E.L. James needs to shut her ignorant mouth about abuse

Feb 01, 2013 09:15

I will scream this from the mountaintops until there is an angry mob outside this woman's door.

Congratulations, guys! We can all quiet that little voice in our heads that makes us feel guilty for correlating the author with what she writes, or blaming the original (plagiarized) subject matter.

E.L. James apparently really is that awful.

Bringing up my book in this context trivializes the issues, doing women who actually go through it a huge disservice. It also demonizes loads of women who enjoy this lifestyle, and ignores the many, many women who tell me they’ve found the books sexually empowering.

The women who tell you they’ve found these books sexually empowering are only telling you that because they don’t know there’s better porn available for free on the Internet, you dizzy bitch.

But, because talking about the abusive text hurts her delicate little feelings, she’s well on her way to blocking half of Twitter from contacting her. Including most of the women who were victims of abusive relationships, read this, and wanted to tell her from their own personal experiences that she’s wrong. She’s not the victim, guys. We are, for daring to raise our voices about the insidious reality of domestic abuse.

The stupid. It utterly fucking burns. This isn't about BDSM, you dizzy bitch, besides the fact that what you write patently is not BDSM! It never was.

I hate this woman and you should, too.

...I need fuzzy animals and I need to reread Chapter 2 of The Boss. Did I mention that the hero there has passed up, like, a dozen chances to be creepy and threatening like Christian Grey? Well, Neil Elwood has currently passed up about a dozen chances to be creepy and threatening like Christian Grey. To the point that I've genuinely, honestly gone "d'awwwww", more than once. The heroine is more afraid for her job than she is of him. It's absolutely staggering.

This entry was originally posted at http://hickumu.dreamwidth.org/117854.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

fandom - the boss, die in a fire please, real life, tw: abuse, what the actual fucking fuck?, social media, this person is awful and disgusting, fifty shades of fucked up indeed

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