Nanowrimo Update

Nov 21, 2009 22:31

It's 10:27, November 21st, and I'm officially 1000 words ahead on my word count. It's been a wild month so Sunday I wrote NINE THOUSAND WORDS just to get back on track. Today I wrote four or five thousand, and I'm currently sitting pretty at a little over the 36k mark. I figure if I can make it to 40k by Wednesday, I should be good to go into the home stretch by the time we get back.

I honestly cannot BELIEVE how much Myreid and Sierra have grown. I realized not too far in that they couldn't move the plot along all by themselves. Fortunately, enough characters have trickled in that they don't have to. Myreid's got a love interest. Sierra's got a back story, which I never thought would happen. Thought the girl was spawned but, nope, she had a mom. And a Dad. Who is one of the characters working to move the plot along and is probably going to be responsible for my big, dramatic plot twist where everything starts to look hopeless. Samuel, you're a bastard, but you don't do anything halfway.

Tired, but content. Off to see if Mom's up for a Merlin.

Further events as warranted.

writings of the real kind

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