretty good, we just did some cooking segment thing, so they’re letting us off for the night, only need to film some sleeping segments. I’m going to go wash up now, so I’ll see both you and Mark soon, okay? Make sure he didn’t do anything to my hat collection!” The line disconnects suddenly, but Bambam’s used to it. He does the same, rushes through everything with a giant force of nature, which probably is why the two of them get along so well.

“I’m gonna sleep with Mark hyung tonight,” he announces to Yugyeom when he enters his room. The maknae barely looks up from his phone.

“Jackson hyung’s got to stop worrying about Mark hyung, I’m sure Mark hyung is fine without him.” Yugyeom scoffs. “When do you think he’ll stop sending you over to keep him company?” Bambam chuckles softly, shrugging his shoulders at his roommate.

Jackson can say whatever he wants, but Bambam knows how much his two hyungs care for one another, and can figure how worried Jackson is, what with leaving Mark alone four to five days a week. It doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, since they’re all together more often then any of them would like, but at night when the frenzy of the day has calmed down, the chaos finally over to give room for thought, loneliness can be a scary thing. Bambam has Yugyeom (and Jinyoung to an extent), Youngjae’s finally moved back in with Jaebum, and Jaebum spends at least one day a week in Jinyoung’s room, but Jackson’s gone four to five times a week and Mark hardly leaves his room now that Jackson’s not there to drag him out. They all get homesick, but it’s always been hardest on Mark, knowing he’s over 9000 kilometers away from home, more then any of the others are.

Bambam’s been there once. He still remembers the nights of lying alone in a small trainees dorm only two months after leaving Thailand, tears streaming down his face soundlessly, as he tried to convince himself he didn’t miss home and that his dreams were worth it in the end.

Two months later, there was someone holding him close as he let his tears flow freely, patting him on the back soothingly. Mark never did say much, and he hung out more with the other English-speaking guys, but late at night it always felt nice to have someone there, a soft breaths in the late night a comforting sound to lull him to sleep. Sometimes you just need someone there next to you, someone’s presence to remind you that you aren’t alone.

So Bambam never minds sleeping in Mark’s room. If he were honest, he probably would have even if Jackson didn’t ask.

“Oi, Bambam! Bring a pillow!” Yugyeom rolls his eyes, dropping his phone on his bed and finally looking up at Bambam.

“Then again, looks like Mark hyung likes your company, as much as you like his, right?” He smiles. Bambam grins back. There’s a reason why Yugyeom’s his best friend.

He grabs a pillow off his bed and says his goodnights to Yugyeom, then shouting through the screen door at Jinyoung, who just yells back that he can hear perfectly fine so don’t yell. He passes by Jaebum and Youngjae’s room, the younger already in deep sleep, and waves a greeting to the reading Jaebum, who tells him not to stay up to late. Mark and Jackson’s door is open; the two mattresses already pushed up together, Mark lying on his stomach in front of the computer. He can see Jackson’s icon appear on the screen, and jumps over to press answer.

“WANG JACKSONNNNN!!” he screams in Mark’s ear. Jackson does similar, noise echoing in the room.

“Oh shut up you two.” Mark mutters, but he’s smiling, and Jackson’s grinning from ear to ear and really, Bambam wouldn’t ask for anything else then what he has now.

a m e r i t h a i k o n g 's friendship gives me life.

Also, do you ever stop and realize that Mark and Jackson (and Jinyoung and Jaebum) practically watched Bambam grow up. it both warms my heart and hurts me.

f | got7, t | keep me company; i'm lonely too, c | kunpimook bhuwakul, c | mark tuan, c | jackson wang

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