今はこの日記が ~ ♥

Apr 08, 2007 20:55


Okay, so. A lot of people have come here lately thinking that I'm a big DaiMao/Takumi-kun Series fan (which I am) who is still active in the fandom (which I'm not) and most likely is only looking for my fics and subbing shite.

Just so we're clear: I am currently a full-time student taking up Dentistry. For those of you who aren't taking up courses in the medical sciences or in law, or masteral/doctorate degrees, YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND how little time we have outside of school. I barely write here in my LJ anymore because all I have to talk about is school, and frankly, no one wants to read about how much I am both cursing and enjoying my studies.

If you're not honestly interested in getting to know me beyond any similar fandoms we have, I'd really appreciate if you not bug me to add you as a friend. (Unless of course you come to me for Glee/Klaine/CrissColfer, in which case JUMP INTO MY ARMS, BB ♥)

Yeah. Okay.

Leaving the rest of the entry untouched below in case I ever decide to be active here again.

What you can expect to find here:

[] Spazz about fandom (read: I love me my TeniMyu :D). It used to be mainly about Takiguchi Yukihiro, but thanks to [Takumi-kun Series] it's mostly about Hamao Kyousuke now. Hence the new username, which I switched to back in May 2009. I love Mao everyday! XD (Cheesy, I know.)

[] CRACK PAIRINGS ABOUND ON MY JOURNAL. I will slash Tezuka with Niou and prove to you that it is doable.

[] RPS. And lots of it. If it offends you that my idea of entertaining myself during boring class hours is to write drabbles of Daisuke seducing Mao in the dressing room while everyone else is out to lunch and then seeing it actually happen in my head, please don't friend me. For your sake/sanity and mine.

[] If you are here for [Takumi-kun Series] stuff, you're looking in the wrong place ^^; Hit us up over on Facebook! Bibou no Detail, Pure, and Ano, Hareta Aozora

[] Rants about real life, mostly about school. I have had way too many of them lately. T_T

Haven't been scared off / still not disinterested enough yet? Then post a comment and let me know you want to be friends! ^_^

If you find this offensive, then it's probably good that we're not friends, yeah?

P.S. I don't friend empty journals. More often than not empty journals are just leecher accounts.
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