Iron Man

May 07, 2008 14:41

I was expecting great things from this CGI-invested flick a la Transformers. Robert Downey Jr. alone would have made me go to see it (with or without great CGIs)

3 things I realized while seeing this film:

1. I am an absolute wh*re when it comes to moving parts, like you know, the twirling machinisms? It was very enjoyable. Now I know when I liked Transformer so much.
2. The whole "mad scientist" stereotype, talking to himself, his brain moving faster than his hands can match etc, is lovely. Not to mention the really cute "assistant arms"
3. Robert Downey Jr. is really charming, which is totally the punch line of this film.

So here I am, never read a single comic book, yet falling in love of the slick rendition of shiny armor (and yes, red is a really hawt and suitable colour for your flashy personality, Stark). I loved the fact that Downey Jr. can do serious AND funny, and really, there are a lot of sequences with nothing but Downey Jr. talking to himself or a certain computer console... Which is a test for his charisma as an actor because, if he is any less charming than what he REALLY is, this flick would have sucked to no end because it'd be so boring and pretentious and silly.

Heck, the CGI was smooth and beautiful, and from Transformers the editing team improved a whole lot in terms of pacing (kudos to script writers too), and best of all? the romance subplot was so infinitesimally slight and totally ignorable that I can concentrate on the really exciting action sequences (and jokes) while zoning out on Gwyneth Paltrow. The downfall of Transformer was the bad editing near where Bumblebee was captured by the US government and the romance subplot? Totally useless.

All in all, Iron Man was pretty awesome as an action flick, in my opinion better than the Spider Man franchise and I am excited to see it getting greenlit for a sequel! I can't wait to see Downey Jr. reprising his role in The Incredible Hulk (which stars Edward Norton!) and a sequel!!!

film, review

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