And now for something completely different...

Nov 24, 2009 12:25

Shut up, Glen Beck. Just...shut up.

Shut up about how this country and how we need to remember our "values." I've never trusted anyone who throws around the word "values", especially "family values". Because the values they're talking about? They're never my values. The term "family values" devalues my family just because my parents are divorced. I'm happy, well adjusted, and I talk to my Dad every week, school allowing. There are kids with MARRIED parents that do worse. But anyone who throws around the word "family values" is going to look at me and automatically pity me. "Oh, poor girl, she comes from a dysfunctional family." No. I don't. Shut up. My Dad is awesome, and we survived off some of those child support checks for years. My values are not your values. And you know what? They don't have to be. That's the beauty of America, the America you keep claiming you're trying to save. We're not horrible people if we don't share your "values". Your values are not the only way to be good and decent people. I've never done drugs. I've never had sex. I am respectful and helpful and I kick ass in school. And I bet we don't agree on a single frickin' thing when it comes to politics. So just. Shut. Up.

Shut up about religion, too. You're not speaking to all of us when you talk about religion. You're not speaking to atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Buddhists, or Wiccans. You're talking to Christians. When you talk about how we need to look to God to solve our problems and be better people, you're not even thinking about those of us who don't worship your God. You jackass. And you're not even considering that we can be good and decent people without turning to some invisible, grand entity. Part of the reason I'm comfortable being Wiccan is that Wicca holds you very responsible for your own actions. We've got a little thing called "The Rule of Three". Everything you do, good or bad, unless its done in your own defense, will come back to you someday. You are responsible for your own life. Wicca doesn't look at human being as inherently sinful people, which is what several Christian churches seem to be trying to teach. I am a good and wonderful person, and I could technically claim Halloween as a religious holiday. I've got faith. It's just not faith in God. You know what? That doesn't make me a horrible person out to destabilize America. But, listening to you, you'd think we were back in the fucking 1700s. God is the answer. God is the way. No. Shut up. I've got nothing against Christians in general. Large majority of my family is Christian. I've got something against Christians like you. Most of the Christians I know are very "live and let live". That's fine. That's great. My family accepts me and loves me even though I don't worship the exact same way that they do. You, though? Not you. The way you talk, it's your way or the highway. And that makes me sick.

Shut up with your fearmongering. You're as bad as the politicians you condemn. You've been prophesizing the end of the American way of life for years now, and you know what? All you've done is shorten my Grandmother's life span from all the stress you're heaping on her. We're still a democracy. We still have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the right to bear arms. And America's been around for two hundred years. You really think one man's gonna break it down? Wow, you sure don't have much faith in the founding fathers you claim to idolize. Crappy politicians are as American as apple pie. We. Get. Through. It. It's part of what makes America awesome. You mock your enemies even as you claim to be above such petty things. You're a fucking hypocrite and I'm sick of listening to you day after day after DAY.

If it weren't for the fact that my Grandmother still takes you as gospel, there's no way I'd ever go near your talk shows. All you do is piss me off and stress me out. I don't need that, and I don't care. Just, for God's sake, shut up. You don't care about me or what I believe. Why should I care about what you believe?

real life, diediedie

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