Title: Written in the Chalk Dust
Part: 2/2
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Character, Pairing(s): Akanishi Jin/Becky, Yamapi
Rating: PG
Warnings: Cavity-inducing het romance, children
Summary: There's a sidewalk between their apartment doors, but in the end, maybe there's a lot more connecting them than just cement.
Notes: We realize that this is NONE of the things that
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We are especially glad to hear that Aiko came across so well. (She was my favorite age in kids, so I was really happy to write her parts.) The important thing was that Jin fell for her before he fell for Becky; that divide there, separating the single mom from just being "the single mom" and giving her daughter her own entity and personality, her own connections, was really the important part in the story. I think this is the part that made it work so well. But we just loved the image of Jin playing with her and getting chalk all over his pants. ♥______♥
tl;dr, haha, but thank you SO MUCH for reading this and giving such an odd, het pairing a chance in this fandom, and thank you for leaving us such amazing feedback on it! You made my morning brighter with this. ♥
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