May 21, 2008 12:34
I always has doubts about this film, I mean, it's epic long and boring and preaching and every last thing a kid-friendly action/adventure film SHOULD NOT be. And then there's the whole "wow, we got a really hot-looking lead so let's put a terribly photoshopped him on the poster". I mean, what the hell is that perfectly sculpted chin-ass doing there?
I loved the first film, it was fast paced, intense and definitely fun to watch. Unfortunately, Prince Caspian failed to live up to the excitement of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. And I haven't even started complaining about the four Kings and Queens not looking their age!
Having said that, the film is not without redeeming value of sorts. Lord of the Rings and other epic lovers would be delighted to see the various war sequences which are at once exciting and boring in its sheer obscene length. But besides that? The film is mediocre at best, with the wrong chemistry floating between the wrong characters. I was glad that the story didn't emphasize or rely on the romance or the chemistry between Prince Caspian and Queen Susan, otherwise it would have been a disaster because Queen Susan's got some serious incestous chemistry with High King Peter; not to mention the shocking homosexual vibe between High King Peter and Prince Caspian. It's either that, or I just look too much into the characters.
My favourite part in the entire film was when Prince Caspian was tempted, down in the tomb. It was beautiful and intense and oh my, I couldn't believe the development, which is totally a lie, I saw it coming from a lightyear away, just that I couldn't believe that they actually ran with it. The fight in the castle was another which I found to be in need of a lot more editing. I mean, yes, it would be fun to know exactly how the strategies works, but then human stupidity is something which the audiences don't need a lot of. There is another thing which is overflowing in the film: smart ass comments. It's one thing to be have a stroke of brilliance pouring through the lips of the characters once in a while, but when everyone starts talking like they were scripted, it became so smug that earned nothing but a series of eye rolls.
All in all, this film isn't BAD. It's just not good. It would have been better without the preaching near the end of the film with the added allies. I wouldn't say I don't recommend it, it's just that I would have second thoughts about seeing the film again, despite all the good-looking characters and some brilliant CGI.