"...so hold on to the ones who really care, in the end they'll be the only ones there..."
Oh mannn.
im in the greatest mood...this is one of my favorite things. SNOW like this...when it snows at nightime...no one has walked in it yet, it should be dark out but, theres that hint of light in the sky. its like a
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I hate to admit this.. but i used to LOVE Hanson.. I was such a fag... I prefferred them over the fuckin Backstreet Boys and corny "boybands" like they.
The snow does look absolutely beautiful when it has freshly fallen and is immaculate as it lies on the ground.
School does suck, but I think a lotta kids would do better, including myself, if we actually had any interest in the stupid trains and atoms and such. Actually, those are my 2 fave subjects (Pre-Cal and Chem).. i dont know why. I think it's because those are my challenging classes.. the stuff you actually have to learn in class and study at home, you know? And besides... if you don't know that stuff, you're definately screwed on the tests, lol. But with History.. some of the stories are just soo boring to me.. and not too challenging, either, because all it is is memorization of the facts. It's not really stuff you have to practice over and over again to understand, like math equations and molecular formulas. I don't like the Literature part in English because #1) I don't like reading anymore, 2) the stuff we have to read is usually boring, and 3) because I don't read, my vocabulary is kinda sucky so I don't understand a lot of the words. Grammar is OK, because it's another one of those "practice" skills.. or something like that. But yea... school would be a lot better if we were actually interested in the shit we're learning, instead of realizing the night before a test that we have no idea as to what's going on, so we end up cramming and get sucky grades.
BUT luckily.. there aint no school today. Unfortunately, my neck is killing me from the play auditions yesterday, so I can't really go out and play in the snow with you :( sorry
and I totally feel you with the whole "parents" thing.. because mine are the same way. well, mostly my mother. she's the one who doesn't want me to grow up. she likes to keep me locked in from the rest of the world, but like you, I need to go out and see everything to believe everything.. besides.. my house is boring. my father is just oblivious most of the time, so I don't really think he cares too much.. he just wants me home and in bed at a reasonable time, I guess. But we're also on the same track, too.. cuz my mom is actually cool about this whole "boyfriend" thing.. which was a big no-no in the past 15 years.
enjoy the snow day!
at least someone understands where im coming from with the snow. its amainzing when it first falls (then it turns to a dirty wet mess)
i hate math and science, i dont know why. i think it has something to do with the fact that i always get stuck with really shitty teachers in these subjests. i love english class....i strangely enjoy writing essays. and sociology and history are pretty interesting to me also (well, not so much history with mancicini).
how did tryouts go? i wanted to tryout but, there would be no point. it wouldnt fit into my work schedule. ::shrugs::
my parents were the same way about me and boys. my dad always told me i couldnt have a bf till i was 16...that only lasted till i was 14 or 15 and and he caught me kissing some guy. from then on i guess he realized it was gonna happen either way so why not know about it rahter than have me hide it. but, they dont like me alone with him so much. i constantly get the "its not that i dotn trust you, its that i dont trust 17yr old guys" but, if they trustme there should be no problem. besides, hes completely respectful in that sense.
well, happy snow day, thanks for the comment!
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